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Wrestling New Years Resolutions <<2014 thread - No more resolutions here>>


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1) Write about wrestling more. Been toying with different methods, types of reviews... never like something enough to publish it. Should just bite the bullet.

2) Relatedly, start and finish the late 80s/early 90s project I've been thinking about.

3) Get in on a DVDVR 80s set - they always look like fun.

4) If I get through enough other stuff - pick up a Yearbook. Probably want to start around 96-97.

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Also, more Negro Casas.

Yeah, I'm planning on sitting down to watch all his stuff with Rush sometime soon. After that I plan to search for whatever fountain of youth or whatever voodoo spell or whatever that Casas uses. I'd be excited to be able to touch my toes when I'm his age, let alone do the shit he does night in and night out.

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-Actually start writing about the professional wrestling on a regular basis again.

More specifically, seriously digging into the stack of 80's Joshi I've left laying for over three years. And once that operation is running smoothly, maybe the return of SLL's All-Request Friday Nights on Segunda Caida.

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- Go to some lucha shows here in LA. I've lived here for almost 3 years and every time I see an interesting line-up I either think that it is lies, or I look at the neighborhood and get all scared and ridiculous and refuse to go.


- Give PWG shows a second chance. I went to the DDT show back in 2012, and found the crowd so horrible that it soured me on the entire experience. The location sucks for me (driving up into the valley???), and nobody wants to sit in some wood paneled sweat lodge with what appears to be 250 fat guys reeking of cigs and beer, but I feel like I should give it another go as the matches seemed fun enough.


- Finish the Lucha 80s set before the spring. I'll be so busy at work once the spring hits that I won't have time for a project that requires that much of my attention, so I need to get it done soon. Been really loving the first 3 discs, but have so many other things I'm into right now that it's hard to dedicate the time.

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- Continue researching Puerto Rico wrestling

I'm sure I could help.


I've been watching for a ton of years, have family involved in it, have attended several hundreds of WWC and IWA shows, so I know quite a bit.


Yes, there's someone else! Hi Grizzlyedwin. If you like, you can stop by the PR wrestling thread and add your input there.




I've been posting some feud summaries, so feel free to look throught them if you want and add anything I may have left out or just correct me if I've mixed up some details. In any case, another PR voice is most welcome. Just out of curiosity, how long have you been watching?

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I'm going to try to prioritize my free time better to fit in more wrestling. Lately I've really been into movies watching/reviewing 1-3 per day over at Lettboxd. I've been staying on top of current stuff but I've got a ton of DVDs that I'd like to start putting a dent in. Also going to try to go to more live shows this year: so far I've got an HWA event tomorrow (feat. Ricky Morton, Necro Butcher, BJ Whitmer,etc.) and ROH in March (feat. AJ Styles) on the calendar.

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  • 5 months later...

- Watch all Royal Rumbles for Voices of Wrestling/PTBN crossover - Finish 1997 Yearbook - Finish 1991 Yearbook - Finish lucha 1980's set - Record at least 25 episodes of WTBBP - Watch one more yearbook - Streamline watching my wrestling and using my time more wisely to hit highlights (days of watching all of Raw are probably over) - at end of year watch around 100 top pimped matches from the year to make a top 10

Figured I would bump this halfway through the year to see where I stand.


1. Was able to watch all the Rumbles relevant to that series (1988-2002). Sadly made me sort of hate Royal Rumbles as a whole

2. 2.5 discs left of 1997 footage so I am on a good pace mid year

3. 2 discs left of 1991 footage so I am on a good pace mid year

4. Need a solid deadline to give me a kick in the ass to bust through the lucha set

5. Can't win them all as mine/Parv's recording schedule has been ransacked with various items. Who knows what will happen when Chad jr. arrives.

6. 1998 seems like a good choice

7. This has been successful approach for me in some ways from getting completely burnt out on what I think has been a fairly dreadful run booking wise for WWE

8. My spreadsheet is expanding and I feel confident I will be able to knock out a good top 10 list I am comfortable with at year end.

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  • 6 months later...

I want to review what I did and didn't do.

This is a fun one.

-Finish watching the lucha set and double back well enough that I can do a ballot.

-Continue on into 1990s lucha which will all be new to me.

-Continue watching Buddy Rose/Portland and ideally write 2-3 more big essays like I did for 1979

-Write some more articles in general

-Start watching some WoS

-Maybe guest on some podcasts. It's really tough for me to get more than an hour at a time right now and I'm not a big podcast person but I feel like the odd man out on this element of our community.

