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  On 2/25/2015 at 5:43 AM, KrisZ said:


I can't believe people believing this is a shoot


Stephanie McMahon @StephMcMahon · 2h 2 hours ago


Thank you @WWEAJLee, I appreciate your opinion. #UseYourVoice


Steph has spent years building up her social media image as some sort of compassionate female voice (at least in her own head) and hasn't used it as a gimmick before. That seems way more important to her as a business brand than something she'd use in an angle. Her job is the brand thing and they put it as a higher priority than all active stories.


Add in the lawsuit which they can't gimmick and it's a bit of a stretch, even for wrestling. Not impossible, but still a bit of a stretch. It just feels like a reverse course if a work.

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I'm not saying it's not an angle. It's just weirdly against Steph's whole social media "brand" thing where they do things like push HHH being nice to a kid (or Sami rescuing a lady from an overturned car or heels doing make-a-wishes) and what not. Even during the midst of the Bryan "B+" stuff, was Steph using twitter for any of that build?

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Really hoping the Prime Time Players get a decent run this time. They have the potential to be the centerpiece of the tag division, two solid workers, both have a decent amount of presence and charisma, they have a good look, can work heel or face. Titus is perfect either as the hot tag or the bully heel, Darren Young can play the fiery underdog face or the conniving cowardly heel hiding behind his partner.


On a more cynical level it makes sense for the WWE as a public company who masquerades as being progressive to push a gay athlete.

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If WWE booking was remotely consistent or forward thinking they could have easily positioned Titus O'Neill, Sheamus, Bad News Barrett and Bray Wyatt as challengers for Roman Reigns to defend the strap through to the summer.


As it stands, we can fully expect programs with Kane, Big Show and Seth Rollins that stretch on and on and on with repeat match after repeat match and the usual litany of authority beatdowns, handicap matches and 'funny, laid back' RR promos on Raw every week. Hard to disagree that the booking has hit an all time low - they have no idea what their audience wants and how to deliver it. Even HHH admits having to book three hours is horrible.

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It is heartening to see the 'Give Divas A Chance' thing happening. I've been saying for a year or two now that the division is really strong and doesn't deserve the awful booking and ridiculous time constraints they have on it.


It is arguable that Brie Bella v Stephanie was the best feud they have ran this decade, and if they payoff was better it would have been. They should have gone all out and had Brie vs Nicki blowoff in Hell In The Cell, might have popped a decent rating for the novelty value, would have been a huge show of faith and a fitting end for a feud that deserved it, instead of petering it out in a few short, unmemorable matches that weren't booked around a hate blood feud at all. Not as if they had anything else major at Hell In The Cell, it should have gone on last. Have Daniel Bryan and someone else in the respective corners if they want to give it more gravitas.

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  On 2/25/2015 at 5:43 AM, KrisZ said:


I can't believe people believing this is a shoot


Stephanie McMahon @StephMcMahon · 2h 2 hours ago

Thank you @WWEAJLee, I appreciate your opinion. #UseYourVoice



I'm having difficulty understanding the psychology here, Kris. That doesn't mean it's not a worked shoot, as WWE storylines often don't make much sense. But having the corporate babyface be exposed as a sham seems a wee bit counterproductive.

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If there was no response from Steph then I can see more credence to it....but the talk was starting up towards an AJ/Steph program at Mania the day before and then all of a sudden this went down...


It's pro wrestling just that simple....everything is a work until proven otherwise

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  On 2/25/2015 at 2:36 AM, Russellmania said:

I really hope it isn't a work, because I totally agree with what she's saying but turning that into an angle seems like it kind of cheapens the sentiment.


  On 2/25/2015 at 6:27 PM, Russellmania said:

y'all are the biggest marks on earth jesus christ

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  On 2/25/2015 at 6:35 PM, Coffey said:


  On 2/25/2015 at 2:36 AM, Russellmania said:

I really hope it isn't a work, because I totally agree with what she's saying but turning that into an angle seems like it kind of cheapens the sentiment.


  On 2/25/2015 at 6:27 PM, Russellmania said:

y'all are the biggest marks on earth jesus christ


are you implying that I thought it might be a shoot? because I never said that. It's obviously a work. I *wish* it wasn't a work but it clearly is.

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A possible cool idea for the network:


So, the WWE is missing something gimmicky and silly, something like the Hardcore Championship, obviously that doesn't fit into a PG environment...


"The WWE Network Championship"


The Premise: Each week, the title is defended live on a Network exclusive broadcast. After a title defense, Within kayfabe, the champion selects three opponents of their choosing and then Network viewers vote on who they'd like to get the next shot at the title on the following defense.

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Why are all the people who doubt it's a work suddenly stupid dumb marks just because Stephanie responded from her Twitter account that up to now she's never followed kayfabe on? Literally her bio states "I play a bad guy on TV" and all she does is tweet all her real life corporate stuff. I mean maybe it is all just building an angle but her responding is hardly the smoking gun of proof here.

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  On 2/25/2015 at 7:43 PM, sek69 said:

Why are all the people who doubt it's a work suddenly stupid dumb marks just because Stephanie responded from her Twitter account that up to now she's never followed kayfabe on? Literally her bio states "I play a bad guy on TV" and all she does is tweet all her real life corporate stuff. I mean maybe it is all just building an angle but her responding is hardly the smoking gun of proof here.

i'm calling people marks because it's common sense that it's a work. has nothing to do with over-analyzing how they normally use twitter to promote things and everything to do with having watched wrestling my whole life and knowing a work when I see one. I'm just confounded that anyone posting here, where supposedly the smartest of smarks hang out, would think for a second that this is a shoot given that we already know they have been considering a Steph/AJ program.

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people (maybe not on this board i wasn't around at the time) also thought the sting-jeff hardy TNA match was a work attempting to cash in on charlie sheen's antics.


there is such a thing as seeing "work" where it doesn't exist. i tend to lean the same way as you but i don't just write people off as morons for thinking something else may be afoot.

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