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Does this sound like Dutch:


"Core audience is male, 18 to 30 or whatever."


Talking about "core audience" is a more modern concept, at least in being written like that. Perhaps Dutch has stayed up to day on lingo like that and incorporated it into his writing. Doesn't seem likely, though.



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Understood. Was just thinking that the elements of the writing don't sound like someone who is 61. Though perhaps the time in PR (where he / folks for him pimped the ratings) and TNA (which is so TV lingo insane) have brought him up to date.


I'd also forgotten that he took a WON Booker of the Year Award for PR... hmmm...


Dutch wiki page:


Mantel was awarded the 2002 Wrestling Observer Newsletter award of Booker of the Year for his dual achievements of drawing huge crowds to IWA big stadium shows (12 to 15 thousand fans) and for his ratings successes on Puerto Rican TV, which equaled prime time numbers, even though the show aired on weekend afternoons.


WON Awards wiki page:


Best Booker

2001 Jim Cornette (OVW)

2002 Paul Heyman (WWE)

2003 Jim Cornette (OVW)

2004 Gabe Sapolsky (ROH)

2005 Gabe Sapolsky (ROH)

2006 Gabe Sapolsky (ROH)

2007 Gabe Sapolsky (ROH)

Okay... it is pretty funny that Dutch (or someone else editing his Wiki page) stole Paul's 5th of 5 Booker of the Year Awards.


"It's not like Paul will miss it..."





Anyway, setting aside the joking... if Dutch corresponds with Dave, and given Dutch's time in TNA (which is pretty obsessive about core audience stuff), then it's possible that Dutch is up to spend and that's him. Does Dutch appear to keep up with the WWE?



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I'm reading the Jerry Jarrett book on the first year of TNA and he copies a lot of emails he would send to Jeff, Wade Keller, etc. and he uses LOL in caps a lot in these emails. So I wouldn't be shocked if it was Jerry Jarrett, especially since he was just on the WON Radio show.

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I think the line about dates points towards Jarrett. He was always a big believer in promoting to women.

Yeah, and the substance of the "Where are the blow jobs?" conversation was that more female fans means more male fans going with them as well.
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What is the story with that?

Hart antagonized him outside of I think it's called the Whitetrash Cafe and Punk attacked him. Sabu broke it up. Hart was fired immediately and Punk was essentially depushed and gone in a week or two. Now, there's a lot of conflicting info because Hart people and Punk people have been spinning from day 1. But that's about the most neutral version.

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In that wacky Teddy Hart interview he did a month or so back he goes into a lot of detail about it.


The gist is he said he had a bad attitude/was immature at the time so he kind of took the blame for the issues starting. Said he respected Punk for being the only guy who didn't like him who had the balls to actually slap him like he said he would. Also said sometime back they buried the hatchet and are buds now, also confirmed that he did indeed buy CM Punk a spiffy track suit as a peace offering.

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