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Having a hard time remembering a PPV with 2 top matches as strong as those two. Maybe Summerslam 08? Taker vs Edge feels interior to both Danielson/Okada and Omega/Ospreay though, it had HIAC and a culmination of a successful feud but I think the anticipation for both FD matchups is gonna be something we haven't seen in a long ass time.

Also, Eddie in the G1!

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I am not even a New Japan guy and even I am pretty stoked to see those two matches. Admittedly, I am a lot more excited about Danielson vs Okada than Omega vs. Ospreay II. I generally find Kenny’s New Japan “epics” to be incredibly athletic but ridiculously long and overblown and I highly suspect that is going to be the case here. But I am still there for it.

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I'd reckon Okada is very motivated for FD with Danielson. He has stated recently he is bored in New Japan, and there's been speculation he wants a deal in the States. Looking forward to it, this is a big match for Okada's legacy. 

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If I'm not mistaken, they had previously announced that All Access would be on MAX.

The optimist in me is really, really hoping that this means we'll soon see at the very least the old pay-per-views on there (along with maybe all the old Dynamite and Rampage episodes). The real coup would be if they have a deal like WWE/NBC where MAX will also be streaming future PPVs starting with, say, Full Gear in November.

I'm not super knowledgeable about how all these sorts of things work, but why I'm hopeful is:

From what I understand, the latest WBD deal was a big jump from their previous deal. WBD was also in the midst of trying to cut original programming and, if we're being honest, I'm not sure there would've been much of a bidding war for AEW as I don't see too many other cable networks being interested in it. So, what additional value would WBD be getting for their money? Yes, they're getting an additional show on Saturday Nights, but that doesn't help WBD's big "new" shiny streaming service (which is what most media companies believe to be the future of their content delivery). 

The thing that makes the most logical sense is that WBD is looking at what is working on other streaming services and, whether its Amazon and the NFL or Peacock and the WWE, having live sports on your streaming service is going to be integral moving forward. For AEW viewers, at least in the US, it'd be a huge win.

For Tony Khan, it'd also be a big win. Yes, their PPV business has been undeniably strong compared to what most predicted. Even shows like Forbidden Door exceeded expectations. However, we've seen PPV business crater for other companies and, right now, for AEW, we've seen it plateau or slightly drop. Its a much safer bet to have a deal in place with WBD/MAX that essentially "covers" what you would've made on PPV annually. Plus, I have no doubt in my mind that AEW's PPV price tag does scare away lots and lots of potential viewers (me being one such fan). The WBD/MAX would almost guarantee more eyeballs on your best shows which, theoretically, would mean you'd be converting even more fans from being folks who watch the TV programming periodically to avid weekly viewers to fans who will now pay to come see your events and buy your merch, opening up new markets for live events (desperately needed). Widening the net without changing the core business/content is what a MAX deal does for AEW.

So why hasn't AEW or MAX announced this? Again, I'll be optimistic here. Switching over from PPV to having their big shows on MAX means breaking or seriously hurting deals with the PPV providers like FITE. Of course, when you're getting a a billion dollars from WBD (as is supposedly the deal), you kinda don't need to give a shit...but that doesn't mean you can just cut ties abruptly as, I'm guessing, there are deals in place already through All Out and maybe even through 2023 and 2024. If there are already exclusivity deals with FITE and the other providers for some upcoming shows, it would obviously be a terrible business decision to announce that, say, starting with Full Gear, you can watch every past and future PPV on WBD/MAX for a fraction of the price. Anyone straddling the fence is going to opt not to purchase.  


The pieces all seem to be in place to make this happen. If it doesn't, to be honest, I just see both sides as losing here. Sure, AEW gets to keep their PPV business and get the big cash deal, but they lose the opportunity to expand their reach and get more eyeballs and be fully integrated into MAX, which is now WBD's flagship (or at least they hope it to be). AEW don't get to be what the WWE is to Peacock, which makes them disposable. Meanwhile, WBD loses the opportunity to see that nice bump of subscribers that AEW would bring if they become the exclusive provider of AEW's biggest shows.

It just makes so little sense to me that WBD made a (reportedly) 5 year-$1 billion deal just for an additional Saturday Night show and a dirt cheap reality show, neither of which helps their streaming service whatsoever. 

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Talent can't do media interviews without office permission; this has been a rule way back since MJF did one. If Wade Keller and Chico genuinely think this might jeopardize Punk's comeback, then they are even bigger morons than I thought they were 

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5 hours ago, MoS said:

Talent can't do media interviews without office permission; this has been a rule way back since MJF did one. If Wade Keller and Chico genuinely think this might jeopardize Punk's comeback, then they are even bigger morons than I thought they were 

It's hilarious how they are playing right in the hands of Punk and Tony. They want people talking about Punk prior to Collision's debut. Now, they might be "right" in the sense that some talent might not like the interview or the promotional tactic of doing a worked shoot on ESPN as publicity but I think we all know what this is all about.

I'm more intrigued if this thing makes any difference for Coliision, my guess is not but at least we'll have fun reading fans (and apparently reporters too) losing their shit at whatever Punk was allowed to say to ESPN.

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That seems like a...very tame interview? No idea why Keller was acting like it's some horrible shit that'd make things difficult for Punk when he makes his return. Punk didn't even say anything bad about Hangman - just that the lack of trust made the entire dynamic of the match very insecure, which led to, in his opinion, a bad match cuz they didn't trust each other and were not focusing on the right things (I actually thought it was a pretty good match, tbh). 

Also funny to see Punk claiming he tried to reach out to the Elite, only to get lawyered and told to back off, because a few weeks ago, Meltz and Chico were complaining about how Punk has not reached out to anyone in the Elite despite the fact that it is so easy to turn up backstage and talk to the Elite lads. Punk contradicts him directly there. I like Dave a lot, but this Elite-Punk saga seems to have really broken his brain, especially Punk's actions and the repercussions therefrom, or the perceived lack of it. Dunno if he ever will be able to report objectively about Punk anymore. 

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I've loved Joe since I found his match with Low-Ki on YouTube way back in 2004 (those used to the the wild days, entire events would be uploaded on YouTube) and this makes me like him more. I am so happy he gets a chance to wrestle for a major international promotion on national TV, and AEW and TK are very lucky to have him 

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I guess that interview is useful for someone that hasn't followed the drama in the last 10 months but for everyone else, it didn't say anything worth noting, lol.

Biggest reveal was confirming the report about Punk not wanting to work DoN after the Page promo and that he was uneasy wrestling with him at the PPV (was that SRS/Fightfull or WON/Dave?) and the lawyer stuff between him and The Elite.



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Since the Punk interview turned out to be completely anodyne, the story going around now is that there was a lot said that was left out of the printed version of the interview and quotes from the complete interview somehow made their way to the locker room and had them up in arms but no one can say what those quotes were. Which, come the fuck on. I don't know if it's the Elite, but it does seem like someone in AEW has it out for Punk and is trying to poison the well.

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Nigel in the booth gives me a bit of hope that they’re going to continue what seems like the simmering build toward Bryan Vs Nigel. Nigel has went out of his way to mention Bryan a few times on ROH and vice versa so if Nigel is up to it, book it for All In, Tony

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The rights to much of Europe's back catalog, including The Final Countdown, have been sold to a music publisher, which presumably wants to make money with the songs they've acquired and thus wouldn't charge an arm and a leg for use. Imagine if Danielson came out to TFC at Forbidden Door.

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