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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I would worry less about pacing then about people thinking that everything needs to look tighter, stiffer and more "real" on TV and... injuries, concussions, etc. I'm a bit surprised that the WWE would even put that out as enough of it, especially on a higher level, creates an expectation of that for the fans.


We may think that's unlikely, but think back to the Chairshots era. Back in the 80s, pretty much everyone got their hands up to protect themselves. Any of us who were hardcore fans, even if we became ones without being WON readers but simply enjoyed the fake performance of wrestling, got that the guys put their hands/arms up to keep from getting clocked in the head. It was an expectation that made the outliers such as this stay in our minds:



Even with a worked movie-style chair that we all saw as such, it still was "remembered" in the era.


In the mid-90s with FMW and ECW, lots of wrestlers stopped protecting themselves. "Realism", etc.


We don't need revolution/evolution like that.

I guess I used the wrong word/concept, but that is what I meant. When I said pacing, I meant the action was fast enough you weren't going to see people miss by an inch, or that they pulled their punches. Everything done in real time made things look more real without actually being real. Slowing down, yes, you pretty much have to potato your shots just to look good in slo-mo.

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I remember the super slo-mo highspots videos at the end of All japan com tapes in the mid 90's, it wasn't HD of course but it looked already quite brutal to see Kobashi really eat Kawada's boot or Steve Williams really drop Misawa on his head. I have no idea why the WWE thinks it's a good idea. Most guys offense would look like complete shit if they used this device, and forcing them to work snug or take more hard shots can't result in anything good. I have no idea what is supposed to be the purpose of this in today's WWE pro-wrestling product to be honest.


(I have seen this stuff a few years ago being used in sumo BTW. Looked cool but didn't add that much to the broadcast. It was quickly dropped too.)


But yeah, great for porn I guess.

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So I was wondering about the criteria for greatest matches versus worst matches of the year. Work rate, selling, execution and storyline purposes are under consideration. But this comes from comments about Andre the Giant versus Warrior being worse match of the year in WON for 89. But as far as yearbook setting we had Sid versus Nightstalker being the worst match for 1990 when I felt Butcher against Zeus was on a whole another level of awfulness as it just dragged out.


You would think the criteria of what makes a match great versus bad is the same but I find myself not being in full agreement of that. I can watch a short 10-12 minute sprint and think it is great and matches that go 45-60 can also be best ofs. Matches like Sid/Nightstalker are awful but it only went a couple minutes which as a viewer I can get through that. If it is your heavily plugged main event of your big show and it only goes 5 minutes I can see it being under consideration for worst ever but how often does that happen? I think a huge factor to me is considering a match as worst of the year is the length of time it goes. I come back to Triple H versus Undertaker at King of the Ring 2002 as one of the worst matches I've had to sit through. It goes 24 minutes and it is just excruciating to sit though. Sluggish action through out. A long referee bump by Earl Hebner that plays into the finish. They go 8 minutes, I consider it a bad match. They go 24 of this garbage, it's my worst of the year.

I imagine that Nightstalker/Sid playing on a live television special played a role. How many voters legitimately saw the Zeus/Abdullah match when it aired? You would've had to live in the Puerto Rico market or get a tape. I think back in that era so much could've simply flew under the radar unless someone spotted it and pimped it.
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They've been using super slo-mo in cricket for almost a decade now. It works well because of the speed of the ball. I wonder how it would go in ice hockey. I often have trouble following the puck in ice hockey games.

There is some use of Super Slo-Mo on TV replays already in hockey. It is quite effective.

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It's a puff piece for the performance centre. Kevin Dunn or whomever is it goes crazy with cutting in order to hide the impact of moves; there's zero chance we're getting this on the main shows other than maybe to replay the odd big TLC type bump especially if it's an injury angle.

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I was looking at the Chattanooga Times Free Press (the local paper here in Chatt) today and I read a story on Duke Droese of all people. He's a Special Ed teacher a few counties over from here and he got arrested for selling pills to a police informant (oxycodone and something else that I can't remember). That was a really random find in the newspaper.

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So, I don't know how long these will be up. Catch them while you can. They give me some level of hope though.


So far i especially enjoyed:





and actually,


But I have a ton more to watch.


EDIT: Obviously this one -

This is good too:

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Guest TheGreatPuma

They've been using super slo-mo in cricket for almost a decade now. It works well because of the speed of the ball. I wonder how it would go in ice hockey. I often have trouble following the puck in ice hockey games.

I think once you get used to watching hockey you will be fine with the speed of the puck. Be careful if you say that in Canada though. I don't mind but some others do.
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FWIW, I don't recall MKJ ever ripping off other people's work... not that I paid a great deal of attention to his writing back in the day.


But someone else over there was quite legendary at dropping dimes on hotlines (or even better: using backdoor codes) and lifting info from others. :)



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So WWE's tagline for Wrestlemania is still "Laissez les bon temps roulez." You'd think someone in the multinational company would have first-month French student knowledge of verb conjugation.

Not to mention that even with the right grammar, this sentence still doesn't mean anything in French. In Cajun maybe, but in French, certainly not. It's a litteral translation of "Let the good times roll". But I guess the whole idea is that it's Cajun country, so it's all that matters I guess. Will they bring back Corporal Cajun is the main question to me...

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interesting thing I noticed watching an old America's Most Wanted dvd I had lying around: TNA might be a shitty promotion, but until they decided they wanted to be the Mr. Pibb to WWE's Dr. Pepper, they were at least a promotion with a unique view. I miss that about TNA, and frankly I think it's something they should try and get back to.


Side note: Also, the redoing of a proper World X Cup wouldn't be the worst thing anyone thought of either.

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