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Summerslam 2014


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They really should only go two routes with Brock now.


1) He rematches Cena at Night of Champions and Cena throws everything he has at Brock. He's classic Cena, looking like he's going to overcome the odds and slay the monster, but no matter what he does Brock keeps getting back up and in the end he's still the one standing. From there he goes on to face the few babyfaces they are willing to throw at him and he dominates them, but doesn't completely squash them. This all leads to Mania, where if a babyface is ready, like a Bryan, the demon can finally be slayed. If not take the most over guy and have Brock route him, maybe even a Cena 3.


2) He squashes Cena in their rematch, and squashes everyone.


Personally I feel #1 is the way to go, because it will make for better wrestling, and it will build up Brock more than just having him squash people.

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That's the thing, Matt. With Brock having limited dates, it allows for easier booking. Can't fuck it up.


With a demolition like that, Reigns doesn't seem like he can step up to the plate. It would just look weird. Bryan's comeback, where they could work the Morishima-style match that Danielson mastered a few years back, would be the best from a work standpoint.


But booking? There's nobody on the roster, even with six months build, that would be seen as a realistic threat to Lesnar. Not even close.

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You weren't watching last year after Summerslam, Charles. Were you watching when the Nexus angle hit, or during the Pipe Bomb angle? The answer is that they'll fuck it up within a month and a half. I wish it wasn't, but yeah. The only saving grace is that maybe they don't have enough dates with Brock to fuck it up immediately.



the weeks after Summerslam last year were some amazing times for internet wrestling boards. It was rather brilliant

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That's the thing, Matt. With Brock having limited dates, it allows for easier booking. Can't fuck it up.


With a demolition like that, Reigns doesn't seem like he can step up to the plate. It would just look weird. Bryan's comeback, where they could work the Morishima-style match that Danielson mastered a few years back, would be the best from a work standpoint.


But booking? There's nobody on the roster, even with six months build, that would be seen as a realistic threat to Lesnar. Not even close.


The flip side is this:


What the hell will they give us in Brock's absence in the meantime? Part of me thinks that hilariously Cena wins it back at NOC.

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Guest Eduardo James

When was the last time a top face (never mind the THE top face) got decimated so thoroughly? I remember Vader knocking Sting off his feet and Khali randomly squashing Undertaker.

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You weren't watching last year after Summerslam, Charles. Were you watching when the Nexus angle hit, or during the Pipe Bomb angle? The answer is that they'll fuck it up within a month and a half. I wish it wasn't, but yeah. The only saving grace is that maybe they don't have enough dates with Brock to fuck it up immediately.


The difference here is that their pet project and (supposed) future ace is on the line.

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Long term booking, this may be a mess for WWE and I easily see them mishandling this. But for tonight, I'm in love. It stands out as so different from what usually happens. Different isn't inherently good, but I think this delivered. Cena put Lesnar over in such a big way and now its undisputed who the top dog is. This is what I hoped for in the WWE thread, albeit it went a little longer.

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Put me down as one that enjoyed Reigns/Orton, by the way. I really wasn't giving much thought to how good or bad it made Reigns look at the time but I can see what you guys are saying. That said, I think the win itself was pretty decisive even if the match wasn't laid out in a way to highlight Reigns. Do you think the average fan's perception is really affected by who had the cooler spots in the body of the match, moreso than Reigns getting the decisive victory?

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I think the more likely scenario that will happen is Brock/Bryan at the Rumble - still presented as Bryan's big comeback - with Bryan getting really hot again even in losing and WWE somehow being caught off guard by that yet again.



it's probably way too early to judge but I have a feeling the Reigns superpush is going to be thrown right back into their face

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Reigns won quickly having been dominated, it was a one lucky shot win not a decisive one, and yes I do. I also think he badly needs to re structure his finishing run because having the set-up, punch and set-up spear back to back kills the momentum dead. In the Shield matches there'd be dives or something from Rollins and Ambrose in between and perhaps with a heel manager to bump it could work. But Vince is so adamant on the boom boom bump feed rhythm for babyface offence I'm amazed they're running with Reigns offence as is. All three of his big spots require lengthy set ups and vs. Orton with the RKO the dead space is only highlighted.

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I thought it was a good show over all. The first couple of matches were fine, and Rusev/Swagger was quite good. Stephanie/Brie was better than it had any business being, as far as a match between a non-wrestler and a barely competent wrestler. I thought Orton/Reigns was very good, and I credit that to Orton. Complain about chin locks if you like, but Orton made it look like he was on offense tonight, and not just doing rest holds. Lesnar vs. Cena was perfect.


The one thing I seemed to be in the minority about on Twitter tonight was that I HATED Ambrose/Rollins. They did some cool dives and stuff, but the psychology of that match was horrendous for a lumberjack match. If guys can brawl all over the arena because the lumberjacks suck, then what is the point of ever having a lumberjack match again?


RVD/Cesaro on the pre-show was actually pretty good as well. I thought it was the best televised match they've had together.

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It's not down to thinking Orton's a dick (though, by his own admission, he is). I actually got a kick out of it, as I did with Shawn, or Hogan against Warrior (and his commupence on Shawn too to show who's boss). But Orton completely undercut Reigns tonight. Shit, other than the finish, all the replays were Orton's spots, and the crowd were noticeably tepid towards him. That's not how you put a guy over.

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