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PWO 1988 - 1992 Draft Discussion


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Orton was just added to my list this afternoon and now he's off the board... I thought he'd be an easy steal this late in the game lol.


I had him on my depth chart for a while and somehow marked him as someone I'd already drafted in one part of my notes but not in another. I had to go over all the lists three times to make sure he was still out there. Card's coming together nicely -


1. Nobuhiko Takada vs. Steve Williams (World Professional Wrestling Championship)

2. Steiner Brothers vs. Chris Dolman & Vladimir Berkovich (World Professional Wrestling Tag Team Championship)

3. Mark Fleming vs. Masahiro Chono

4. Malenko Brothers vs. Fit Finlay & Tony St. Clair

5. Ken Shamrock vs. Koji Kitao

6. Bill Dundee vs. TBD

7. Gary Albright vs. Jun Akiyama

8. Naoki Sano vs. Bob Orton Jr.

9. Madusa Micelli vs. Shinobu Kandori

10. Yoji Anjo vs. TBD

11. TBD vs. TBD

12. TBD & Barry Horowitz vs. TBD & TBD

13. Billy Scott vs. TBD


I've got at least two choices for all the open spots, so this should work out.

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There's a couple of interesting names still on the board (both wrestlers and non-wrestlers) but I've been at the point in the past few rounds where I'd have to shoe horn them into the already laid out plans unless I can come up with a way to make them fit.

That really is the thing, isn't it? It's absolutely not just grabbing the best wrestlers or biggest names available, it's more about finding the pieces that best complete your particular puzzle.

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I agree with the voting thing and I think some things can be taken into account.


If we do a poll that could be best on how you vote if we thing of say 4 categories...


1. Writing ability

2. Creativity

3. Use of Roster

4. Enjoyment of reading


Say you give all of these 3 points for a total of 12 points. Then we could make polls say from 6 to 12 and you can give each categories a 1, 2, or 3 and then add everything together for a total.



Or we just do a simple 1-10 or if you want to get technical do a 5-10 with .5 intervals just based on the overall product of the show.

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