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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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How many teams is Chikara doing this year? They're allready up to 10 now. I think they're gonna need some ringers to take down The Faces of Pain. Fantasy booking get like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior & Jay Lethal as the Ultimega Powers to face them.


A better team (that they might actually have a chance of landing) would be Demolition and Animal just to watch everyone's heads explode.

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GaijinPuro's site was down the past few days. Today they posted this:



Yet again we have been targeted by people who think we should not be allowed to operate the way we do, we are sorry for the downtime but we have to take care of some things now, to prevent situations like this in the future, It is currently not possible to operate without getting insulted and even threatened on a daily basis. This downtime will approximately take until August, and we are deeply sorry to disappoint you guys and girls like this, but please understand it is not just up to us. Thanks to everyone supporting us since 2008. We will see you soon.


Then one of their subscribers posted this:


Its all over. RUDOS was traced by DGUSA and they froze their Paypal Account. I dont have access to their site anymore.

12TB of Wrestling Media has been lost.

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Cena's divorce was trending #1 on Yahoo, so I had to check it out.


John Cena Makes Peace In Divorce War:



Hard to read between the lines since there's so little there. But she had lawyered up and was going to contest the pre-nup. Since it's getting resolved now in "friendly" fashion, she has to be getting more than the pre-nup. A guess is that Cena went the Tom Cruise route: goes easy to keep out of the public eye the things you want out of the public eye.



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Can someone give a more detailed explanation of what all this is? Or if it's a little discrete, post it in the Technology thread in Trading & Shilling.





They rip & post almost every WWE, TNA, Japan, Major US Indy of any note, UFC & Boxing show you can imagine among other things.


A large portion of the stuff that gets circulated around to other places like Pro Wrestling Torrents (been down for a like a month claiming server issues), Xtreme Wrestling Torrents and on any forum like DVDVR that has a downloads section comes from RUDOS.


RUDOS going down is actually pretty significant. Kinda interesting it was a small fish like DGUSA that took them down and not WWE.

Gabe's been going heavily after ppl pirating his stuff for a while. He got XWT kicked off one of their servers like a year ago I think. Ppl, unfairly I thought, got on his case when he brought up how it's affecting his business on his F4W radio apperances a few months back but really there's a lot of others who feel the same way.


I've heard Colt Cabana, Excalibur, Mike Quackenbush & Dave Prazak among many others all say similar things to Gabe in past interviews as well just not in such an over the top manner.


Course, the usual response from the pirating groups & torrent sites is some combination of "we don't care", "what we do HELPS you out, you should be GRATEFUL we're giving your promotion the publicity and you're stupid for not realising it" and "i'm not going to buy anything from you ever again because you won't let me pirate it for free" which I always find amusing.


I'm not gonna lie & say I don't DL shows all the time and have even posted some in the past myself but i'm not in denial about what's going on and I atleast understand whear the other side is coming from :)

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The biggest criticism of Gabe is that he is a guy who owes his entire career in the business to his role in a massive "piracy" ring and yet he not only goes after them but more importantly blames them for his failings as a promoter.


Edit: "them" being modern day "pirates."

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It's worth nothing that RUDOS had gotten some flack recently for a few things.


Since they were the fastest supplier of Japanese stuff, they had a big following among that fandom, which really put them on the map beyond just providing the usual high quality DVD rips and caps of American TV/PPVs/iPPVs. A few months ago, new Japanese stuff mysteriously stopped appearing on their site while a DVD download site called GaijinPuro opened up. Between paid members of RUDOS site being upset that they were now double dipping, an offensive tagline ("You give us eggroll, we love you long time"), and antagonistic posts at DVDVR & F4W shilling the site while bashing the other main source of Japanese DVDs, a lot of people were angry.


They brought back the regular RUDOS releases of Japanese stuff pretty quickly, but instead of offering the usual unprotected MP4 files that would quickly be torrented elsewhere, you needed to get a Roku box and use their channel. In theory, that doesn't sound terrible, but:


- Getting an official Roku channel, even a private one, would leave a trial to their identities, so it needed to be installed in "developer mode"

- RUDOS felt their source code was valuable, so they would only provide the channel it if you let them do a remote session on your computer so it could be installed over your home network.

