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Rollins looks like a putz for not being put in the main ladder match when they put Orton in just like that. I'm trying to remember the last logic breach that big on WWE tv.


What, were they NOT supposed to have Del Rio and Sheamus pointlessly in the match for the belts instead of Ambrose and Rollins? Come on, people love those guys, and they're both totally believable as winners!


God, do I hope that they don't put fuckin' Van Dam in the briefcase match.

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So Batista did an interview discussing his recent run. He was honest that the fan reactions hurt him at a personal level and he let that affect his performances. . He put over Bryan big and thinks a lot of Wyatt. Said in the long run you can never turn down a push so he has no regrets. He came across great. Hard not to like the guy

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So Batista did an interview discussing his recent run. He was honest that the fan reactions hurt him at a personal level and he let that affect his performances. . He put over Bryan big and thinks a lot of Wyatt. Said in the long run you can never turn down a push so he has no regrets. He came across great. Hard not to like the guy

That makes it sound like he isn't coming back after the movie promotion, did he mention coming back at all?

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So Batista did an interview discussing his recent run. He was honest that the fan reactions hurt him at a personal level and he let that affect his performances. . He put over Bryan big and thinks a lot of Wyatt. Said in the long run you can never turn down a push so he has no regrets. He came across great. Hard not to like the guy

That makes it sound like he isn't coming back after the movie promotion, did he mention coming back at all?



"I’m not leaving behind WWE, I’m not leaving behind wrestling. I love it. I always say, at the end of the day, I am a wrestler, I am a sports-entertainer. I’m not leaving it behind, but I fulfilled my obligations and now I need to fulfill other obligations and that’s why I left."



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Having caught up with Smackdown, did Titus O'Neil piss in someone's cheerios backstage or something? Two roll-up pins by Adam Rose in the span of a minute? They might as well dress him up in the bunny suit and have him join the Rosebud entourage, at this point.


Ambrose comes across as a star, and I loved the bit with Reigns/Rusev, but generally I've loathed the post-Shield framing of these guys every bit as much as I feared


I feel like Ambrose has done pretty well for himself, but the other two are definitely struggling a little bit.


Reigns' mic work in the opening segment was all right but, while he drew the reaction they wanted by confronting Cena, he's only going to be able to ride off of the Shield momentum for so long. He's going to have to elevate his mic work, especially if they end up hotshotting the title onto him at MITB for a main event run. (Though I'd be very surprised if that was the case.) His brawl with Orton to close the opening segment was dreadful too, though that's as much on Orton as it is on Reigns.


Rollins is in a similar situation, in that he's still drawing good heat from the turn, but he's getting virtually nothing out of everything else he's doing. Even with Cole and JBL serving up softballs, I'd say he mostly whiffed on his commentary during the Ambrose/Kane match. And, even though the booking let him down by putting him in the ring with a JTTS like Kofi, you could almost hear the crickets chirping during his match. (Also, yes, he looks like a complete putz for being left out of the MITB title match.)

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Having caught up with Smackdown, did Titus O'Neil piss in someone's cheerios backstage or something? Two roll-up pins by Adam Rose in the span of a minute? They might as well dress him up in the bunny suit and have him join the Rosebud entourage, at this point.


If they are so worried about building stars they should have Titus O'Neil coming out and destroying Adam Rose and the Rosebuds. I have no idea why they don't see dollar signs all over him.

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I've been spoiled by PWO. The people here & the conversation has definitely influenced my perception & perspective on pro-wrestling over the last few years. As I watch more stuff & become more familiar with the work of other wrestlers, my opinions often change.


Wrestlingforum.com is like a hybrid forum of marks and wanna-be "smarks" (*cringe*). It's just a huge mass influx of many, many fans, mostly with negative attitudes, all trying to appear more "smart" than the other while being overly concerned with being labeled a mark or getting worked. So when thread polls or lists pop-up, they're entertaining for me to read. From the era of Twitter, the fans trying to be perceived as insider fans or whatever the fuck the term is this week, you'll get people trying to name-drop ex-wrestlers just because they've read other people say they're good. Things of that nature. Or people being contrarian just for the sake of it.


I come on here & I go to the Microscope & I can find a thread on most wrestlers name-dropped & read page after page of well-written replies about the strengths, weaknesses, flaws & positives about most wrestlers, along with good matches recommended & whatnot.


So when I see a thread over there about Top 10 WWE in-ring workers (or something similar) at first, I'm thinking...what the hell is even the criteria? Isn't that subjective to begin with? Obviously different fans look for different things & when you factor in how long you have been watching, with your age & how much exposure to certain wrestlers you have, your opinions will differ.


I was certainly not expecting to open the thread & see names like Rob Van Dam, Randy Orton & Dean Malenko though. How many matches did Malenko even have, total, in WWE? Someone even said Lance Storm. Heh. Everyone & their mother was listing Kurt Angle & Shawn Michaels & I remember reading them both being picked-apart here over the time I've been around. Just a completely different world from one website to the next.


I wonder how much of that is related to simply the average age here being higher? Or maybe it's just from seeing more stuff, I'm not sure. I just think it would be a different beast entirely around here, with people making arguments for names that would not even come up over there.


I know this is a random reply & that board has nothing to do with this one, it was just something I was thinking about is all. I know there was like a Top 100 worker thread (something like that) which had people, including Loss & Dylan (if I recall) working pretty hard to update it & change numbers & whatnot. If that list is just WWE work only & only a Top 10, what names come up? From the change from WWWF to WWF in 1979 to present day, who are the ten best workers in WWE based on solely their work in WWE?


It's hard to look at a wrestler with a clean slate & being able to distance their non-WWE career (like work in Japan, territories or WCW, etc.) from how you perceive them. At least it is to me. I'm pretty fucking sure Rob Van Dam is not on any list anyone here would make, regardless. :)

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