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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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One thing about DVDVR that's fun is that it acts as a time capsule of sorts for the last few years of wrestling, at least in the US. When I was watching WWE 2007, it was fun going back and read the threads for opinions at the time and how they've changed now. Things like people being hot on Kennedy and MVP and ear marking them as top draws for years to come. PWO is awesome for its range of topics about wrestling as a "thing" but I like reading through the show threads on DVDVR to get a sense of the zeitgeist, which isn't always the case here. Two awesome depositories for the professional wrestling either way!

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I have mainly just been using DVDVR for the movie projects for a while now (the gimmickry and trolling of the main board has become increasingly tiresome of late). I saw this recent board crash as a way to watch a couple more things for the 90s poll, so hopefully they get back up and running and things can resume as before.

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Like Dylan, I'll always have a soft spot for DVDVR, although I haven't posted there in a very long time. But I have memories on this board dating back to their very beginnings, including that infamous giant thread in 2000 or so... I think I had been banned from there at some point also before coming back. :) This and the old TOA board are just part of my wrestling fandom history. And yeah, Smarckschoice was awesome at one point before the first crash.


(damn, is this the the cauliflower alley club of pro-wrestling boards old members all of a sudden ?)

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There must be a way of retrieving that stuff before it is too late.

I wouldn't bank on it. Most forums I know that have crashed have lost all usable backups. Server companies aren't exactly diligent in terms of securing this kind of stuff, that is why it is best to keep personal records of anything you want to revisit.

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El-P, I was once banned from a wrestling forum because in their general chat thing on New Year's Eve of 2009, I posted this. I got an instant ban with the reason that "posts about politics are banned". I had no idea. Pretty harsh I thought, I had like 3,000+ posts, I'd have hoped they'd have cut me some slack or something. It was my first and last non-wrestling related post there and it was scarcely about politics. I literally got banned for making a really tame George W. Bush joke in 2009. Oh well, I probably wouldn't have found this place if that hadn't have happened. Now all that has to happen is for Loss to ban me for making this post.

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I'm with most everyone else in that the possible disappearance or vanquishing of the 80's project forums would be devastating. DVDVR was the first board I had ever heard of but Smarkschoice was the first board I ever got involved in during it's really hot period. I do like the ability to search through old show reviews in DVDVR and the March Madness thing is always fun. PWO has always been the premier board I discuss wrestling on though.

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Hard to say the DVDVR was "dying" at least in terms of posting as the volume across all the forums was still pretty insane for a wrestling board. The server / hosting side had been a probably on and off for years, but there still were a ton of posts.


I don't frequent it much, and read even the 80s project stuff far less than I should. But I'd also hate to see it die. Less in the sense of a link to the "good old days", and more in the sense that it remained a place where folks could still talk about wrestling and other stuff. There are some of those out there, including here. But just as it's a fragmented genre, it's also one where other boards come and go over time. For those other boards to spring up, you do need some large areas for them to spring out of. DVDVR is one of them, certainly one of the biggest.

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It would be neat to have mirrored threads for the 80's project on each place because in theory that would make it pretty tough to lose both.

I think it's extremely hard to mirror from that database file into this database file. It also would probably be hard to extract a section of one database file and import it into another... even if they were running the exact same board software.



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The results of the older 80s projects are saved through mookieghana. It might suck to lose the posts but the results will survive and that ultimately is all that matters. Once it gets back on board, I'll talk to Phil and Kris and we'll see if we can set a final date for AWA voting and start lucha pimping.

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If it comes to it, you can easily save threads by using the "Print Thread" view option --> Edit --> "Select all" --> Copy --> Paste into word file.


A lot of work but really 1. it wouldn't take that long. 2. many of the people who take part in the 80s Project are insanely obsessive.


It's just text data at the end of the day. We might not be able to save it in forum format, but it should be possible to save it.

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Problem is, nobody knows when the board is going to implode, so the temptation is just to put off any archiving. I've regretted not saving more on music forums I've been on. Always meant to, but never had the time and just decided I could do it at some vague point in the future. Plus, many large threads are constantly evolving anyway.


One thing about DVDVR that's fun is that it acts as a time capsule of sorts for the last few years of wrestling, at least in the US.

This is a big thing that needs to be considered by the whole internet. So much important stuff from the 90s and early 00s has just disappeared into oblivion. Historians in the future are going to be pulling their hair out at all the early internet content that just got unceremoniously deleted. You lose the whole cultural story it told. Was it Angelfire where the whole thing was just expunged? Disgraceful.