- A lot of people were not crazy about letting a warez group access their computers.


Thus, their site has been a target lately even among piracy-loving wrestling fans, to the point that it appears they were even hit by a distributed denial of service attack on Sunday. Also, their Japanese stuff was still showing up elsewhere, just captured from Roku boxes instead of being the same files RUDOS released.

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Pirates who get morally indignant over being persecuted for their theft is something that never ceases to amaze me. YOU ARE THIEVES! And I say that as a thief. I've downloaded tons of shit, probably hundreds of gigs. But I never try to pretend that somehow I'm doing the right thing. I wanted it, I couldn't/didn't want to pay for it, I took it. End of story. And pirate who claims differently is a fucking liar and hypocrite who is either trying to assuage his own guilty conscience or look better in front of other people.

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I think it's stupid on Gabe's part. He's wasting a lot of money, that he doesn't have, to stop something that is having a minimal effect on his bottom line. Build a more loyal fanbase and it won't happen. Make people want to buy your product. Don't use piracy as an excuse and then waste a ton of money trying to fight it.


I'm against pirating current wrestling stuff. You should pay and support your indy promotions as much as possible. But Gabe has gone about it in a counter-productive way and he's wasting money to fight a losing battle. He should leave that to the WWE or UFC which has the money to burn.

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Jingus, it's slightly more complicated that because the people who aren't part of RUDOS who are pissed that RUDOS is gone are mostly people who were using them as a source for current Japanese TV, which you can only get legally by being in Japan and getting the right satellite services. Just about everything else is already covered by other groups.


If you mean the RUDOS statement, then yeah, I basically agree: It's one thing for them to be upset, but righteous indignation?

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Hmm, i'm always iffy on stuff like that. It sounds great on paper to do such a thing but there's always so many ppl doing it and so many ways to easily get around and mask detection that enforcing that type of law on any grand scale doesn't seem realistic.

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It's interesting watching rulings roll in from around the world on downloading rights.


There's been a couple semi-recent rulings based around downloading material off of YouTube that have gone the other way, basically stating that if it's posted in the public and it's been allowed to remain there, copying that clip to your computer using third party software is no different than using a VCR, DVD-R, or PVR to tape a show off of TV (or recording a concert off the radio), so long as you're only using it for your own personal use. A company/performer has the right to ask for their material to be taken down from the site, but it puts that responsibility onto YouTube not onto the user of the site to make that determination. That's a position that makes a lot of sense as far as that particular format goes, and it's one that would both allow users to use, and also allow a company like YouTube to contine to do healthy business going forward. And it's a similar model to how radio and television law has operated forever. You're not allowed to tape the Superbowl off TV and distribute copies of it to 1000 people, but absolutely nobody cares if you tape it for your own personal archive of Superbowls. Nor should they.


Torrents are really something different legally though, I assume. It's not really the same thing as a large company in the public eye that happens to have video and music from all corners of creation on open display.


I'm actually in favor of torrents getting smoked, and moving more into a model that looks more like the tv/radio model where various "internet channels" like YouTube absorb more responsibility and leave people free to do what people do with their personal, non-distributive use. Yes, it will mean more hassles for the user because you have to deal with Big Corporations. But it also seems legally that it will be a lot... cleaner. And at least to my way of thinking it seems like a logical progression with the technology that is in line with how this sort of thing has operated for a long time now.

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Has anyone here heard of the "Escape From Alcatraz Island" match?


Bare with me.


I remember reading about this in the Apter mags. It supposedly happened in 1990 in Georgia All Star Wrestling at an event called Beach Brawl? (not the UWF ppv), between Joel Deaton and i think Nick Busick.


The event was held outdoors and the match apparently happened on a small island out in the bay. i think the object was to climb a tower on the island and ring a bell and then swim to shore.


No photo's or video have ever showed up of this and when I've asked on line over the years. No one seems to have a fucking idea what I'm on about.


Did this match actually happen? or is it something Apter made up for shits and giggles?

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