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WWE Stomping Grounds - NO BUYS~


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I wasn't very sleepy last night so I turned on the TV for a few minutes and watched the ending of Owens/Zayn vs New Day, which seemed like a good match. Watched the beginning of Ricochet vs Joe, and I must say for the first time it struck me how heavier and slower Joe looked. I wanted to see the two women matches, but I guess I missed Becky vs Lacey, and I got tired very quickly. The production of WWE is just unbearable at this point. At one point I counted the sc per shots. When the action is fast, no shot lasts more than 2 or 3 sc and when they do, the cam zooms for every spot. Unwatchable. Seriously, it's probably dangerous for people with epilepsy trouble.

It's funny, it seems like people in the industry wonder where the AEW fans come from, and that apparently there has been a lot of pro-wrestling fans who don't watch pro-wrestling because of the monopoly. And really, I can totally get it, I'm one of them. Because of a certain personal context and the fact I got WWE stuff free on my TV for the last few years, I've watched more of their stuff that I have the last 15 years before, but honestly, the day I move out, I'll probably be done. No matter if they have good matches on TV and talented guys, their product is such a complete turn off. And they wonder why the prospect of AEW get people excited ? Yeah. Because for 20 years almost, it was WWE or zilch as far as major US promotion, basically. TNA had a shot for a very short window and they blew it. ROH never had a shot. And now, it seems things are gonna change big time. So yeah. WWE best be glad for the TV fee bubble and the criminal saudi prince PR department. They'd be in so much shit if not for that. (not even mentioning the XFL, which probably gonna kill Vince if he tries do both at the same time)

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  On 6/24/2019 at 2:17 AM, KawadaSmile said:

Also Seth/Becky have... less than stellar chemistry together, don't they?


Could just have been not wanting to follow the John Cena/Nikki Bella route, but last night’s post match celebration felt more like two blood relatives or good friends more so than two people romantically involved.

Like “characters shouldn’t be serious unless they are IRL seriously serious!”

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  On 6/24/2019 at 5:04 PM, Jmare007 said:


And this program has been going on since April? Goddamn.


Becky is not the new Stone Cold, she's the new John Cena. And Lacey, well, she looked lost as all hell here. I guess I should watch that one for comedy purpose, although really, it seems like all the momentum Becky had early on this year has vanished in thin air.

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According to wrestlinginc, creative team member Ryan Alpert quit the company last week.  He was the one who portrayed "Mr. Bootyworth" in the New .Day skits

as for the Seth haters.  I don't think you will have to worry too much.  Pretty sure Roman will be back as top face by the FOX launch

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  On 6/24/2019 at 6:42 PM, El-P said:

Becky is not the new Stone Cold, she's the new John Cena. And Lacey, well, she looked lost as all hell here. I guess I should watch that one for comedy purpose, although really, it seems like all the momentum Becky had early on this year has vanished in thin air.


She got a good pop when she came out for the main event in fairness. But they've really not given her a meaningful programme to speak of since Mania. This Lacey stuff has just been them cutting the same promo to each other every week since about April. Hopefully a mixed tag run will mean she can at least do Seth's interviews for him.

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Ok, I just watched the match. Nowhere near as bad as that clip would make you think it was. I thought it was actually pretty good, and Evans again shows tons of heel personality and hangs on pretty well out there as far as work goes, although some transitions are pretty shaky. Becky calls like a mofo though, I stand by my "she's the new Cena". Tagging with Seth sounds bad for Becky, as Seth has not set (pun intended) the world on fire, like, ever. 

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  On 6/24/2019 at 4:59 PM, FMKK said:



I presume Seth Rollins doesn't actually watch his own matches



Poor Seth.  Dude started off well trying to be the guy to rally the troops, but doing it before having a main event match with Baron Corbin just led him to get dunked on like he was defending mid 90s era Shaq. Plus he really seems to think people's issue with WWE is the level of effort the talent puts in....which is like some real bizarro world shit since that's usually the one thing most people *do* give WWE credit for. 

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  On 6/24/2019 at 8:48 PM, sek69 said:


Poor Seth.  Dude started off well trying to be the guy to rally the troops, but doing it before having a main event match with Baron Corbin just led him to get dunked on like he was defending mid 90s era Shaq. Plus he really seems to think people's issue with WWE is the level of effort the talent puts in....which is like some real bizarro world shit since that's usually the one thing most people *do* give WWE credit for. 


You'd almost think one of his buddies laid this out quite clearly in interviews recently. Maybe he didn't listen.

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Finished the show today, some thoughts...

