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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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Back to my 'Younger' days

Returning to in-ring action for a great cause on June 26th in O-Town

"Take Down Trafficking" A Benefit for Bikers Against Trafficking

Special VIP ticket holders will have early entry and take place in a meet and greet with former WWE and International superstars Matt Morgan and Low-Ki!

Limited capacity Tickets on sale now—
(Link is also in my IG Bio)

The Operation Underground Railroad volunteers will be there in support as well. Stop by our table to see how you can get involved in the fight to eradicate Child Trafficking.

Come enjoy a great night of Pro Wrestling and take a stand against Human Trafficking!

#endHumanTrafficking #prowrestling #imback



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Ah, yes, Matt Morgan the famed WWE superstar.

As someone from a different country, and very far removed from the reality of these organisations, I'd think they're noble causes. I'd might even support them if I didn't know any better. It's ingenious (in a sad and pathetic way) that they've managed to control the narrative where anyone speaking out against them will look like anti-child trafficking weirdos. I thought proselytizing was the height of psychologically trapping people into your beliefs but this is a whole other "us/them" ballgame.

Back to PWO, is TNA still that irrelevant that Drake doesn't even mention them here?

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4 hours ago, Rah said:

As someone from a different country, and very far removed from the reality of these organisations, I'd think they're noble causes. I'd might even support them if I didn't know any better. It's ingenious (in a sad and pathetic way) that they've managed to control the narrative where anyone speaking out against them will look like anti-child trafficking weirdos. I thought proselytizing was the height of psychologically trapping people into your beliefs but this is a whole other "us/them" ballgame.

Well, I don't think it works that well in term of "tricking" people they are just regular dudes "against human trafficking", since it takes about two minutes online to figure out they're creepy loony bigots. Hell, I guess ask one of them about "who" is doing the human trafficking and you'll get your response, in the midst of "Blue Lives Matter, God hates a homo, abortion is baby murder" and such wonderful things... 

Although I must say, I learned what QAnon was from this board. 

BTW, why am I not surprised to see Low-ki ? I wonder if taking part in that stuff will terminate any chance he'll have to work with MLW again.

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1 hour ago, El-P said:

Well, I don't think it works that well in term of "tricking" people they are just regular dudes "against human trafficking", since it takes about two minutes online to figure out they're creepy loony bigots. Hell, I guess ask one of them about "who" is doing the human trafficking and you'll get your response, in the midst of "Blue Lives Matter, God hates a homo, abortion is baby murder" and such wonderful things... 

Although I must say, I learned what QAnon was from this board. 

BTW, why am I not surprised to see Low-ki ? I wonder if taking part in that stuff will terminate any chance he'll have to work with MLW again.

Of course, I 100% agree with that. I more meant people already within the bubble. I'll spoiler this because it's not PWO:


These type of actions are dangerously used by group leaders to further indoctrinate their members. I used proselytizing as an example and I'll expand on that. Religious conversion is not about creating new members, it's about further alienating current members from those outside the organization.

Even for newer members of the group, preaching the gospel or trying to "teach the word" is seen as helping society. They believe they're doing a good thing. Yet it's met with apathy (at the least) and hostility (at the worst) from those they try to preach to. They return back to their group, rejected by the outside world, and welcomed with warmth and affection. This dangerously creates a divide between the outside group (hating) and those inside (caring). These members start to see anyone outside of the group as "the enemy" and untrustworthy. The group now becomes their protectors and family. It brainwashes them against loved ones trying to "talk some sense into them" as they believe it's the devil in disguise or coming from an unsafe place.

Turning back to Wuertz, I legitimately believe Drake thinks we're nutjobs here to continue child trafficking. Instead of the devil in disguise, it's "those damn libs" in power shifting the narrative to cover their tracks. Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe. It's funny to make jokes and brand him as a looney, I know I have, but it's deeply sad at the root of it all and I truly hope he gets help.

