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Pro Wrestling Sheet reported that Big Dave has been talking to both WWE and AEW about making a return to wrestling. I don't really want to see him go to AEW, but at the same time I kind of do want to see it happen just for the meltdown that WWE will have over it. 

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3 minutes ago, PeteF3 said:

Wasn't the consensus that there never actually was any WWE references for him to remove to begin with? Can I get a definitive answer on that?

This does feel like a big deal, even accounting that WWE-contracted people are also appearing (Arn, Coachman, Lawler).

I distinctly remember seeing his profile months ago when it was set up and wondering if it was real because it had no WWE mentions.

I guess it could be as simple as him knowing that he's not wanted for Mania etc this year, seeing the writing in the wall in terms of in-ring, and getting what is probably a pretty damn big payout for this.

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It's weird that he even has social media, given how protective he is about the gimmick.  You would think WWE wouldn't want him to appear at anyone else's events, especially ones for potentially the biggest competition they've had in decades. I suppose they're confident that Taker's not going to show up on the first episode of AEW Nitro (or whatever they end up calling their TV), but surely  Vince can't be happy about this.  

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Given how closely identified Taker is with WWE and their current financial windfall, you would think that they would pay him whatever it took to get him to sit home and do nothing rather than do anything even remotely affiliated with AEW. Then again, Vince does have a tendency to expect loyalty from others while rarely if ever giving it in return.

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54 minutes ago, Johnny Sorrow said:

Well, since he's being billed as "The Undertaker" maybe Vince doesn't give a shit and is all in on letting his most loyal employee ever get a huge payday since he's not going to be on Mania. 

The idea that Vince doesn't give a shit that one of his most iconic creations is attending a convention set up by a hot new competitor kind of flies in the face of everything we've ever known about him. 

Surely this is a big payday, but I doubt AEW is dropping seven figures for a convention apperance. I'm sure Vince would be more than capable of matching whatever he's getting paid for this to not have the image of a legend showing up for the competition.

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I doubt vince and the WWE are that bothered about the star cast appearance as that's just a autograph singing. Yes I know that and the double or nothing are technically separate but there is enough cross over. The issue WWE would have(and be well within their rights to have it) is if taker appeared on the show and was presented as the undertaker. I'm guessing that because Cody Rhodes was asked could he use the Rhodes name when he left WWE and he said he couldn't on "anything televised" which is important. 

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He's being billed as "Mark Calaway aka The Undertaker." I don't think WWE could block that even if they wanted to. You obviously can't stop someone from using their real name, and I've seen tons of indy shows and conventions where a former WWE talent was billed as "so-and-so aka WWE name" or "so-and-so formerly known as WWE name."

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Didn't Undertaker get the rights to his name and gimmick over a decade or more ago? I could've sworn I read that in the WON.

1 hour ago, Stiva said:

I hope Taker gets a photo with Cody or Jericho, if only to purposefully troll.

He took a picture with some wrestlers from Impact recently.

IMO, all that did was make them look like fans and small-time.

Obviously, it would be a different story with Cody and Jericho - but I don't think even that would "harm" WWE in any way.

Edit: Here's the Impact pic.


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On 2/11/2019 at 12:06 PM, sek69 said:

Pro Wrestling Sheet reported that Big Dave has been talking to both WWE and AEW about making a return to wrestling. I don't really want to see him go to AEW, but at the same time I kind of do want to see it happen just for the meltdown that WWE will have over it. 

Initially, I thought the "Big Dave" mentioned here was Dave M. I was thinking "But he already works for AEW" before it hit me who you meant.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/11/2019 at 6:06 PM, sek69 said:

Pro Wrestling Sheet reported that Big Dave has been talking to both WWE and AEW about making a return to wrestling. I don't really want to see him go to AEW, but at the same time I kind of do want to see it happen just for the meltdown that WWE will have over it. 

Big Dave ain't got no time for AEW.

Also Triple H himself took some pics with Jericho (at Flair's party I presume). All hail.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two really funny moments on BTE this week. Kaz promo about the Tasmanian Devil ("He speaks nothing like Taz, he didn't call me brotha !") and the entire MJF vs Brandi segment. nWo Flip Gordon is quite the insult.

Also, if Micheal Nakazawa isn't already over with the upcoming AEW crowd, I'll be surprised.

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