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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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Can anyone shed some light on the commonality of English in Japanese promotions? Whether its certain wrestlers' name (Kushida and KENTA come to mind). various sponsors that are displayed on the ring or around arenas or even certain words that are clearly identifiable by announcers, its in stark contrast to the presence of foreign terms one would find here. Just curious what's behind it and why these words aren't typically translated or presented in Japanese?

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Can anyone shed some light on the commonality of English in Japanese promotions? Whether its certain wrestlers' name (Kushida and KENTA come to mind). various sponsors that are displayed on the ring or around arenas or even certain words that are clearly identifiable by announcers, its in stark contrast to the presence of foreign terms one would find here. Just curious what's behind it and why these words aren't typically translated or presented in Japanese?


The same happens in anime too. This post on another forum sums it up well.



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I assume it's because it's Jake hurling insults at his father when Jake isn't one to throw stones with his past. Pot calling the kettle black sort of thing but either way it's still assault and not justified whatsoever. Jake is a cowardly prick at times but he's an old man and there was no way Harry would've come out looking good or solving anything with his approach.


Here is the story as I understand it, based on witness accounts. A lot of it is based on things said back and forth on Twitter, so of course that means it's likely bullshit, but some of the narrative seems to fit...


Jake Roberts was friends with Dynamite going back to his days in Calgary. From the numerous interviews I have seen and heard, Jake didn't have an issue with Dynamite, quite the opposite. He has said Dynamite is the best wrestler he ever saw. Hell, according to Dynamite, Jake gave him his first ever pill, a dose of amphetamines so he could go one hour with Nelson Royal. I think Jake Roberts pretty much took Dynamite's side when the Bulldogs broke up. If you believe Dynamite, Davey Boy left Dynamite on the eve of an All Japan tour to go back to the WWF without telling him. Also, Davey Boy and Diana Hart trademarked the name British Bulldog and wouldn't let DK use it.


One thing I have heard Jake say in a couple of interviews is that Davey Boy Smith was a "shit disturber" behind the scenes, in that he would try an instigate fights between other wrestlers by spreading rumors, etc... "Hey did you hear so-and-so said this about you" kind of stuff. (Other wrestlers have said this about Davey Boy too, he loved to stir it up.) I also saw Jake once call Davey Boy a "dumbass." Which to be fair, even people who loved him have said that Davey Boy wasn't exactly the sharpest. Point is, Jake Roberts has never been shy about praising Dynamite and burying Davey Boy in his multiple shoot interviews and podcast appearances.


Rumor has it that Jake Roberts, Davey Boy Jr. and The Honky Tonk Man were all at that big convention the weekend of Wrestlemania, signing autographs. According to several witnesses, HTM went to DBJ and told him all the stuff Jake has been saying about his father, and got him all wound up. DBJ then went to Jake's booth, and asked to speak to him. Jake refused. He challenged him to step outside and fight for the things Jake had said about his father. Jake refused and told him to begone, using profanity in the process. DBJ then threw a cup of hot coffee in Jake's face, and left. The police apparently investigated, but Jake declined to press charges. The cops are apparently pursuing the issue regardless.


If you are to believe witnesses, Jake is just as pissed at HTM as he is DBJ. HTM and Jake have had heat ever since Jake's WWF documentary "Pick Your Poison" in which Jake blamed HTM's infamous Snake Pit guitar shot as being a factor in his becoming a drug addict. (Which is clearly bullshit, since he was abusing drugs before he ever got to the WWF, but whatever.) The two have been sniping at each other publicly ever since. Ironically, HTM pulled a play out of Davey Boy Smith's own playbook by instigating the fight just to screw with Jake, from the sounds of it. Apparently when the incident went down, HTM hauled ass and was nowhere to be seen.


In closing, shodate is an idiot.

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I wonder if Keith Lee has or is about to sign with NXT. He's dropped all of his belts the last couple of weeks.

