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Who is winning the Royal Rumble?


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In that case, I'd still assume he'll be in it and they're just hoping not putting him next to the Rumble will make for a better surprise when he comes out. Plus wanting to focus on the Bray blow-off, and him saying "..and then I'm going on to win the Royal Rumble!" distracts from the issue.


I've never been convinced that he'd win it, but I can't see him not being in it at all, unless the Authority had outright banned him or something. I think they just wanted to keep him away from it and focused on his grudge match.

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I have no idea what to expect on Sunday. If I had to bet I'd place my money on Batista. What I am sure of is that before last night I was absolutely ordering the show and now I am strongly leaning against it. I thought Bryan would be featured in the Rumble and now I'm going on blind faith that he'll be in it at all. Combine that with an awful, boring show closing angle and I don't know why I'd buy it now.


I'm not a fan of the Authority angle / character, but is it asking too much that they're booked as either faces or heels and not both depending upon which quarter hour we're in?


I'd been waiting a while on this one, but I also don't think I'm feeling Bray Wyatt at all. Its an awesome ring entrance. Rowan & Harper are a solid asset in the tag team division. But absolutely nothing about Wyatt makes me want to see him in a top of the card program. When the lights go on and the music stops, this is Waylon Mercy 2.0, not the panhandle Shield.

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  jastrau97 said:

while on this one, but I also don't think I'm feeling Bray Wyatt at all. Its an awesome ring entrance. Rowan & Harper are a solid asset in the tag team division. But absolutely nothing about Wyatt makes me want to see him in a top of the card program. When the lights go on and the music stops, this is Waylon Mercy 2.0, not the panhandle Shield.

I haven't seen anyone mention this, but the ring entrance drives me insane. Why does he light the lantern only to blow it out instantly? It makes no sense.

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I feel the same way. I was pumped for the Rumble & last night RAW kind of killed my interest. With Daniel Bryan as over as he is, Brock Lesnar back, Batista back & I have to assume Undertaker coming back soon, I barely glanced up at the TV all night long. That's not good on the go-home show for the start of the Road to Wrestlemania. I don't care about John Cena or Randy Orton at all. I don't care about Alberto Del Rio or The Big Show. I'm tired of seeing Cody Rhodes & Goldust. I want something new to finally happen with The Shield.


I should care more right now. There's only been three episodes of RAW so far in 2014, last night, last week & "old school" RAW. I think last night was the worst of the three, which seems backwards to me, since it's the show that should have been over-the-top selling the Rumble. Instead we got John Cena brawling with Randy Orton with Orton just getting into a car and leaving. Why would that make me want to watch the Rumble? Am I supposed to want to see Cena get his hands on Orton for the 1,000th time? Or watch Brock throw around Big Show's fat ass again?

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Make of it what you will.....



- At this time, Daniel Bryan is only expected to be in his scheduled singles match at Royal Rumble PPV. It was announced last night on Raw that Daniel Bryan will face Bray Wyatt at the Royal Rumble PPV. Bryan didn't have to do anything physical last night's on Raw, as he is healing from a concussion suffered last week. As of this writing, Bryan is not scheduled to compete in the Royal Rumble match.


Credit: Pwinsider.com via wrestlezone.com

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Wild shot in the dark: Cena wins the title, HHH is ripshit (who knows why, but he is. See I can book for the WWE too. :) ). He takes out #30 in the back. Wins the Rumble. Bryan wins the title at Elimination Chamber. We hopefully get Bryan going over HHH at Mania. Also in an ideal world, #30 is Roman Reigns and HHH also does jobs to Reigns in the aftermath. The least the guy could do after years of being invincible is give back to these two.


My booking maybe off, but I think HHH winning the Rumble is not outlandish. I would not call him a favorite, but I can see it happening.

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I kind of excited for heel Sheamus and frankly Cena vs Wyatt is a lot weirder and potentially enjoyable than Cena vs Orton again.


Part of me really wants to do a shadow campaign for AJ/Punk vs HHH/Steph since that's more interesting to me than Punk/HHH II.


Taker vs Lesnar sort of bores the crap out of me.


I still hope we get Hogan/Real Americans interaction. Hogan and Zeb interaction would kind of make the show.

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Well, good luck to the top four matches on that list, because I think there's a chance of the crowd turning on all of them. I'm not criticizing the Orton match so much, as the ratings on Monday night show that Batista is still a difference maker. But Daniel Bryan (his fans more than him, really) deserve better than a match with Sheamus. I'm guessing they'll play off of the 18-second match two years ago and reverse the result. Punk has floundered since the Brock feud ended, and I'm not sure I get pushing him higher on the card than Bryan. Flip those two around putting HHH against Bryan and Punk against Sheamus and I think this would be a much better lineup.

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HHH/Shawn vs Punk/Bryan has potential. The key is that Daniel Bryan needs to get his revenge on The Authority, and specifically on HHH for pedigreeing him at Summerslam. Doing that match would also open up Stephanie taking a bump for Brie Bella, and yes I realize there's no way Stephanie is going to look that vulnerable.


Sheamus is a guy I consider at the level of Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, etc -- guys that have had their cup of coffee but aren't at that level. I think that match is too big for him.

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I wanted Steph to get some comeuppance too, which is why I figured HHH/Steph vs Punk/AJ would work, but HHH/Steph vs Bryan/Brie has a level of Wrestlemania spectacle to it too. Ultimately, this is all pretty moot.


Things I now also want: Sheamus as part of the Wyatt family.

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If that's the top 5 its really, really underwhelming.


Bray doesn't seem to have much once the lights go back on and the music stop, and certainly not enough to heat to make a Cena match interesting heading into the show or talent to give much hope for a great performance that night.


Punk/HHH has been done before, HHH is a face on some days, heel on others and as a result not very compelling on any day.


Loss hit the nail on the head with Bryan/Sheamus. If they want to give him back the 18 seconds, let's just acknowledge that Sheamus is at the ADR/Ziggler level, do it at NWO or on TV and give Bryan a legit moment at Mania that you can build upon.


Taker/Lesnar will have Brock Lesnar and the Undertaker involved, so even if the set up is underwhelming (and it can't be as poor as Punk/Taker last year), it'll feel new, big and should deliver on that night.

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Fuck the Wyatts, Sheamus should be in The Shield. Sheamus as a badass, leather-clad "IRA" solider was the role he was born to play. Plus I think I would lose my mind for a Sheamus/Roman Reigns feud. Sheamus as the new leader of The Shield would be beneficial for all four parties involved too.


Personally I would have


Champ Daniel Bryan successfully defending over HHH

Brock vs Taker (Heyman's second guy to go after streak)

Cena/Punk vs Orton/Batista (I think Batista is more useful on the heel side. Reunited Evolution against Megapowers 2k14)

Sheamus vs Reigns (SHIELD EXPLODES~!)


Daniel Bryan did knock HHH out with his knee to end one RAW and Show also knocked HHH out. They are giving face heat back to faces it is just they either dont follow up on it (Bryan) or it bombs (Big Show). I have greatly enjoyed Stephanie as a promo, but yeah it is hard to see what her comeuppance would be as of today.

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Well, some of the matches on last year's show just failed to deliver. I wasn't expecting Henry-Ryback to blow as bad as it did. I enjoyed the Shield six man but it was way shorter than it should have been. I thought Brock-trips would have been better and Cena-Rock was much better the year before in Miami. ADR vs. Swagger, I think everyone expected that to be disappointing.

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