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Shoots Review and Preview thread


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So is Striker taking over for RF as interviewer? I thought Striker was largely terrible as an announcer but I've always found RF to be a poor interviewer, especially when compared to Sean Oliver, so maybe Striker will be able to contribute more in this new role.

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For people interested in WWE in the 00's, the Nova shoot is pretty interesting. Lots of stuff about the mentality of the company, OVW, bullying… Totally buries Bruce Pritchard and Michael Hayes (and Roadkill), but sounds pretty fair overall. Came off like a regular dude (says that word a lot) with his head on his shoulders and as a sane and healthy human being.

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Amish Roadkill?


Is the Nova shoot done through RF?


Yep. And yep. But Feinstein doesn't have much to do since Nova goes on and on and goes into details by himself, so it's good. Now that I've seen this, the guy would be perfect for a Timeline.

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Guest Eduardo James

For people interested in WWE in the 00's, the Nova shoot is pretty interesting. Lots of stuff about the mentality of the company, OVW, bullying… Totally buries Bruce Pritchard and Michael Hayes (and Roadkill), but sounds pretty fair overall. Came off like a regular dude (says that word a lot) with his head on his shoulders and as a sane and healthy human being.

He came across as a douche to me. The usual "I never did anything wrong" shtick you get from his kind.

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Sure, he put himself over to some degrees, but he sure sounded a lot less of a douche than most "good ol' rassters" telling good ol' stories about drugging rats and fucking them and shitting in the bags of other people. And I find interesting to get the point of view of the management, for once. I never cared one bit for Nova as a worker (maybe he improved in WWE, haven't seen his work here), but a lot of what he said I found to be reasonnable and pretty balanced. He doesn't sugar coat what he found repulsive, like the way Kanyon was treated and abandonned by so-called friends after he came out or how Chris Benoit was a violent alcoholic who bullied people along JBL.

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El-P - did he elaborate on the Benoit "violent alcoholic" point?


Not that much, but he said when Benoit was drinking, he would get angry and confrontational and looked out for trouble. And the following day he would have forgotten what he said to people. I have been on the receiving end of such agressive attitudes, so yeah, classic alcoholic abuse behaviour and symptoms.


He also said that him and JBL would bully some people on tour, he gave a striking story about them banging on the door of one announcer (don't remember the name) so violently that Nova was praying the guy would not open, fearing what would happen to him if he did. He also said Benoit was a nice guy too at other times, especially when he was bringing his son to the shows, so there you go. But it's not the first time we hear about the bullying attitude of Benoit in the WWE, but since he was a great worker he got a free-pass from the smarts.

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I was looking up some Buzz Sawyer results and went on one of those internet journeys where you get completely off course and wind up somewhere you never really planned to go. Stumbled on this article about Lars Anderson with one of the greatest bullshit stories of all time. Lars was run out of Hawaii, by way of attempted murder, because there was too much money in his idea of running a big stadium show in Hawaii.


In 1983 he took a job in Hawaii as booker for Liv Maivia’s promotion.


“I bought into the promotion over there. We did promotion in Samoa, New Zealand, the Philippines.”


The relationship with Maivia, widow of wrestling great High Chief Peter Maivia and grandmother of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, lasted for several years until Polynesian Pro Wrestling folded. Anderson says the partnership went well until he suggested that the group begin running major outdoor events.


“The concept of doing Aloha Stadium came from when the Anderson Brothers were in the Carolinas,” he says. “We used to go to places like Roanoke and do about $3,500 or $4,000 houses indoors, and then we’d go outside at the stadium and do a $12,000 or $14,000 house. I told them we should promote Aloha Stadium. That’s where the concept started.” That’s also when, he claims, the heat was put on him and “they tried to kill me.”


“When they saw what the potential was, one of the other stockholders or one of the Samoan employees said we’ll get rid of this guy. They actually tried to kill me. I got hit from behind. I woke up in the hospital being sutured on. I asked them what was I doing here. The doctor said, ‘Yeah, what are you doing here?’”


He says he still believes he was set up in the attack.

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I got the RnR documentary that Ellbow Productions did. I contributed a bunch of SMW footage to the project. Disc 1 is the documentary, disc 2 appears to be stories & interview stuff that didn't make the documentary, disc 3 contains 7-8 matches.


The documentary is pretty basic, not as exciting as the Crockett one. There were a few stories (maybe 3-4 total) from Cornette, Morton & Gibson that I hadn't heard before. Aside from that if you are familiar at all with that era and their careers and have heard shoots from guys from that era before, there's not a ton of new material here. In fact I think their pre-RnR days covered both here and on Corino's Old School shoot is the most interesting stuff just because it hasn't been beaten into the ground & told over & over. So yeah, I guess I give this a moderate recommendation. The documentary seems kind of repetitive and not must-see at all since that era & subject matter has been covered so many times, but there's nothing at all wrong with the documentary, the production, or choices of guys to interview. Morton is pretty subdued & is good at breaking down details but you do get that typical "we sold out everywhere we went" vibe from both.

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