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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Re: Hero maximising his potential as a wrestler, there's no way he'll get another chance in WWE at age 34, with or without the gut. Can't really blame him for letting himself go a bit, as having your wrestling dreams crushed is a bitter pill to swallow.


So he just burned every bridge there? :/



I might be misinterpreting the situation, but it would be unusual for WWE to give someone another opportunity in developmental at his age.

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Finally watched NJPW Dominion last night with a buddy of mine. That's the first NJPW show in probably two years where I thought the first half of the show prior to the intermission was better than the second half of the show. Bad Luck Fale is just the driz. Actually, the Bullet Club as a whole seems to be a black cloud on the promotion now, especially with Devitt leaving. I do like Styles though. The show felt like a lot of the best talent was wasted in tag matches with other mediocre guys. I still have really high expectations for the G1 Climax.

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I watched Hogan vs Tenyru the other day. I knew about "Hogan in Japan" matches and I'd seen a few, but him working this way in 91 still kind of blew me away. Has he ever discussed how he approached working matches in different settings? I imagine even with his troubles a few years ago he was never hard up enough to do shoot interviews, so I don't know if he's ever actually discussed ring work anywhere.

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Good call with the first Flair match in WCW. The first time he tangled with Sting, the babyface versus babyface encounter, was slightly different than most Hogan matches as well.


Might even argue that he ventured a bit outside his realm & usual comfort zone in some of the stuff with Arn and Vader, but he's more run of the mill Hogan in those instances than the former two mentioned above.


So yeah. I think Hulk was smart enough to realize when he wasn't getting the love from the southern fan base. He didn't totally adapt or anything, but he made noticeable efforts to be flexible here & there.

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Sometimes if I'm watching old wrestling and they just sit in a hold forever I like to imagine Big John McCarthy in there yelling "gotta work...come on gotta work" maybe break in there and stand them up.

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Re: Hero maximising his potential as a wrestler, there's no way he'll get another chance in WWE at age 34, with or without the gut. Can't really blame him for letting himself go a bit, as having your wrestling dreams crushed is a bitter pill to swallow.


So he just burned every bridge there? :/



I might be misinterpreting the situation, but it would be unusual for WWE to give someone another opportunity in developmental at his age.



He really fucked himself over good and proper there. He's a really talented guy...


The best he can now hope for is a shot in TNA or a regular touring gig as a gaijin in NJPW. I'd see him fitting in more in NJPW to be honest.

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I've been a Buddy Rose fan since I saw some of his AWA tag stuff a few years ago, but I haven't dug too deeply into Portland or elsewhere, mostly due to a busy schedule. I just watched him tagging with Hogan in Japan, and I've read he tagged with Bret on the same tour and Dusty a few years later. Are there tapes of those matches to anyone's knowledge?

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Kevin Von Erich tweeted the other day that the ESPN 30 For 30 film on his family will air toward the end of summer.

Any more info on this? I heard Meltzer effectively say he wasn't interviewed but should have been.....



Not that I've seen. I'm surprised they didn't reach out to Dave, but that was probably the filmmaker's prerogative as I would imagine ESPN gives them more leeway. What I want to know is if WWE licensed them any footage or that it will rely on what ESPN themselves have because they had a home at World Class for awhile.

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I have been reading some old magazines and saw this in an issue of Wrestling's Main Event from February 1985. For those who watched Steve Regal in AWA you can file this under "things I never expected to read"



First off, I have to compliment Mike Allen for writing an excellent article on Steve Regal, which was featured in your October '84 issue. It's great to read articles on different wrestlers, who may not be that popular yet, then always readinga bout the same guys in every magazine. That's why I really enjoy WME. It recognizes the up and coming wrestlers, like Steve Regal or Tom Prichard, but also recognizes the more popular guys too.


Steve Regal is a fantastic wrestler, and it's about time he got some attention. When he was here in the Pacific Northwest teaming with Hack (Brett) Sawyer, they were both so "hot." I knew they would go on to make it really big. Well Hack has already been recognized for his super wrestling skills, and now it's Steve's turn.


Since Steve left us here in the N.W. in March of '82, he has never been back and we miss him badly. I'd just like Steve to know, that whenever he's ready to return, he will be welcomed back by thousands of opened arms. We hope to see him again soon.


Shannon Anderson

Halsey, Oregon

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Kevin Von Erich tweeted the other day that the ESPN 30 For 30 film on his family will air toward the end of summer.

Any more info on this? I heard Meltzer effectively say he wasn't interviewed but should have been.....



Not that I've seen. I'm surprised they didn't reach out to Dave, but that was probably the filmmaker's prerogative as I would imagine ESPN gives them more leeway. What I want to know is if WWE licensed them any footage or that it will rely on what ESPN themselves have because they had a home at World Class for awhile.


Also, do you think it will cover anything new? I thought that as a combination the Heroes of World Class and the WWE DVD told the story quite well.

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I have been reading Jerry Jarrett's book he put out which is pretty much just his diary from when he was starting up TNA. It is a great read in it's own right and you can see before the first show he knows where everything is going and predicts that Jeff & Russo's friendship would end because of working together. But this was too good of a Vince McMahon story to pass up:



My religious background helped with the idea for the Bret and Owen angle at WWF. [Vince did not know the Cane and Able story in the bible and was blown away when I told him about it]


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