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  On 3/25/2014 at 1:26 PM, dexstar said:


  On 3/25/2014 at 3:16 AM, benj said:

It was embarrassingly quiet when Taker started throwing punches on Brock.


That's because the crowd was in awe of the spectacle


SummerSlam '94 Undertaker vs Underfaker style



Seriously though, this stuck out to me too. I thought the physical contact was a bit of a misfire for that build. Seems kinda unnecessary - I'd prefer if they'd kept them apart physically right up until Brock charges through the druids to start the match at 'Mania or something. I wonder if part of the lackluster live reaction has to do with many in the crowd just kinda intrinsically knowing that it wasn't going to be any type of wild pull apart brawl. I know watching it I just assumed it would be a couple punches and then stare down, exactly like it was, which is hard to get fired up for.



Also, for me at least, there's the issue here of Taker's age/body at this point. He looks old, lacking muscle mass, doesn't look strong


Brock meanwhile, in his buildup this year, has manhandled and destroyed Big Show and Mark Henry. Completely annihilated Henry twice, tossing him around like he was nothing


I guess what I'm saying is I have a hard time buying Taker at this stage of his career beating Brock Lesnar. But of course he will, and that hurts it for me.


I think we're reaching diminishing returns with Undertaker at this point. Two epic matches with HBK. Two "epic" matches with HHH (the first one was IMO, the second was a wankfest). CM Punk last year. Now Brock. When does it end? He clearly isn't long for the ring, they need to get on with the Cena WM match while they still can.

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The only suspense left is whether Taker can pull off a good match in questionable condition. Last year he succeeded, mostly because everyone was so disenchanted with the build up, and Punk literally made it clear that people should lower their expectations in interviews. I have no idea what they do with someone like Brock, who looks great when he can be very physical, and Taker, who's too brittle to work stiff.

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Whoever praised Seth Rollins, I agree. I know that Roman Reigns is their guy, but Rollins is the one that looks like he has the most potential to be a singles star based on recent performances. Not that I care to see any of them as singles stars just yet. The Shield still has plenty of shelf life. And none of them will have ring attire as cool as what they have now after being repackaged.

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I agree with anyone saying The Shield shouldn't break up right now. I hope they at least stretch that out to SummerSlam. Those three as ass kicking babyfaces is just too hot to end in a week or two. It'll provide a nice bookend to their career as a unit too, as they'd end up being on "right" side of Justice before they break up.


I mean - can you imagine the pop and the "moment" if Daniel Bryan is staring down HHH and his Corporate Outlaws at Raw next week and he gets backup from The Shield?

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I'm with the majority that loved Christian's ECW run and generally like him, but enough is enough. He's spent most of the last two years on the shelf, and a concussion at this point in his career is really bad news. He seems like someone who's good with their money, and he'd be perfect as an agent, so I don't think he absolutely needs to be out there still. I'd think at some point the office will start to see him as a liability.

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  On 3/26/2014 at 1:11 AM, (BP) said:

I'm with the majority that loved Christian's ECW run and generally like him, but enough is enough. He's spent most of the last two years on the shelf, and a concussion at this point in his career is really bad news. He seems like someone who's good with their money, and he'd be perfect as an agent, so I don't think he absolutely needs to be out there still. I'd think at some point the office will start to see him as a liability.

To each their own I guess. I still enjoy watching him work.

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They certainly seemed to be foreshadowing a Vince return last night with Stephanie and Hunter specifically mentioning that they have the most power. At this point I think it's a lock he returns after Mania. But does he kick out HHH/Steph or do they start the power struggle storyline they had planned for Mania?

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Frankly, he's awesome at putting matches together and is pretty good as an announcer, or at least has the potential. He could be a boon as an agent/announcer.


I do think he has another few years shelf life as part of a tag team though.

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  On 3/25/2014 at 8:35 PM, (BP) said:

The only suspense left is whether Taker can pull off a good match in questionable condition. Last year he succeeded, mostly because everyone was so disenchanted with the build up, and Punk literally made it clear that people should lower their expectations in interviews.

I don't think it's fair to say that the match was good because Punk lowered people's expectations. It was good because the Undertaker knows how to do an effective WM match, and because CM Punk put on an excellent performance in the match. I am unconvinced that Lesnar has that kind of performance in him right now if Taker isn't physically able, but I also have decided to stop doubting the Undertaker at Wrestlemania until he has a match that doesn't get over huge. I was at WM last year and the level of interest in the Taker match was so far beyond anything else on the show that it was kind of embarrassing.

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I've really enjoyed Christian's latest run in ring. He's one of those guys who despite being slight physically and looking overmatched on sight against all the big guys, through his smarts and his movement and his willingness to try interesting and new things, never seems overmatched, and he always adjusts accordingly to his opponents.


And part of what makes Christian so good is that he takes big bumps and does innovative spots mixed in with his rock solid basics and psychology, but if concussions are an ongoing issue you can't keep doing that stuff. Since he's been back there's been a number of "oh shit that had to hurt" moments in his matches


It would suck if he had to miss WM, but he just can't seem to avoid injury, and if concussions are becoming a problem maybe he should learn from his buddy Edge and step away before things get worse. Edge has told the story multiple times about how he was really screwed up with his neck going into his last match at WM but didn't want to miss the show and the next day when they did the MRI they told him "you can't wrestle ever again, we're not clearing you". Which is crazy. I don't know if he's covering WWE's ass on it or if he was downplaying how bad he was hurting to the company before the match, but he makes it sound like he shouldn't have been wrestling at that show. He's also talked about how he had numbness in his arms and hands for years, and he started doing his spear so loose because when he did it full speed he'd lose feeling in his arms. That's scary stuff.

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  On 3/25/2014 at 11:33 PM, Loss said:

Whoever praised Seth Rollins, I agree. I know that Roman Reigns is their guy, but Rollins is the one that looks like he has the most potential to be a singles star based on recent performances. Not that I care to see any of them as singles stars just yet. The Shield still has plenty of shelf life. And none of them will have ring attire as cool as what they have now after being repackaged.


Completely agree on that last point, as well as the ring entrance. Who (if anyone) gets to keep the gear, music and coming through the crowd? Not that it can't be overcome, but its all part of the package that makes the act special.

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  On 3/26/2014 at 2:17 AM, MFoy said:


  On 3/25/2014 at 8:35 PM, (BP) said:

The only suspense left is whether Taker can pull off a good match in questionable condition. Last year he succeeded, mostly because everyone was so disenchanted with the build up, and Punk literally made it clear that people should lower their expectations in interviews.

I don't think it's fair to say that the match was good because Punk lowered people's expectations. It was good because the Undertaker knows how to do an effective WM match, and because CM Punk put on an excellent performance in the match. I am unconvinced that Lesnar has that kind of performance in him right now if Taker isn't physically able, but I also have decided to stop doubting the Undertaker at Wrestlemania until he has a match that doesn't get over huge. I was at WM last year and the level of interest in the Taker match was so far beyond anything else on the show that it was kind of embarrassing.



I don't think Taker would have agreed to a program with Lesnar unless he believed he could take a major asskicking at Mania.

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