Yeah, that seems to be pretty much a lock at this point.



I enjoy him but it does surprise me a bit. He doesn't seem like the body type they typically like.

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I wonder if Keith Lee has or is about to sign with NXT. He's dropped all of his belts the last couple of weeks.

Yeah, that seems to be pretty much a lock at this point.



I enjoy him but it does surprise me a bit. He doesn't seem like the body type they typically like.




The did just sign War Machine, and they have Joe, so it's not like it's an automatic no like it used to be with them.

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Definitely thought it was more likely they would sign Lee first when there was speculation WALTER would sign.


I could actually see WALTER not going.

Same. Guy seems pretty dedicated to training.

There was an interview that he and Jakobi conducted with Drake Younger right after Drake had signed with WWE where WALTER said that Mania, WWE, etc. is not the kind of wrestling that he enjoys or wants to do. That could certainly have changed now that so many of his peers, former wXw guys, etc. have signed, though. I’ll be happy to watch him wherever he goes.
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WALTER did a Twitter Q&A not too long ago and he said his dream WWE match is against Cena.


His dream is to work for All Japan, though.


He also quote tweeted the rumor he was signing with WWE and said it was fake and he was not interested in signing as he is happy where he is at now working indys and training guys in the wXw Academy.

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Can anyone shed some light on the commonality of English in Japanese promotions? Whether its certain wrestlers' name (Kushida and KENTA come to mind). various sponsors that are displayed on the ring or around arenas or even certain words that are clearly identifiable by announcers, its in stark contrast to the presence of foreign terms one would find here. Just curious what's behind it and why these words aren't typically translated or presented in Japanese?

It's just the way they want their names stylized.


There's also HARASHIMA, CIMA and a ton others in all caps and there's also isami and gosaku entirely in lower cases.


Also, here's a bit of unnecessary knowledge -- foreign fans capitalize ARTS in BattlARTS and the actual spelling of it is just Battlarts without capitalizing the ARTS. Same thing with NOAH -- it's just Pro Wrestling Noah, no caps.

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Maestro means teacher or master and it refers to veterans -- i.e.; Negro Navarro, Solar, etc.


Llave literally means key, but its generally used when referring to a move.


I'm sure the word you were looking for was "maestro" though and I'm sure its referring to Navarro being a maestro.

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A bunch of OVW has turned up on Youtube. I was surprised how much I love it. For so long I thought of it as a place WWE hid green guys, which is unfair to me. I think its because of how many guys did poorly on the main roster. Which is not fair on my part.

Watching it now and it is a great old school throwback. It has a feel of an old territory show but with modern (for its time) action. Clearly defined characters and angles. If he has a product he believes in, Cornette is the best hype man.

I skip around eras (how they are uploaded) and it is impressive how much the promotion grew from 99 to 05. Hopefully I do not jinx it, but it is past its twentith year and has drawn well without WWE or Cornette.

I think OVW really helps Cornette's case as a good booker. From what I have read, WWE did not provide that much money beyond paying certain talent. So they were drawing money on an indy level.

One thing I am curious about. Who created MNM, it was a nice update of the arrogant heel tag team. I do remember reading (In the Observer I think) that Cornette and Heyman were fighting WWE creative to let them come to the main roster with the gimmick.

Anyway its worth looking for.

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Jim Cornette put MNM together didn't he? I think I remember him saying he brought in Melina.


Cornette doesn't get enough credit for the work he did in OVW imo. He only oversaw four of the biggest stars WWE had in the double o's as well as bringing up various midcard acts. Also, SMW gave WWF some of their future stars.

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I have a bunch of DVDs that OVW would sell of their weekly TV before WWE put their foot down, it was really good stuff. One thing though, is that it will really make you mad to see how WWE missed the boat on a lot of guys. The best example probably would be seeing how Johnny Jeter was great in OVW, but got his passion for the busines beat out of him by getting stuck in the Spirit Squad.

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