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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Guest Nell Santucci

The entire Punk/ Cena/ Show Bryan match and all the storyline stuff that goes with it was fucking great on RAW tonight. It's some really well done old school Pro Wrestling. So was the YRJ/ Ziggler/ Miz stuff, come to think of it. I loved Sandow vs Christian, and the feud between Sandow and Brodus is also a pretty classic old school mid-card gimmick guys program. I thought the contract signing was well done,

Ok, I just watched the HBK "over selling/ worst thing ever/ yada yada yada. thing and I'm not getting the outrage and scorn. I'm pretty sure that if a monster broke my arm I'd react even worse. He's supposed to be a retired and broken down guy. I'd say his reactions were more close to normal than "business exposing". If anything, HHH was the shitty actor in all this.

I thought the JTG squash match was a lot of fun, and anyone who had been reading on Internet news knew a Ryback squash was going to come from a mile away upon seeing JTG. Nice for the WWE to send a message to those who feel they got ripped off.

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Punishing people on TV is a concept I just don't get, especially now when wins and losses mean nothing and wrestler motivations seem to be different than they were in the past.



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Punishing people on TV is a concept I just don't get, especially now when wins and losses mean nothing and wrestler motivations seem to be different than they were in the past.



There was a story a little while ago about how guys didn't want to wrestle Ryback because they think he's reckless. It's kind of a situation where they probably sat around thinking of how to punish him and realized they couldn't take him off TV because he was already off TV and someone said "hey let's feed him to Ryback"
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Can't believe no one mentioning Heyman's "you broke his arm" over and over in a tone of voice half "I can't believe you did that" and half "oh shit, what's HHH going to try to do to us now".

Yeah... it quickly reached the level of a faked "Oh Baby! Oh Baby! Oh Baby!" in a porn flick. The whole thing reminded me why I hate Paul, Trip and Shawn.



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New NXT site with updated bios for everyone including Rob:




Thrilled to be putting decades of research and knowledge of Sports Entertainment to good use, Naylor's primary goal at NXT is to assist it's legendary cast of producers and coaches in any way, shape or form in an effort to put forth the best (and smoothest run) events possible.


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The entire Punk/ Cena/ Show Bryan match and all the storyline stuff that goes with it was fucking great on RAW tonight. It's some really well done old school Pro Wrestling. So was the YRJ/ Ziggler/ Miz stuff, come to think of it. I loved Sandow vs Christian, and the feud between Sandow and Brodus is also a pretty classic old school mid-card gimmick guys program. I thought the contract signing was well done,

Ok, I just watched the HBK "over selling/ worst thing ever/ yada yada yada. thing and I'm not getting the outrage and scorn. I'm pretty sure that if a monster broke my arm I'd react even worse. He's supposed to be a retired and broken down guy. I'd say his reactions were more close to normal than "business exposing". If anything, HHH was the shitty actor in all this.

I thought the JTG squash match was a lot of fun, and anyone who had been reading on Internet news knew a Ryback squash was going to come from a mile away upon seeing JTG. Nice for the WWE to send a message to those who feel they got ripped off.


At least JTG had fun with it, yelling at the ref "Keep his eye away from me, I don't want to get pinkeye!"
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The entire Punk/ Cena/ Show Bryan match and all the storyline stuff that goes with it was fucking great on RAW tonight. It's some really well done old school Pro Wrestling. So was the YRJ/ Ziggler/ Miz stuff, come to think of it. I loved Sandow vs Christian, and the feud between Sandow and Brodus is also a pretty classic old school mid-card gimmick guys program. I thought the contract signing was well done,

Ok, I just watched the HBK "over selling/ worst thing ever/ yada yada yada. thing and I'm not getting the outrage and scorn. I'm pretty sure that if a monster broke my arm I'd react even worse. He's supposed to be a retired and broken down guy. I'd say his reactions were more close to normal than "business exposing". If anything, HHH was the shitty actor in all this.

I can't believe this is a real post


I mean I realize it is possible for people to think Shawn's selling/acting was good there, just as it is possible to believe that the Nazi's escaped through a hole in Antarctica and live in the center of the Earth. But I don't know what to do with it.

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He does have a point at the stuff after the broken arm:


* Shawn sucked.




* Trip sucked worse.


The whole "I want to kick Brock's ass" while his Best Friend is laying there with a broken arm is something we can explain in a half-logic sense, but the way Trip *acted* it out was really shitty and awkward and egocentric right down to ripping off the shirt.




* Heyman sucked the worst.


"You broke his arm... I think you broke his arm... his arm is broken... I think I have a fucking boner because you broke his arm... you broke his arm and I just wet myself... oh my god, you broke his arm and I'm speaking in tongues because Jesus has just returned such was the power of you breaking Shawn's arm!"


I mean it was epically shitty, and we had to miss *half* the number of times that Paul said the arm was broken because of the sound mix.


So... he has a point... compared to the Tsunami of Suck coming from Trip and Paul, it's quite possible that Shawn was only a Category 3 Suck.



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I had read all the posts about how incredibly bad Micheals was before I saw it. I guess I was expecting him to be flipping around doing back bumps while holding his arm saying "The Pain, the pain! Woe is me!" like Dr. Smith from Lost In Space. So when I did see it I was like, "Well this isn't anywhere near as bad as people are saying."

I forgot about Heyman, he was pretty shitty.

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Punishing people on TV is a concept I just don't get, especially now when wins and losses mean nothing and wrestler motivations seem to be different than they were in the past.



