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I don't recall it being THAT bad...but, personally, I think it's more like one of those things where they know they have it, they just don't think its necessary. And, while I totally see Brie/Steph being a great catfight, I also think it'd be overkill at this point.


The comparison isn't super apt, but it reminds me of Flair/Hogan in 92'. They knew that was a PPV worthy storyline. They made money with it at MSG and would've made even more if the feud had been extended into WM9...but things happened and they never could maximize their profits with it.


The same could be said for Cena/Taker if it isn't at Mania next year (which, I think is a keyless, combinationless LOCK).


I think Punk/HBK and Jeff Hardy/HBK were "gimmes" that never got "given." The stars just didn't allign, but they were obviously dream matches in terms of the WWE folklore around these characters at different times in their careers.


So, yeah, Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon sounds really natural. Brie & Daniel vs. Cena & Nikki sounds really natural. Brie Bella getting stalked by Bray Wyatt during the Bryan/Wyatt feud sounded really natural. And while maybe there is some truth in Brie not getting that kind of screentime because she's a poor actress/worker, I really think it has more to do with Creative thinking things through and realizing that it just isn't necessary (and could actually be detrimental to Bryan's popularity) when this feud already has so much heat.

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Latest WON says Daniel Bryan has been "the biggest ratings mover the past several weeks".


It's funny because right when the company supposedly said they couldn't push him because he didn't move numbers he started to move numbers. Now second in merch sold and he's moving the tv needle. It probably was a matter of time after the reactions he was getting but the company seemingly no longer has patience



They did start pushing his merch heavy since February though. I don't know if it was a late reaction to the Michigan State stuff or Punk leaving, but it has been very noticeable how they've done a 180° on Bryan when it comes to promoting him.


The ratings thing was never a real issue imo. That was just Dave or one of his sources panicking or finding lame reasons to explain why the company booked him so weirdly from November to January. He may not have been a big ratings mover in that period, but he wasn't a bust by any means either.

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Speaking of Taker-Brock, with Taker's love of MMA is this his chance to have a very MMA like match. He has showed signs before with the Ken Shamrock and Kurt Angle matches. Him facing a former UFC Champion at WrestleMania is his best chance. We know his body is broken and him doing crazy dives and a big impact match may be difficult. Could he do a MMA looking contest?


I think that's how they'll work the match. I don't know if it will be "good" necessarily, both guys are great performers so it should be a good match, but I wasn't very high on Taker's faux-MMA stuff a decade ago, so who knows


I wouldn't be surprised at all if they trot out HBK to be the ref for the Bryan-HHH match, but I'd hate that. I don't like Michaels as a guest ref at all. It's way overdone. It works for the story/angle, but it would make the finish so predictable IMO. HBK as the ref for the Taker-HHH match at 28 completely ruined it for me, and I'm actually an HBK fan, I just hate the way they use him. Why does every single angle he's in have to involve HHH?

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There's not much they can do with HBK besides shill DVDs and add star power to HHH angles. He doesn't want to wrestle or even be there every week, and he's found other interests that he's making money at. The best thing he's done post-retirement was the promo with Bryan, where he started with the nice guy/respect schtick and slowly lost his patience until he calls him a little puke in the 97' Shawn voice.

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Yeah, that Bryan/HBK segment was great and I loved that HBK went into dick mode and Bryan got over on him (two things that never happen), but the HIAC match the night before was ruined by all the HHH/HBK nonsense


HBK will obviously be at WM in some capacity. Use him at the HOF, the pre/post shows on the network, all the fan fest stuff, you can even use him on RAW next week in the final buildup to HHH-Bryan and mix him up with Orton (who he has a bit of history with) and Batista too, but making him the ref of the HHH-Bryan match would be really dumb. Every time he's the special ref he ends up becoming the focus of the match, and the focus of the match should be on Bryan


Heck, I wouldn't even mind if he was named special ref for the triple threat, just as long as he isn't reffing the singles match

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But they developed the whole Wyatt family gimmick in NXT, so it's not a big deal to say something like 'they couquered NXT before moving on to WWE'. Acknowleding that Bray was Husky Harris before that kind of hurts the whole vibe, but at some point you just have to draw the line re: suspension of disbelief i guess.


As for why they're in WWE...I think with this type of gimmick you can sort of just assume that they're in WWE because they're crazy and wrestling is a business in which they can be as crazy as they want to be, hurt people, and make a living doing it.

Bray's twitter said something like "The Demon needed a host, and he found one" or something like that

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Yeah, I really appreciated Bray's little lampshade hanging with the Husky Harris is the host of Bray Wyatt nod. It doesn't matter to any except the hardest of the hardcore, but I think its a really good sign of his ability to think on his feet and fully inhabit a character.

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Perhaps I'm odd, but I never bother to watch Raw and Smackdown. I do make sure I check out Main Event, Superstars, and NXT every week. Superstars is iffy, and NXT has been off its game for the past few weeks, but Main Event is a darn fine wrestling program that has given me plenty of stuff to be happy to watch. I'll probably get around to Raw and Smackdown at some point now that they're accessible a month after the fact on the Network, but Main Event and usually NXT are the only two weekly shows that eve seem like they are must see for me.

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Could WWE have a chance in hell of drawing 100k?


If it was in a big enough, well connected metropolis and the card was stacked, they could get close. They could definitely draw around that number if they did Wrestlemania in the UK, at least 80,000 anyway.


If The Rock and Brock Lesnar were working in marquee, never seen before matches they could probably do it.

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