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If companies are financially solvent enough to be signing wrestlers to contracts, they can alow their workers to organize and bargain collectively for their benefits.  Next up, we’ll be hearing how they’d like to provide healthcare to the wrestlers, but that would also bankrupt the company.

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On 1/17/2019 at 9:25 PM, Coffey said:

"Very solid in the ring and on the mic."

Wow. You and I have a very obvious difference on what solid means.

My favorite was when he almost killed B.J. Whitmer with a Piledriver on the ring apron. 

Super solid.

I admit I didn't see much of his ROH run, but he always came off top notch in Impact for the year he spent there.

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There is a trend now where people are worried about the long term viability of American football, which is currently something that makes billions of dollars in their sleep, way beyond anything WWE or any other wrestling organization can possibly hope to make. The reason for this is because health insurance coverage is getting too expensive for leagues to possibly cover every single player. In the NFL there's only so many spots you can grab so yes they are all covered in terms of health insurance, but if the NFL was taking on other leagues like the WWE does, they probably would end up running up a body count they can't afford to cover all. Minor league baseball had to have a law passed to ensure that they can keep paying their players less than minimum wage. All of that is to say that while it is nice to unionize and of course it is the fairest thing to do when you are asking people to throw themselves around risking injury, that shit is expensive. A single person could cost upward to 50,000 dollars just to insure. You are talking about an ever expanding roster here with 100+ talents. The simple truth is wrestling and football are so inherently dangerous that if you need to shell out a fortune just to be insured, then maybe those sports aren't worth it anymore. 


Is Vince greedy? Yeah sure of course. But like El-P says, capitalist moguls are focused on making money. That is the bottom line they look at, not how many employees they made smile. It's just their nature. They got to that position by being heartless. Why would they stop now that they are at the top? The singular driving objective of every business is to make as much money as you can in the window of opportunity you have. Vince and the WWE is no different. 

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AEW has signed "Jungle Boy" Nate Coy.

Rumor has it that Beverly Hills 90210 and Riverdale star Luke Perry and a team of lawyers were there for the negotiations, and they opted for a shorter deal instead of the two years originally offered.

Of course, it should probably be mentioned that "Jungle Boy" is Luke Perry's son. 

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1 minute ago, KawadaSmile said:

What is it with past their prime acts trying to talk shit to Brock while drunk? Perfect tried it in the 2000s and Jericho is talking trash now. Yeah, go ahead and face one of the strongest motherfuckers to ever step into the UFC, that'll work out for dad bod Y2J.

Also just a weird criticism.  Brock looked way more cut than he does when he's in wrestling-only mode.

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4 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

It should be remembered that the Jericho/Brock confrontation was largely driven by Michael Hayes trying to work Jericho and pretending that the finish to the Orton match wasn't planned.

Only in wrestling would someone as "eccentric" as Hayes have an executive position. 

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11 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

It should be remembered that the Jericho/Brock confrontation was largely driven by Michael Hayes trying to work Jericho and pretending that the finish to the Orton match wasn't planned.

Yup. Not defending Jericho but they were doing a wcw "work the locker room" deal that night. No one knew the finish backstage except top management

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30 minutes ago, FMKK said:

Lol, for some reason Randy Orton to AEW is a big rumour online at the minute.

That reminds me Yokozuna is gonna be joining WCW as part of the nWo.

Apparently, Jimmy Havoc is all in. Well, that's a name I don't exactly care for, everything I've seen from this guy was meh at best, stupid and quite bad at worst.

The Lucha Bros. teasing on the latest BTE is another thing though. Just like seeing that brief appearance from Pillman. Those three, yeah.

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Posts like this are unbelievably embarrassing and speak to the perpetual infanthood so many young wrestlers seem stuck in on social media.

I get that the fan was just as childish, but this does Havoc and AEW no favors. I've never seen him and I already can't stand him (and not in a money-drawing "heel heat" sort of way). 

As for Orton to AEW, he just cleanly defeated Mustafa Ali this week, so I doubt it.

With that said, it would be interesting to see him outside of his WWE bubble and comfort zone. I said interesting, not exciting or something I'd actually want to happen.

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