There was a story a little while ago about how guys didn't want to wrestle Ryback because they think he's reckless. It's kind of a situation where they probably sat around thinking of how to punish him and realized they couldn't take him off TV because he was already off TV and someone said "hey let's feed him to Ryback"


That is interesting because one of the workers for my local indy was part of a Ryback squash a few months back and said he was super easy.


Not saying the story is wrong, mind you ... I haven't watched any WWE in months so he coulda maimed someone and I would not know.

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I had read all the posts about how incredibly bad Micheals was before I saw it. I guess I was expecting him to be flipping around doing back bumps while holding his arm saying "The Pain, the pain! Woe is me!" like Dr. Smith from Lost In Space. So when I did see it I was like, "Well this isn't anywhere near as bad as people are saying."

I forgot about Heyman, he was pretty shitty.

I was expecting him to be at Shawn vs Hogan level and to be laughing out loud at how horrible Shawn was. It wasn't that bad and instead just "suck", which it probably why I thought Paul and Trip were worse: I hadn't been warned to how bad they were. :P



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the layout of the last thirty minutes of RAW was so weird, it was like "hmmmm and with our last segment done we seem to have run out of content, let's improvise a post-Raw discussion with our panelists Big Sh-- WOOOAH SHIT SHAWN MICHAELS IS EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES GETTING HIS CAR OUT OF THE PARKING DECK LET US TAKE YOU TO OUR MAN ON THE SCENE"

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I am the biggest Paul Heyman apologist in the world (that didn't work for ECW or PWInsider, anyway) and even I can't defend him in that segment, or really any of the segments he's had with HHH since his return. I like to think it's working with HHH, Shawn, and Stephanie that's bringing out the worst in him.

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As some of you may know, I've been reviewing some Memphis wrestling lately for my blog and today I hit the absolute gold mine. Here's some details about it:


The show starts off with a Stan Lane vs Nightmare match. This is Memphis, but these two absolutely owned it on the mat. Nightmare and Lane both did counters I never saw before and they just worked a great wrestling match. It's surely the best match I've seen of what I watched so far, and definitely one to check out.


Then the show gets even better. Jimmy Hart's First Family stages a party during the show. They are incredibly goofy and probably even drunk, just having a great time. I won't spoil it, but it is a party and when there's cake...well you know. Anyway, this was an absolutely fabulous angle. The crowd LOVED this and heck I did too. Everyone played it up perfectly and this is probably one of my favorite angles ever.


Then, the show gets EVEN better. Jerry Lawler and Dutch Mantel had a title match the previous week. Lawler pinned Dutch, but Dutch had his foot on the rope and the referee didn't see. Rightfully so, Dutch is one unhappy camper. However, Hart's First Family invades. They go to town on Lawler and stare down Mantel, who just walks away. Lawler calls Dutch out over this and calls him a sissy and a coward amongst other things. They both have enough of each other and Lawler lights up Dutch with a slap across the face. They have an awesome pull-apart brawl in the studio. They turned something so simple into an absolutely must see angle. Just awesome work by both men.


This show was a complete classic. This is the best episode of memphis wrestling that I've ever seen and they had me going through a rollercoaster of emotions when watching it. This is totally must see and I urge everyone to track it down ASAP.


I did a full review of it in my blog(www.prowresblog.blogspot.com) and put up more pictures of it than I really should have it, but yeah, this was worth it. Check it out! And if you've already seen it, tell me your thoughts or give it a rewatch!

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"You broke his arm... I think you broke his arm... his arm is broken... I think I have a fucking boner because you broke his arm... you broke his arm and I just wet myself... oh my god, you broke his arm and I'm speaking in tongues because Jesus has just returned such was the power of you breaking Shawn's arm!"

:lol: That's great!


I have to agree with those who felt Shawn's acting was bad, but not extraordinarily bad (aside from arguably at the end). HHH doing the WWE standard "constipated angry" sneer and Paul's well...uhhh...excitement top them both.


To make matters worse...I'm guessing Brock goes over Sunday...when Shawn turns on Hunter.

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Dave and Bryan were singing the praises of Shawn and Heyman on Observer Radio. :)

I hope this is a joke

No, I was being serious. :) They were generally positive on the whole angle apart from the hokey line Brock uttered when he caught Shawn:


"The Lesnar Heyman tandem is a real good heel tandem. Paul is tremendous" - Dave.

"Shawn was great, by the way, in selling the arm, so much better than most people would have been in that same situation" - Dave.

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the layout of the last thirty minutes of RAW was so weird, it was like "hmmmm and with our last segment done we seem to have run out of content, let's improvise a post-Raw discussion with our panelists Big Sh-- WOOOAH SHIT SHAWN MICHAELS IS EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES GETTING HIS CAR OUT OF THE PARKING DECK LET US TAKE YOU TO OUR MAN ON THE SCENE"

While the acting was shitty (did anyone expect better out of the players involved, though?), this ^ was my biggest problem with the segment. I realize you don't want to cut away from a main event involving Cena or Punk or something, but maybe it shouldn't have closed the show then.


Another thing that bothers me is Lesnar constantly running from HHH. The dude had no fear of Cena or, if you go back to his original run, anyone else. Now he runs like a bitch any time HHH gets near him.

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Keller called it one of Heyman's best performances ever.

This flies in the face of everything I have read on that segment from people that watched it, on every site I've visited. Are Keller, Dave et al on that different of a planet than the rest of you when it comes to watching this stuff?


(I cannot offer a personal opinion on whether it did suck or not since I did not see it. It seems to be getting universally panned with the exception of the sheet guys and the odd poster here and there).


FWIW The RAW Rating this week was 2.8. Pretty low.

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