-More Hansen

-More Casas


Let's review:

- Well, I did not make it through the lucha set. I did make it through disc 6 and I'll finish the rest this year. Part of this was because I realized, after watching MORE lucha, I would have had to start from the beginning to do a ballot and I just couldn't manage that time-wise and some was beacuse (again, time-wise) it wasn't conducive to the sort of things I was writing about and the commitments I made (to myself or in general). I feel bad about it but there wasn't a lot that could be done. Basically, I didn't make it through the lucha set because I was watching too much lucha due to the lucha set which I'd hope Kris and Phil find acceptable if not ideal as a consequence.

- I have watched some 1990s lucha, a decent amount, I'd say, but due to availability, I've focused much more on 00s lucha, specifically 06, 10, and 2014.

- I petered out on Buddy, actually, and some of that was due to a break in the footage at the end of 81 into 82. I went from seeing mostly weekly TV to seeing far more spotty stuff and that hurt the appeal on some level. Some of it was due to the board upgrade and the feeling I'd have to go back and edit all I'd done up til that point before continuing on. I'll have to go back to it at some point. I did not do another big Buddy essay.

- I did manage other writing though. Doing 3 matches a week for Segunda Caida was not part of the plan last December, certainly, and it's been a lot of fun. I've done over 100 so far and I've got enough in the pipeline there to keep me busy.

- I watched a spattering of WOS, not a lot. Some Jim Breaks mainly which I enjoyed considerably. I'll try to watch more in the coming year.

- I did not guest on a single podcast in 2014 despite a slight attempt at it. Instead, I started writing a column for each and every Where the Big Boys Play which is really more my speed when it comes to this stuff.

- I have started to watch Hansen but the initial takeaways were, if not disappointing necessarily, frustrating enough I didn't go deeper in. I've seen enough to realize he's not going to be a personal favorite to the level someone like Bockwinkel or Buddy Rose is so I'm going to look more at someone else, be it Baba or what not.

- I watched a ton of Casas, covering his entire series with Rush in 2014 up til the hair match and selected matches from the 90s and 00s as well. I'm sure I'll see more in the year to come.


Work really picking up, family life picking up, and The GOAT project just sending me all over the place did disrupt some of my focus, certainly. I'll do one for the year to come in the other note.

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- Watch all Royal Rumbles for Voices of Wrestling/PTBN crossover - Finish 1997 Yearbook - Finish 1991 Yearbook - Finish lucha 1980's set - Record at least 25 episodes of WTBBP - Watch one more yearbook - Streamline watching my wrestling and using my time more wisely to hit highlights (days of watching all of Raw are probably over) - at end of year watch around 100 top pimped matches from the year to make a top 10

Figured I would bump this halfway through the year to see where I stand.


1. Was able to watch all the Rumbles relevant to that series (1988-2002). Sadly made me sort of hate Royal Rumbles as a whole

2. 2.5 discs left of 1997 footage so I am on a good pace mid year

3. 2 discs left of 1991 footage so I am on a good pace mid year

4. Need a solid deadline to give me a kick in the ass to bust through the lucha set

5. Can't win them all as mine/Parv's recording schedule has been ransacked with various items. Who knows what will happen when Chad jr. arrives.

6. 1998 seems like a good choice

7. This has been successful approach for me in some ways from getting completely burnt out on what I think has been a fairly dreadful run booking wise for WWE

8. My spreadsheet is expanding and I feel confident I will be able to knock out a good top 10 list I am comfortable with at year end.



I am pleased with how my year ended up. The only ones that didn't work out was the lucha set (Disc 6 with all the trios can be tricky) and the WTBBP stuff (having a baby!). Otherwise, I felt more streamlined and accomplished in my wrestling watching in 2014 and actually started watching three more years of footage as my interest in WWE waned more than it has in the past five years.

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Here were last year's:


Nice topic.

-- Finish the Lucha History Lessons for all hundred matches.

-- Finish watching all the available WoS footage, including revisits of workers like Zoltan Boscik who I've been unfairly harsh on in the past.

-- Keep more up to date with the pimped modern stuff as it's happening.

-- Buy those lucha DVDs I've been eyeing for a while.

-- Find a youtube channel or something to watch regularly like Matt does with Portland.


I have a few more discs left on the Lucha History Lessons. It ended up being awfully time consuming for something that didn't have a lot of interest. I did learn a lot, however. I'm in the home stretch with WoS, though that guy has started uploading random stuff I didn't order so it might take me longer than expected. The rest of my resolutions didn't happen. I couldn't keep up to date with the modern stuff, a couple of great channels popped up for lucha, and the time I said I'd spend watching something regularly went to other hobbies.


This year, I just want to finish the history lessons, finish watching British wrestling and update my blog more regularly. I'm not participating in any polls so I've eliminated any sort of pressure to watch stuff.

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