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  On 9/21/2015 at 6:51 AM, benjaminkicks said:

Lesnar/Taker at Hell in a Cell needs to be a grim, gritty, Dark Knight Returnsesque spiritual sequel to their clash at No Mercy '02.

No, it just needs Lesnar pounding Taker into the mat into a bloody puddle so Taker is never heard from again. Taker is already on his way out so just make up for the stupidity that was Summerslam with a strong result for Lesnar so he can inherit Taker's Mania reaper role. And it would cap off the Go to Hell tour in as close to literal sense as possible.

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Totally bland, dull and boring show. Nothing really bad, but nothing really good. The best part were Xavier's trombone spots, which totally cracked me up, and Nikki Bella's übershort outfit. The rest, blah...


Owens vs Ryback. I don't see shit in Ryback. This was a decent opener. Good selling from Ryback, but really, is that interesting or compelling in any way ? The power spot to get out of the hold was pretty poorly done. Right man won.


Rusev vs Ziggler. Summer needs to eat something. She's also not a very good actress. This match was not as bad as SummerSlam, but really Ziggler sucks. A trillion superkicks. What is this, a Young Bucks match ? Rusev deserves so much better than this. Finish was so goofy and idiotic. Now women heels are lethal, just like in 96.


New Day vs Dudleys. Dudleys doing their thing in 2015, ZZzzz…. Like I said, Xavier's craked me up. Best act in the company still. Decent match again. Can the announcing just shut the fuck up about the Attitude Era already ?


Nikki Bella vs Charlotte. I'm sorry, but I enjoy Nikki, she's one of the best heels in the company. Nice legwork. Those suplexes looked cool. Charlotte's selling is really good. Yeah, good match until the finish, which really sucked. I mean, that spear was awful, and after being worker on the leg for 10 minutes, she puts on her finisher which uses said leg and Nikki taps in a few seconds despite taking almost no offense ? Yikes. They tried to make it a special moment with Flair showing up, but Ric crying is such a gimmick at this point. It worked in NXT. Not there. Charlotte should be renamed "Ric Flair's daughter" at this point, she has zero personnality of her own, they even put the freaking Wooo on her tights. At least Stephy didn't show up.


Wyatts vs Shield & Jericho. Well, at least it's not Orton. And we know who does the job to whom too. Honestly, at this point I was burned out (bored out ?). Braun Strawman is ridiculous. He's Kurrgan. Waste of time. Not as good nor fun as previous match, because of the useless goofy monster. Always odd for me to see older Jericho BTW.


Cena vs Rollins. Usual Cena finisher spamming match. I'm bored at this point, despite Rollins terrific white outfit. Turn this guy babyface already. Cena's post match actions reeks of jerk heel. What a terrible babyface.


Rollins vs Sting. Seriously ? Sting looks old as hell, but since he took some big (and stupid) bumps, people are gonna call this good ? Ok, Rollins made him look better than he had the right too, and he still looked old and slow. Sting in the WWE is a complete failure, really. Rollins needs to turn babyface and get the Shield together and… oh, fuck, I forgot about Sheamus… damn… oh fuck, Kane ? Are they shitting me ? What a godawful ending.


So yeah. Mediocre show. Bland. Dull. Same old same old. I guess the next 4 moths are gonna be of the same ilk before Mania season kicks in with the Rumble and the yearly troll of the hardcore audience.

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No truly classic matches, but the entire show was FUN!


- Owens and Ryback didn't mesh well, but I loved the cheap heel finish, and I think Owens will be a great I-C Champ.




- Speaking of which, everyone is mentioning Sting's injury, but what about Bubba Ray? He was visibly clutching his forehead for several minutes after that table spot. Fun match.


- Charlotte's selling, other than a couple of spots, was spectacular. I thought she was legit injured at first. Match of the night?


- Jericho as the mystery partner was an illogical "WTF" moment, but I like the story they told in the end. I'm up for some Jericho vs. Ambrose.


- Both Rollins matches were good. I hope Sting's injury isn't as serious as we're hearing.


- Count me as one of the few who is happy to see the return of the "Demon" Kane. They spent months building his issues with Rollins, so I'm actually looking forward to the payoff. I wish they'd give Kane his old mask though. The current version of his mask is ugly and boring.


