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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I just finished the first disc in Will's ECW set. I think there was something like 12 matches on disc 1 and, by my count, I spotted a total of three females in the audience. If I set the over/under at 99.5 for total number of females in the audience throughout the entire set, which side is everyone taking?


It looks bleak now, but I'd still take the over. I'm guessing we get more ladies in the stands as we get deeper into the 90s.

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Well, ECW was pretty goddamn misogynistic even by wrestling's standards. The female characters were pretty much all literally portrayed as whores, even when they were babyfaces. Between that and the unsavory feel of the male audience members, it's not surprising that few chicks would feel comfortable attending this shit.

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The one ECW show I went to was in 2000 in Columbus, OH. The recap for the event says there were 980 fans in attendance and I can safely say there wasn't a single vagina in the crowd.


My wife is cool with wrestling. She's gone with me to shows. I wouldn't take her to RoH due to the fans and I probably wouldn't take her to ECW if it was still around.

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The one ECW show I went to was in 2000 in Columbus, OH. The recap for the event says there were 980 fans in attendance and I can safely say there wasn't a single vagina in the crowd.


My wife is cool with wrestling. She's gone with me to shows. I wouldn't take her to RoH due to the fans and I probably wouldn't take her to ECW if it was still around.

What about the fans would upset your wife?

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Oh, she would send most of them home crying if they fucked with her. I just don't find either atmosphere to be welcoming to outsiders. At ECW, I really don't want to make her stand in a crowd with a bunch of guys yelling anti-women shit and watch a product that encouraged it. With RoH, I just hate their fanbase and wouldn't take anyone to an RoH show that wasn't familiar with the product or it's fanbase. It's more, I see her going to those shows and coming away with a negative experience whereas WWE she knows what's she's getting into and Chikara makes her laugh.

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Yeah, we constantly have nephews over at our house, and they always want to grab a random wrestling DVD from my stash, but unless it's a WWE release it's a no-go. I wouldn't mind them watching ROH or PWG if the wrestlers didn't say "fuck" ten times per promo.

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I think we had this discussion before but who was the seemingly one ECW female fan with the red hair who always wore Shane Douglas T shirts? She used to sit next to the short portly fellow with the ponytail at all the shows. Always had a camera with her. She's at Survivor Series 96 and puts her head in her hands in shame when Shawn loses the title. I think somebody said she went on to be the photographer for ROH

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I have decided that I am not watching WWE RAW anymore & I think I am going to skip Wrestlemania this year as well. I am just simply not entertained by WWE television anymore. The Natalya fart gimmick on Smackdown this last Friday was the final straw for me.


(reposted because it wasn't meant to be ROH related)

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LOL, watching the HBK HOF show on WWE On Demand, according to Shawn he bulked up in the 90s because he was eating 10 egg whites w/ pancakes every day for breakfast with Kevin Nash and has no idea how he flunked a steroid test. He swore to God, so you know he's telling the truth here (/sarcasm).

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In his defense, he did not look ripped. He looked like a dude who got fat suddenly.


He looked like a naturally small dude taking steroids. Compare 1997 Shawn to 2011 Shawn and you can see the difference. Piper had the same bloated look after he started with the WWF and Vince thought he was too small to be a wrestler. Just because someone's not ripped doesn't mean they aren't on something. I will grant in this case, some of it does likely come from all the drinking and recreational drug use he was doing at the time as well.


It's also funny how Hunter opened his induction speech with a string of jokes on the subject of how small Shawn is now. My favorite was him mentioning they had to close the garage doors in the building because it was windy outside and Shawn might blow off the stage.

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Everybody lies about steroids. Even people who are caught red handed (Hogan, numerous baseball players) lie about the frequency and reasons.


I don't believe Shawn for a second. He might believe he wasn't on "steroids" if he wasn't using injectables like other guys, but there's no way he wasn't using things (stuff like andro that was legal then and not now) to add size. Just look at how big he got circa 91-92.

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I don't get the righteous indignation about things like the fart gimmick. Wrestling has always been full of stupid stuff. If you're not watching RAW and Smackdown on DVR and fast forwarding through like 60-70% of it then you're doing it wrong. Smackdown has 2-3 legit good TV matches every week so I just skip to the matches, watch them, and then will occasionally stop fast forwarding through the other stuff if something looks interesting.

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