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WWE TV 24/06 - 30/06 Is Ricochet a better version of Ospreay


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So, Seth Rollins has been a proven failure on top, both as a heel and a babyface, and now he's acting like a little bitch and a corporate drone. What a douche.

Watch more WWE shows headlined by Seth sell zilch tickets and get all-time low ratings while AEW sells out their shows with no TV yet and Mox is getting into the legit most critically acclaimed and most intense and rigorous pro-wrestling event.

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Also, they obviously want to push Lacey Evans hard. And so what do they do ? They pair her with Baron Corbin, who's a proven DEATH, on all levels. It's amazing. Anyone who still believe the show is gonna get magically good once they get on Fox, I have no idea what to tell you. They are broken. Delete, please.

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  On 6/25/2019 at 3:14 PM, El-P said:

Also, they obviously want to push Lacey Evans hard. And so what do they do ? They pair her with Baron Corbin, who's a proven DEATH, on all levels. It's amazing. Anyone who still believe the show is gonna get magically good once they get on Fox, I have no idea what to tell you. They are broken. Delete, please.


But this Corbin/Lacey pairing is hardly the worst of the problems. In fact they are actually a good dastardly heel duo with clear motivations and had fun interactions this past few days.

Sure them being featured in the main event so often is not ideal, but that is far from being the end of the world.


I do find it funny that two of the least likeable guys in pro wrestling are going at each other and looking like total tools, tho.


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  On 6/25/2019 at 3:40 PM, KawadaSmile said:

But this Corbin/Lacey pairing is hardly the worst of the problems.


Their insistance on pushing Baron Corbin is one clear evidence they are creatively broken. He's a completely proven death, has been for months and months, yet they still push him. Now they settle the new hot thing from the women's division with him, and it can only end up bad for her. This guy has been an anchor forever, hell, they even made fun of the fact he was ratings death on their own program ! Yet they still push him, while they managed to bury everyone who dared getting over on their own. 

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But he is a competent heel, and has progressed in the ring enough you can say he's good in that department too. Crowds sure loved seeing him getting fucked in the main event, as they rejoiced when Becky came for the win. All that is cool, and points to him for being unlikeable.

The issue is that Corbin, during his trio with Drew and Lashley, has been overexposed. Only a select few are able to be featured as heavily as they were during that period without boring people at one point or other. I mentioned that before, but when Raw was about Jericho and KO hogging the spotlight, the show felt stale as shit. This is no different.

That criticism is valid for WWE as a whole: either they keep overusing certain talent, or they don't use them for months. I believe Roman suggested wrestlers having "vacations" or something to that effect in order to make better use of the stacked roster, and that would help things a lot. 


They have so much talent, focusing solely on a few is bad no matter how you look at it.


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The crowd, or what is left of the crowd, completely shit on the Stomping Ground main event. They popped for Becky because Becky is a bigger star and cooler than Corbin or Seth 'Patty Hearst' Rollins will ever be. I don't think any of this is evidence that Corbin has been anything other than death in this role.

And for the record, I'd go as far as to say I like Corbin, and feel bad for him that he's been put in this position and is constantly made a scapegoat for all WWE's problems. But the fans have spoken, and at the least, Corbin needs to be taken off TV for a while.

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  On 6/25/2019 at 3:11 PM, Log said:

I mean, on the one hand, you can't blame Seth.  He has been a failure and they've stuck with him.  No wonder he's such a shill.

On the other hand, fuck Seth Rollins.


Helps to be Hunter's picked guy but Jesus Christ, who knew the guy was such a mark?

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"Crowds react to Baron Corbin" is akin to "Crowds pop for Sid" in WCW in 1999 and 2000. Good for those for are left in the building, which is less and less and less and less.

Of course he's not their only problem. But the constant focus on him really displays the complete incompetence and tone-deafeness of the booking in grand fashion.

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Man, after re-reading this Seth interview, he really threw Ambrose under the bus there, huh?

Makes me wonder about if Roman seemingly getting stuck with midcarders & dead weight while Rollins has a lenghty-ish title reign has something to do with it (probably not, but I would like to be a fly on the wall in this circumstance)

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  On 6/25/2019 at 6:17 PM, KawadaSmile said:

Man, after re-reading this Seth interview, he really threw Ambrose under the bus there, huh?

Makes me wonder about if Roman seemingly getting stuck with midcarders & dead weight while Rollins has a lenghty-ish title reign has something to do with it (probably not, but I would like to be a fly on the wall in this circumstance)


If I were Reigns I'd be happy enough for Rollins to eat shit as the failure on top for the next months knowing that he'll be pushed towards the main event again in time for the Fox move.

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HHH is an all time Hall of Fame policker, no one should ever doubt that. Dude went from Shawn's bag carrier to #2 in the company. Props to him for being able to channel his crippling insecurity in a way that secures the bag for not just him but his kids' kids.

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  On 6/25/2019 at 6:17 PM, KawadaSmile said:

Man, after re-reading this Seth interview, he really threw Ambrose under the bus there, huh?

Makes me wonder about if Roman seemingly getting stuck with midcarders & dead weight while Rollins has a lenghty-ish title reign has something to do with it (probably not, but I would like to be a fly on the wall in this circumstance)


Barring Ambrose not being in WWE, this sounds very much like WWE 2015. It's scary similar. 

I thought it was established already that Seth is a BTEC Triple H without having the best parts of Triple H. 


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I kinda think they are afraid that if they put back Roman in main events and have him constantly fighting over the title the fans will start booing him again.  But again as a I mentioned yesterday he will be back as top face when the FOX deal happens and I think they will just deal with the boos if they start

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What's extra irritating/lame about these Rollins quotes and tweets is that he doesn't have to share any of these thoughts. I know that seems so obvious but with every additional tweet he is doubling down on this laughable idea that the WWE provides "the best wrestling on the planet" and that he himself is "the best wrestler alive." I can understand defending the company, but there's a much better way to do it than the statements he's ostensibly come up with himself. 

I don't think the "he took his ball and went home" line is even the most unlikable thing he said in this interview. I think him admitting to having "more leeway" than others is actually far worse because it implies that he's actually got the power to make things better and firmly believes that the current product, specifically his own storylines and matches, are as good as they possibly could be. 

He sucks so much I'm actually turning on Becky Lynch a bit too. Like, what do you see in this idiot?


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