- I'm also glad we're getting the payoff to Brock/Taker at Hell in a Cell next month instead of at WrestleMania.

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At this point, I want to see The Shield keep looking for a third man to help them stop the Wyatt's but always coming up short due to the third man on their team never working out. Like Jericho last night didn't.


Then have The Authority turn on Seth Rollins & turn Seth babyface. The whole Triple H jealousy bullshit.


Have Seth be the mystery third man for babyface Shield to finally overcome The Wyatts.


Have The Shield dominate the Rumble & Roman win.


Wrestlemania have Roman win the world title, Seth get his revenge on Triple H & Dean beat someone else. Then have The Shield pretty much running amok on RAW due to thwarting The Authority.

That's my crappy fantasy booking idea. Authority gone, Roman as the top guy, Shield back together, Seth as a babyface. Good to go.

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I don't get it. How was Cena being a douchebag? He was making sure Sting got his match. If you are talking about FUing him on the ramp then tossing him in the ring, it isn't the worst thing we have seen a babyface do and Seth weaselling out forced his hand. Sure no one made him Captain Defender of the WWE but I don't think he was necessarily in the wrong there. And moreso, it was a good middle finger to Seth's "I am the real champion" bullshit gimmick...saying "You are the man! Get in there and defend that belt!" If Cena let Rollins walk away and deprive Sting of the match THAT would be douchey.

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  On 9/21/2015 at 7:52 PM, Coffey said:

At this point, I want to see The Shield keep looking for a third man to help them stop the Wyatt's but always coming up short due to the third man on their team never working out. Like Jericho last night didn't.


Then have The Authority turn on Seth Rollins & turn Seth babyface. The whole Triple H jealousy bullshit.


Have Seth be the mystery third man for babyface Shield to finally overcome The Wyatts.


Have The Shield dominate the Rumble & Roman win.


Wrestlemania have Roman win the world title, Seth get his revenge on Triple H & Dean beat someone else. Then have The Shield pretty much running amok on RAW due to thwarting The Authority.


That's my crappy fantasy booking idea. Authority gone, Roman as the top guy, Shield back together, Seth as a babyface. Good to go.

It isn't a bad idea but I would kind of prefer if they did it the same way DX got back together...with the teases and the acknowledgment in their matches. Build up the possibility in front of the fans as opposed to the mystery partner deal. I could see a case where if they drag out the mystery partner fails the Shield story they lose that peak level pop when Rollins saves the day because they would have been fatigued by the storyline and just wanted to get it over with.

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  On 9/22/2015 at 12:52 AM, Loss said:

I think it's a viable post-WM direction if Seth shakes hands with the new champion after a great match to tease a turn.

And following that they have Triple H basically disowning him for being too soft to be his champion. That he was a huge waste of an investment. Have his goons take Rollins out. Same time have it be known that the Shield wasn't in the building that night for some reason. You have Triple H turning his ire towards Reigns the WWE champion. Book him in an against all odds type match where Ambrose is barred on threat of termination. When all looks bleak you have Rollins show up out of nowhere to even the playing field and helpjng Reigns retain. Then you have Ambrose join them in celebration over the defeated bodies of Triple H's guys with Triple H fuming on the ramp.

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  On 9/21/2015 at 4:09 PM, C.S. said:
- Count me as one of the few who is happy to see the return of the "Demon" Kane. They spent months building his issues with Rollins, so I'm actually looking forward to the payoff. I wish they'd give Kane his old mask though. The current version of his mask is ugly and boring.

He doesn't have long hair. We know he doesn't have long hair. Fuck that stupid mask. I have no idea how anyone can get excited about OMG MASKED KANE~! (been seeing it on twitter & I know it's on WF although I refuse to go look) the last two runs have been terrible and WAY worse than Director of Operations Corporate Kane.


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sorry if I sound 13 years old, but any version of masked Kane beats the hell out of that bored arsey looking, suit-wearing bizness Kane saying "...because that's what's best for business"

Kane is actually hilarious when you think about it in any depth. He's the most successful spin-off in the history of the planet. He's like if the show Joey had somehow ran for 20 years. And let's not pretend it's really cos of anything else but that dumb-arsed mask

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