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I like DVDVR, but I can see it not having much to offer if you don't follow current US wrestling and aren't participating in the 80s Project. On the one hand, discussion there tends toward the more superficial and less introspective, which doesn't do it for me when I like to dig deeper. On the other hand, a lot of the discussion here isn't relevant at all to me or my interests, so it's nice to have a place where I can discuss Raw with people who (mostly) aren't dipshits. In any event, I think we can all agree that PWO and DVDVR are both far superior to the F4W board. In fact, as far as wrestling message boards that require a paid subscription go, I'm not sure F4W compares favorably to the Punchsport Pagoda at Something Awful. Incidentally, I actually discovered this board through SA.

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I think a big advantage DVDVR has over PWO is that there is more "fan" conversation. Most of the discussion here is "analyst" conversation. I don't know if those are proper labels, but I think the point is understandable. Tournaments and favorite ____ ever threads are more common. I sometimes wish we had more of them here. Dylan talks a lot about current wrestling, but while we don't ignore it, I wouldn't mind seeing more talk of it here, even if it's not really my thing.


At the same time, one difference between here and DVDVR is that if someone did a thread like DEAN's 2013 Match of the Year Candidates thread here, there would be a lot of debate over the name of the thread and whether each match posted is truly a MOTYC. I don't blame guys like Dean for this at all, as they have nothing to do with it, but it always felt like the people who wrote for the site were deified to an extent, and that people were hesitant to really disagree with them or engage them in a debate.

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If it comes to it, you can easily save threads by using the "Print Thread" view option --> Edit --> "Select all" --> Copy --> Paste into word file.


A lot of work but really 1. it wouldn't take that long. 2. many of the people who take part in the 80s Project are insanely obsessive.


It's just text data at the end of the day. We might not be able to save it in forum format, but it should be possible to save it.

It makes for an insane Word file, the formatting is a bitch (especially thinks like quoting), and eliminated searching across multiple threads. Also talking about 100+ matches/threads per set... lotta mess.


I get trying to save it that way. It's better than nothing, but someone would need to spend a lot of TLC to make it useful and presentable, then finding a place to toss it up in a useful format. Word ends up Large. PDF is less space, but bitchier from a C&P standpoint and...


I've done these before and it sucks. Even something as "simple" as pulling CMPunk's old NWA/JCP/WCW set lists and turning them into Word documents was a muther-f-er to try to format into something I'd want to read, let alone what I've ended up sharing with others like here when questions have popped up. Years ago I put together something on the ECW vs The Torch Plumbers threads from RSP-W, and that was batshit to try to format with all the old Usenet formatting. :)


It is worthwhile to save. The GWE stuff done got blowed up, and all we have left are the results. I don't want to say that those are meaningless, but I'm also sure that anyone who contributed and posted in those threads would say that the true value of the project were the Threads and Discussion not the List. Dittos the WWF Matches poll, which just had all sorts of interesting tangents in the discussions (like the whole Tito stuff where folks really went off on Tito vs Valentine for the first time), where the List ended up being interesting... but not as interesting as the discussion as a whole.

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Guest Staples

The talk of trolls strikes me as sad. Gone are the days where trolls would be headstaked and banned almost immediately. Now, you have the likes of ENO90 and Gonzalez who have been there for years without adding anything besides inciting flame wars. Also, there's a lot less vitriol here. You don't have people randomly wishing Bryan Alvarez's grandmother was dead so she wouldn't take up time on his podcast with Vinny.


I just noticed...there's a lot of guests on right now. Strange?

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Most recent archive date they have is from May

A lot doesn't work but a large enough amount does


you can also pull up some old stuff via google cache


What's your favorite Horace Hogan match?

He's been a part of a few good ones but I can't really say many of them were that way because of him, he was good enough to go along for the ride & not drag better folk down though most of the time.

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I wouldn't mind a happy medium where the wrestling side goes here and Death Valley was other topics. This would have a been a great week for the baseball and hockey threads I have a feeling :P


by the way, is the fact that Gail Kim vs Taryn Terrell has been one of the better feuds of the year one of the signs for the end of the world. Very good last women's standing match and a pretty good ladder match tonight :o

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Hug your favorite message board tight and tell it you love it, kids, because you never know. :)

This is pretty much the only board I make a point of checking daily, even on vacation. I don't know what that says about me.

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Check the main DVDVR page again and there is a link to the new forum now. Though it still seems to be very much a work in progress, probably still uploading things and going up and down. Probably best to give it a day or something.



In regards to the board - we appear to have all the old posts. We just have to purchase an actual new board to house everything. So the possibility that we will start fresh exists.

So the 80's Forum stuff may be spared yet.

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