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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Can anyone summarize how Rob Naylor made his rise from enthusiastic smark to beloved WWE employee? It seems a completely unique turn of events.


He always had that all encompassing likability that is so rare in a message board poster. I don't watch NXT, has he been on television at all?

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I'm surprised they didn't find some other role for him since he's one of those rare people in wrestling that literally everyone likes.

They tried to at least according to PWInsider. Both WWE's main operation and NXT in moving to Orlando is in a state of flux. If you look at the Creative department for example there seems to be a endless reshuffling this year .


Some of the most senior and influential people have continued the praise for Rob over the past few hours:

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Rick Martel (eventually Tito Santana) vs The Islanders is the best Tag Team feud if not the best feud of the Hulkamania era. It had excellent heat throughout with Martel first saying he would fight The Islanders alone due to Zenk departure in singles matches, but he would keeping getting mugged after the matches. So eventually Tito joined him to form Strike Force and then Tito would get assaulted 2 on 1. Not only was the build great and it had the Garden rocking for every match, but the Martel singles and the tag matches were some of the best quality WWF matches in that era. Outside of Steamboat/Savage, I really cant think of a feud that delivered both in and outside of the ring as well as Strike Force vs The Islanders in the late 80s WWF.

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Guest Nell Santucci

I think Michaels is working the IWC. He was clearly talking about Bryan. McMahon is a fan of Bryan, but that doesn't imply McMahon thinks Bryan is going to be a draw. He felt Mysterio wouldn't be a draw either, and WWE Creative had to convince him otherwise.

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Guest Staples

I think Michaels is working the IWC. He was clearly talking about Bryan. McMahon is a fan of Bryan, but that doesn't imply McMahon thinks Bryan is going to be a draw. He felt Mysterio wouldn't be a draw either, and WWE Creative had to convince him otherwise.

I'm still not 100% sure. Bryan's been pushed fairly consistently since he appeared and actually has a fair deal of merchandise. Tell me how this isn't money:


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A man with masses of talent and a super cool aesthetic but who was born with the worst business sense in modern Wrestling has seemingly burnt every bridge:


Brandon Sylvestry (Low Ki/Senshi), 32, has been telling promoters that have contacted him that he’s retired. He’s moving on into voice over work. He had been in talks with All Japan, but had asked for a huge guarantee. At one point they had an agreement but All Japan backed off. He did say that with the right program with a major group, he is open to coming back, but not unless it’s something major.

Source: Wrestling Observer.


Maybe we should revisit the "Joe's a looooooooser" concept.

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I re-book WCW after the "Powers that Be" are removed from power on January 1st, 2000. Since I'm not Kevin Sullivan, the Radicalz stay in WCW and this is my attempt to put forth my spin on a dying company.


Too much too quick happening really, but I had 2 weeks to reboot out of a Russo mess for a PPV, 2 of the Titles are vacant (others are on terrible choices for champion) and try and set up some interesting angles for the next few months.



Insults are to expected :)

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