Cults start small - with rational assumptions and requests- that prey on the vulnerable. After all, nobody joined the People's Temple willing to drink Kool-Aid.


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Totally agree, this totally has a sectarian nature to it. There has been more of this during the pandemic too with the anti-vaxers/anti-mask and such. (although in France the anti-vax sentiment that was pretty high has refluxed since tangible results are now visible, so that's a positive thing at least)

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19 hours ago, Rah said:

Ah, yes, Matt Morgan the famed WWE superstar.

As someone from a different country, and very far removed from the reality of these organisations, I'd think they're noble causes. I'd might even support them if I didn't know any better. It's ingenious (in a sad and pathetic way) that they've managed to control the narrative where anyone speaking out against them will look like anti-child trafficking weirdos. I thought proselytizing was the height of psychologically trapping people into your beliefs but this is a whole other "us/them" ballgame.

Back to PWO, is TNA still that irrelevant that Drake doesn't even mention them here?

This is how a lot of people got on-boarded into Q and Q-adjacent things during COVID.  It's often referred to as "soft-pilling."  Who doesn't want to #savethechildren?  Then once those people are in the door, they can be taught how to "do their own research" and learn about the cabal, the Jews, adrenochrome, et al.

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Sorry for going non wrestling, but a fella I know was all about how Kids Lives Matter as opposed to Black Lives Matter during the pandemic, until a local council gave free meals to local children in poverty at which juncture it became "lefty political point scoring" and the kids shouldn't have got the food as their parents should provide. Fucking insane. 


Anyway, to bring it back on topic. Adnan Kirk may be gone, but WWE have signed Jimmy Smith from Bellator to replace him on Raw as pbp guy from next Monday and probably sack in a fortnight. 

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Can the WWE money even be that good as to be worth it? What did they offer Mike Goldberg when he turned them down? I'm waiting until they've exhausted all other legitimate sports asters and have Clive Tyldesley or the ghost of Richie Benaud. 


Actually id love Richie Benaud doing Raw. 

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See, I'd have thought Adnan might have cost a bit as he was from ESPN and stuff, but thinking about it and the way WWE are I'm not sure if he'd had a shit 100,000 dollars a year or he signed for something like half a mill. I'm pretty sure Adamle wouldn't have been too cheap. But who knows. 


Also, are announcers employees or independent contractors? 

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Adnan was fired from ESPN for leaking info, so I was surprised he would be signed to WWE since Vince is so paranoid.  

Pretty sure announcers are actual employees, I can't imagine they would be able to get any legit broadcaster on a WWE style "we'll fuck you every way we can" independent contractor deal. 

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I just wonder what is causing this "We have to have a legitimate sports announcer calling our show" mindset. They've seemed perfectly fine with Michael Cole and the legion of Michael Cole sound-a-likes that have been calling their shows for the last 20 years. I wonder if this is an NBC/Fox mandate, the current idea on how to get the fans back, or if Vince just discovered ESPN 2.

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10 hours ago, ButchReedMark said:

Can the WWE money even be that good as to be worth it? What did they offer Mike Goldberg when he turned them down? I'm waiting until they've exhausted all other legitimate sports asters and have Clive Tyldesley or the ghost of Richie Benaud. 


Actually id love Richie Benaud doing Raw. 

Jonathan Pearce has history commentating on those robots kicking the shit out of each other and then, as an added plus, I won’t have to listen to him on Match of the Day anymore.

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9 hours ago, Blehschmidt said:

I just wonder what is causing this "We have to have a legitimate sports announcer calling our show" mindset. They've seemed perfectly fine with Michael Cole and the legion of Michael Cole sound-a-likes that have been calling their shows for the last 20 years. I wonder if this is an NBC/Fox mandate, the current idea on how to get the fans back, or if Vince just discovered ESPN 2.

It's apparently a Nick Khan mandate, since he was the one behind hiring Adnan and now this. If I had to guess I'd wager he's trying to make WWE seem more mainstream/legit by bringing in these guys. 

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