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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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4 hours ago, NotJayTabb said:

I always felt I'd be pretty offended if I was the Young Bucks. Not by Top Dolla, but by everyone on Twitter who decided "He's talking about wrestlers who wear shit trainers? That has to be the Bucks"

The stupidest thing about the whole thing is that the Bucks wear the shit trainers for heel heat. Talk about people not getting it.

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....and despite all that he still caped for the company on Twitter, who then made him look like a giant clown by releasing him after. 


Also the "BS reports" he's referring to are ones saying he got heat for his comments about not being like the others who failed on the main roster because they can promo. Funny thing is if the reports are true, it's proof in his favor that the other things he said in his tweets are true. But he has to call them BS because a "dirt sheet" said it.

WWE Brain is a serious problem, folks. 

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16 hours ago, NotJayTabb said:

I understand why Franky Monet is annoyed, but at the same time she's just like the lady in The Snake by Al Wilson (not that one). Its not like WWE is some start up with no history of firing people indiscriminately, they've been doing this for years

According to Monet, she was lied to - repeatedly. Then they fired her husband two weeks later.

All of this after they packed up and moved from Southern California - where they loved - to Florida just so she could be closer to the PC, all while thinking she had job security, which was apparently promised to her.

I'd say she has a strong reason to be pissed off.

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I wonder if this period is gonna have some long term effect in the perception of the company by the workers inside the business. From the godawful creative and use of talent to the absolute disdain of just doing mass firing during their most profitable time ever. The question remains the same : who the fuck would want to work for this company now if you can make a living elsewhere ? At some point, the brand is gonna take a hit in term of what it represent to the people inside the industry. Are young workers really dreaming of having a "Mania Moment" in 2021 ?  How long is this still gonna be a thing ? And of course, to the general public, pro-wrestling will equal WWE for a long time to come, because they are Coca-Cola, but still, at some point, the luster is gonna go away unless they keep a complete stronghold on the business, which they have failed to do these past three years.

Macintosh is still kinda cult-like with his employees and custumers, but a few years removed from the death of its guru visionary businessman, the luster is clearly not the same, as there is no real innovations anymore (whatever they were at the time of Jobs, and hey, I've been using Mac for 10 years now, but strongly want out of the cycle) and it's a lot less cool than it was 15 years ago. Brand don't last forever. Brand die. The WWE is both at its apex financially, and probably at his nadir in term of creative and perception from within the business (of course way too much talent to hit rock bottom in-ring though). How long can this bizarre situation work ? As long as the brand is strong, and it's helluva strong still. But at some point, something's gotta give, right ? When Vince dies, what happens ? Someone actually competent gets in charge and it's a complete rebirth, or we get Disney Star Wars and it's more shitload of money for awful products ? Or the whole thing just crumbles slowly from within without what was the vision Vince had for WWE and his guru-ish tendencies ?

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Talent signed these contracts that apparently gave the company the right to cut them with 30 days severance for those in NXT and 90 days on the main roster.  There should and hopefully will be consequences for the company's ability to recruit and sign talent from this approach, as El-P touched on above, because why would anyone want to do business with people who operate like that unless there are no other options?  But when you put your name to paper and give a counterparty the right to do something you can only express so much outrage when they exercise their right to do just that thing.  

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2 hours ago, El-P said:

There's no way those WWE contracts should be legal anyway. It's completely ridiculous they can freeze you forever but they can also cut you any day they want. Union !

Not wanting to sound patronizing to the American posters here, but: it's the US, labor laws are (besides being ridiculously favoring the employers - seeing it from European eyes) at best vague suggestions.

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Crumbling? Quite the opposite. 15 year-old Aurora Rose HHH McMahon has begun training as a wrestler, although like all well-adjusted teenage girls, she wants to grow up to be Vince. Steph chats with Talksport about it here https://talksport.com/sport/wrestling/988309/stephanie-mcmahon-triple-h-health-wwe-daughter-training/

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WON: NXT: After 11 shows with the new format designed to increase the appeal to younger viewers, this week’s show did a 0.05 with teenagers and 0.06 in 18-34, and remains in a battle with Impact as the oldest skewing nationally broadcasted wrestling show.

Not much of a surprise . I wonder when they hit the reset button, again?

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Nepotism and age play against her, here. I wonder what her next stop is, though. I don't live in the US so I'm not sure how far she could stretch things, but $100K/year ($500k net-worth) doesn't seem like much to retire on. 

Could go the Ryback route and become an internet meme, I guess? Dude was front page of Reddit again yesterday.

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Why on earth would AEW offer her a contract ? She's a mediocre worker at her very best and she's a proven liability, her track record of injuring other girls is well documented. The only reason she ever got a job in WWE is because of her size and nepotism. She never got good despite years of working with really good workers. She was never a draw in any way shape or form. Would be a big time waste of money and time.

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