- Bayley/Alexa was my MOTN and I'm not sure it was all that close. It wasn't that the match was all that special, but it got the "little things" right from beginning to end. Great seeing Alexa back in the ring being "herself," cocky, arrogant, clever. Really liked the spot where she got a full head of steam and then just stopped short and slapped the taste out of Bayley's mouth. Liked the two sunset-flip powerbomb spots (Bayley tooks her on the floor and that's insane to me). Liked the intriguing developments involving Nikki Cross too. Good build to the match too with a clear, understandable story explained in the pre-match vignette. 

- Ricochet/Joe started a bit too slow for me but was good. 

- I liked the Bryan & Rowan/Heavy Machinery match for what it was but much of that credit has to go to the audience, who was more engaged in this match than any other. The match itself was fine, though maybe a bit long, and I don't know, I just tend to like matches where the faces get cheered and the heels get booed. Or, if that's not happening, the workers involved do something interesting about the unexpected dynamic. In this case, Otis and Tucker just did their usual stuff and some of it is borderline awful (The Caterpillar is maybe the most unfunny, lame, "please find me funny" shit ever). Their Bushwhacker-inspired entrance also reeks of somebody saying "You'll be like the new Bushwhackers!" and then some other agent going, "Yeah, and do the dumb march too!" At least Enzo & Cass freshened up the NAO shtick with their own catchphrases. What are Heavy Machinery doing that's new? A slower version of the Worm? I still like Otis, but man, whoever is "coaching" him is an absolute idiot. Tucker? I don't know, seems about as interesting as wallpaper.

- The main event was basically a worse version of the main event of SuperBrawl: Revenge, a WCW PPV I just reviewed on my blog a week or two ago. Only, at SuperBrawl, it was Ric Flair changing the rules so that Scott Steiner could cheat Kevin Nash out of the title. And guess what? Every part of the SuperBrawl: Revenge main event was better. It started way hotter. Flair's ridiculous rule-changes as the match were going on were much more entertaining. Steiner's offense was better than Corbin's. Nash's selling was better than Rollins'. Yeah, that match was dogshit except for the table spot.


And MOST shocking to me is that the commentators blatantly and repeatedly talked about how the match was a disgrace to the Universal Championship. It was literally a Vince McMahon "trolling the audience" main event and, hey, I can understand why a promoter might do that once in a blue moon with a really hot heel act or to build towards a more rewarding win for the babyface later on. I can understand that. But that's not what this is. Stomping Grounds had trouble selling seats. The gate was horrible. So what does WWE decide to do??? RUN IT AGAIN at Extreme Rules in a Winner Takes All Tag Match with the same four characters that just absolutely stunk out the half-empty joint at Stomping Grounds.

And the same can be said fro the Reigns/McIntyre feud. On commentary, after the match, Cole and Co. repeatedly noted how this was the end of the feud, that Reigns had single-handedly bested both Shane and McIntyre and he would be able to move on with his career. Only that's not what happened. The feud continued again. Even though the storyline reached a natural conclusion and it is obvious the audience is eager for some fresh match-ups. 

I'm not sure whats been worse "doubling down" this week: Seth Rollins doubling down on the WWE being "the best wrestling on the planet" or Vince McMahon doubling-down on Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans being worthy of main eventing PPVs?

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  On 6/24/2019 at 3:00 PM, SteveJRogers said:

but last night’s post match celebration felt more like two blood relatives or good friends more so than two people romantically involved.



  On 6/24/2019 at 11:38 PM, Herodes said:

Seth and Becky may be the worst duo in wrestling ever. Utter shit the both of them.


Agreed on both. This pairing comes off so horribly forced and that awkward celebration didn't help a bit. I haven't been able to stand Becky all year, I don't dislike Seth but him having to now be constantly referred to on commentary as "BECKY'S BOYFRIEND" Seth Rollins is terrible and only drags him down further.

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  On 6/23/2019 at 8:12 PM, The Thread Killer said:

Thanks brother, I really appreciate the kind words.  I really hesitated for the longest time about even mentioning the fact I was sick here at PWO, because I know we generally don't post about those types of things (hence the name Pro Wrestling Only.) But in my own way I have made "friends" with a lot of guys here.  Plus, if I suddenly disappear, people will know why.  It turns out I have the exact same symptoms and condition that Ric Flair had recently - except mine is genetic and was not brought on by a lifetime of alcohol abuse.  (Actually, come to think about it...)  Maybe like Lou Gehrig's disease, they'll name the condition after Flair, and I can tell people I have Ric Flair disease.  That would give me a medical excuse for drinking to excess, sleeping with thousands of women, wearing nothing but a robe and exposing myself to stewardesses.


I popped for this! :lol:

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