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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Speaking of the DVDVR, I stupidly decided to change my e-mail address on there, and every time I get re-verified, I still don't have posting privileges. Who do I need to talk to over there to get it fixed? Or, what am I doing wrong when I re-verify the account?

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Speaking of the DVDVR, I stupidly decided to change my e-mail address on there, and every time I get re-verified, I still don't have posting privileges. Who do I need to talk to over there to get it fixed? Or, what am I doing wrong when I re-verify the account?

Shoot Phil Schneider a PM.


Will do. Thank you sir!
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I watched Main Event yesterday. I liked all the hype they did for the Punk/Sheamus match. I thought the match itself was pretty good. Sheamus seems to really be coming along as a worker and I would dare to call him good at this point. Overall, I liked the show though I think that format could get old quickly but I would be down with a show that has a long match with main event talent every week.

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I enjoyed Main Event. My biggest complaint is that I thought there was too much in-ring dialogue with Miz and Michael Cole. I don't have high hopes for this show though. WWE doesn't have a very good history of maintaining shows in the 1 hour format.

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I watched Main Event yesterday. I liked all the hype they did for the Punk/Sheamus match. I thought the match itself was pretty good. Sheamus seems to really be coming along as a worker and I would dare to call him good at this point. Overall, I liked the show though I think that format could get old quickly but I would be down with a show that has a long match with main event talent every week.

I was half-watching, but I liked the structure of the show with the hype packages etc. for Punk-Sheamus, and how much time the match itself got, with followup promos by both of them. It was like 80% built around that one match, which is good for a 1 hour show IMO. Kind of a throwback feel to it.


I like that they took the time to hype up the Orton-Big Show match for next week too. Such a simple thing that they don't often do.


I didn't think the Punk/Sheamus match itself was anything special, but it wasn't bad or anything, just felt like they could do a lot better. I may have liked it more if I hadn't read the spoilers.


I don't expect the format of the show to keep. I think being on Ion is a bigger deal to them than being on WGN, but I expect it to go the way of Superstars in a few months

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Sheamus current character is embarrassingly awful, but the guy has been good in the ring for a long time now.


They're basically having him do the worst parts of John Cena's act (mainly the horribly scripted bad comedy), which is what turned half the fanbase against him in the first place.

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Sheamus isn't bad at all at the WWE style comedy, but the writing/booking isn't doing him any favors


I understand why they book him like they do, playing to kids, selling merch and all that.....but you can do that without insulting half of the audience's intelligence I think

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Sheamus isn't bad at all at the WWE style comedy, but the writing/booking isn't doing him any favors


I understand why they book him like they do, playing to kids, selling merch and all that.....but you can do that without insulting half of the audience's intelligence I think

I don't really get what they want from Sheamus. From all accounts it seems like they really want to establish him as the next big babyface behind John Cena. However they haven't really done anything to help him other than just slap the belt on him and let him hold it a long time. The title ended up backfiring, the feud with Del Rio was never ending and dull, they have written some really awful material for him like the deal with him wearing the Rey Mysterio mask for a tout during his debate with Big Show. They could still salvage Sheamus if they let him really look good in beating Big Show and then have HHH ask him to be the guy to take down Brock Lesnar.
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I am admittedly an unabashed Vince mark, but I loved tonight's main event. I'm sure there's something to be said against a man with liver spots going 50/50 with the World champion, but I thought the whole thing was fun from start to finish. I wonder if Paul is still selling Vince's slap on the floor...

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I am admittedly an unabashed Vince mark, but I loved tonight's main event. I'm sure there's something to be said against a man with liver spots going 50/50 with the World champion, but I thought the whole thing was fun from start to finish. I wonder if Paul is still selling Vince's slap on the floor...


Everyone involved in the main event was awesome. Vince as WWE's version of crazy old man Terry Funk is tremendous.

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Wow, Vince McMahon having a competitive match with his top heel at age 67. They must be desperate!

Vince was only competitive after Punk had beat him up, turned his back on him and then was pushed from behind into the post. Then Vince tossed the dazed Punk over the table and dove onto him flailing like a maniac. THEN he gave Punk a balls shot with a chair and tossed him into the ring.


It's not as if Vince was going toe to toe with Punk, and even when Vince briefly got an advantage in the cane shots bit, Punk fooled him into coming at him so he could ball shot Vince and then laugh.

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Nov 2012 Sweeps: 10/25/12 - 11/21/12


Odd day to roll it out. Even if it gets people to tune in next week, how are they going to sustain it?

Sweeps periods are not for cable shows. Just broadcast, and even then it's for the local stations and not the networks.
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