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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I remember when he came back in for a week to the WWE he immediately wanted to put together a Bischoff, Goldberg, Foley, and someone else faction, and compared to what was on TV at the time it would have shook everything up in a huge way that the program really needed at that point. I don't think he just needs another guy on top of him. I think he needs Vince specifically in charge.

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Russo has always been good at doing an exciting reset show where you hot shot a lot of angles and shake things up, even without McMahon's guidance. It usually was successful in getting interest in the product up for a week or two. But usually the majority of the crap he threw to the wall went nowhere or wasn't paid off in the end or was a bad long term idea even though it was shocking. Also, the constant onslaught of angles becomes draining after awhile.

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Honestly, I thought that's what they should have done with the big Raw Anniversary Ep a month or two ago. They had so many guys debut or come back from injury in the month or two prior and they should have saved them all for that show just tossing out one return after another.

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The longer Vince Russo is away from professional wrestling the more fondly he will be remembered. In a few years, there will be a whole new generation of fans talking about how great he was & how much of a genius he is. Rose-colored glasses, nostalgia & all that.

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The longer Vince Russo is away from professional wrestling the more fondly he will be remembered. In a few years, there will be a whole new generation of fans talking about how great he was & how much of a genius he is. Rose-colored glasses, nostalgia & all that.

Well, that's the case for everything in wrestling. Russo isn't unique there. The vision of wrestling that draws people in is the standard they compare everything else to.

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His biggest problem seems to be overinflated ego.

I think his biggest problem is that he has very little talent, isn't very smart and isn't truly creative but instead poorly derivative.


Russo's ego is only a problem because rather than knowing he isn't talented, he deludes himself into thinking he's a genius.



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The longer Vince Russo is away from professional wrestling the more fondly he will be remembered. In a few years, there will be a whole new generation of fans talking about how great he was & how much of a genius he is. Rose-colored glasses, nostalgia & all that.

Well, that's the case for everything in wrestling. Russo isn't unique there.


Yeah, that's what I meant. It's just going to be weird, so the few in this thread that got up-in-arms (maybe that's an exaggeration) over a comment or two of positivity in the direction of Russo should probably brace themselves. I foresee polls in the future asking absurdity like "who is the best writer/booker ever?" with Russo winning...
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Russo is one of those guys who is a good guy to have around to bounce ideas but as the main guy in charge he was way in over his head. There have been many bookers like that over the years and writers in general on TV.

I would worry about even having him around. He only worked in that setting with McMahon, and for a short period of time. McMahon was/is a dictator, and doesn't have to worry about anyone stabbing him in the back.


In a more normal booking/creative situation where one would try to argue that Russo could be of value to a booking team, there's no way in hell if I were the head of a booking team that I'd want him around. He'd try to worm his way over my head to the boss, stab myself and others in creative in the back, and work to get on the side of various people in the locker room against others in the creative/booking team.


Would I want him actually in a booking room and having to listen to his bullshit? No. Would he be of value to watch the show at home and offer advise? I don't think so, certainly less so than say Heyman or Cornette would in the same role earlier in their careers.


Russo's claim to fame was to be involved in the creative process during the boom. Sometimes "success" like that offers a warped view of how good someone really is.


George Seifert went 98-30 (.766) with the 49ers from 1989-1996, winning two Super Bowls. Just how good of a head coach was he, and how much was on the talent, the front office and the organization?


Steve Mariucci came in and went 25-7 (.781) the first two seasons after Seifert was shown the door. Then Young's career was finished, others in the dynasty aged, and the team fell off for two seasons. They bounced back to go 22-10 (.688) his last two season, then he was shown the door... so 47-17 (.734) in the four "good" seasons that bookended the two poor seasons where Young's injury sent them off the cliff and into mini-rebuild/reload.


Seifert and Mariucci went a combined 145-47 (.755) across 12 seasons setting aside that 1999-2000 blip. 11 trips to the post season, those two Super Bowl win and could be reasonably called the second best team in the NFL in 1990, 1992, 1993.


Does anyone think that Seifert and Mariucci are great coaches, let alone geniuses? Wait... does anyone think they're actually "good" coaches in general? Or were they just decent enough coaches in a setting that was near-perfect for them? Who in turn when put in other settings they came up quite short?


Russo strikes me as a Mariucci... and that's probably insulting to Mariucci since at least he had to deal with Young going out and being able to tinker their offense around to work with Jeff Garcia eventually.



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Yeah, that's what I meant. It's just going to be weird, so the few in this thread that got up-in-arms (maybe that's an exaggeration) over a comment or two of positivity in the direction of Russo should probably brace themselves. I foresee polls in the future asking absurdity like "who is the best writer/booker ever?" with Russo winning...

We've already dealt with that for years watching Heyman win polls like that. ;)



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Russo will be remembered by the unworked as the guy whose ideas helped cripple the advertising revenue of one promotion at the height of its popularity, sunk one promotion, and kept another from being a viable competitor for the better part of a decade. To his credit he did advocate Foley and Austin at a crucial juncture, but even then he was one voice among many and he faced little real opposition.

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Austin and Foley were already on their way well before Russo had any power. Foley was given two consecutive wins over Undertaker, in a time when that was very rare.


Really I would not expect Russo to ever get a turn around. The WWF run can be appreciated, but WCW is really bad.


Maybe kids who started with TNA.

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After seeing the end of Raw pimped up, I flipped over to USA just in time to catch them coming out of commercial for the final segment.


Ummm... after the "final segment" of Monday Night football, gotta say the final segment of Monday Night Raw sucked. Really came across as nothing more than a typical WWE final segment while MNF was a once in a lifetime final segment.



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After seeing the end of Raw pimped up, I flipped over to USA just in time to catch them coming out of commercial for the final segment.


Ummm... after the "final segment" of Monday Night football, gotta say the final segment of Monday Night Raw sucked. Really came across as nothing more than a typical WWE final segment while MNF was a once in a lifetime final segment.



So, the real life sports drama trumped the scripted show drama? SHOCKER! Dude, seriously? Are you channeling your inner Alverez? :lol: Why would you even compare the two? Besides, the best bit on RAW was Foley and Punk in the ring about midway through the show. Seeing Punk scared of The Ryback was just an "Awesome, that rules." moment.


Edit: And



I just found this on the youtube and I'm totally geeked




It's a Pro Wrestling USA show that's almost exactly like the legendary one from the Meadowlands that the Apter mags hyped like crazy, the one where Blackwell wasn't allowed to wrestle. I read it's not the Meadowlands show but has anyone else known about this?


edit: I just checked, this IS that card. Holy fuck I found my Holy Grail. Is Last Battle Of Atlanta far behind?

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So the tease of Ryback working on top has gotten a majorly negative response online. I think we knew it was happening but not this soon. I guess they want him as a safety pick if Cena is too hurt to work the PPV but I don't see how he fits in the current main event scene. I would just have him beat Miz for the IC title (which seemed to the plan last week) and then go from there

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