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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Watching ECW in early 1995 can someone explain how the Ian vs Axl Rotten feud won the PWI feud of the year. I know we shouldn't take that magazine too seriously but I don't get how people except blood marks thought it was a great feud The crowd loved it but ECW at the time that fans were in full vampire mode when it came to violence and blood. Hell Ian vs Axl isn't even in the top 3 of best 1995 feud in ECW


I guess it was one of those things that was great at the time but doesn't stand the test of time. Either that or 1995 was a really bad year.

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Watching ECW in early 1995 can someone explain how the Ian vs Axl Rotten feud won the PWI feud of the year. I know we shouldn't take that magazine too seriously but I don't get how people except blood marks thought it was a great feud The crowd loved it but ECW at the time that fans were in full vampire mode when it came to violence and blood. Hell Ian vs Axl isn't even in the top 3 of best 1995 feud in ECW


I guess it was one of those things that was great at the time but doesn't stand the test of time. Either that or 1995 was a really bad year.


95 was a really bad year


I'm really struggling to think of a memorable feud from WCW or WWF that could have won that year. The Flair vs. Anderson with a PPV match leading to a tag w/ Pillman and Sting leading to the double cross and new Horsemen was great, but that was near the end of the year and out of the PWI voting period, and it was more of an elaborate angle than a "feud".


Axl v. Ian was at least memorable and stood out from the pack. Hell, of the 3 major US promotions at the time ECW probably had the top 5 angles/feuds going. They were hitting on all cylinders at that point. Raven/Dreamer.....Cactus Jack......Austin.....Mikey Whipwreck

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Watching the PPVs on the Network in order has been my project for a few months now. I'm nearing the end of 1998, and one sad side effect is the downer every time Owen Hart makes an appearance. I love Owen, but there's this odd sense of counting down the appearances until his death that I can't shake, and that really sucks.

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The above posts regarding 95's Feud of the Year (American only) made me go back through WWF and WCW's pay-per-view cards from the year just to see if there were any other months-long feuds worth noting...


Undertaker vs. Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation: Multiple PPV matches, none I'm dying to see again, though, I remember watching Taker/Kama sometime this year and being a bit surprised it didn't totally suck.


Bret Hart vs. Jerry Lawler: Not my cup of tea, but haven't seen it in years, so, maybe it's better than I remember?


Hogan vs. Vader: Too lopsided to be considered, but thought I'd mention it.


Hogan vs. Dungeon of Doom: If you like your wrestling fantastical, campy, and embarrassing, this isn't your Feud of the Year, this is your Feud of the Decade.


Flair vs. Savage: I actually haven't seen many of their matches from this year (I'm currently working my way through WCW PPVs and am about to start 94'), but maybe this was WCW's best rivalry that year?


...Speaking of Savage in WCW in 95', not sure if it would count, but I always liked the ongoing tension between Luger and Savage and how Sting would try to keep things cool. If it doesn't count, I'd say Luger/Savage at least deserves to be considered the Near-Feud of the Year.



In summation, Axl Rotten/Ian Rotten - the best feud of a year of bad feuds? Sounds kinda right, I guess, but forced to make a choice with a gun to my head, I'd say, tell my wife I love her.

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So, I recently friended some wrestler on Facebook that led me to getting a shitload of "you may know" suggestions of tons of wrestlers. All of whom immediately accept your invite. So one of these is George "The Animal" Steele under his real name. I love George Steele. I had a pic taken with him once that I treasure.


But, apparently he's a wacko Tea Party, Obama is a secret Muslim Nazi Communist, "Its an invasion at our borders", guy who reposts all sorts of dopey memes on FB.

I'm both saddened, yet gleeful. As it stinks that a guy I love who was so nice when I met him all those years ago is a douche, yet I now have a podcast character to do that's gonna kill.

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Watching the PPVs on the Network in order has been my project for a few months now. I'm nearing the end of 1998, and one sad side effect is the downer every time Owen Hart makes an appearance. I love Owen, but there's this odd sense of counting down the appearances until his death that I can't shake, and that really sucks.


I know what you mean, am watching old Raw's from 1998 and get the same thing. It should be noted that on more than a few of these shows, Owen really looks like he doesn't give a flying fuck.

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seems strange eight years later but it's fascinating how hard WWE was pushing Melina back in 2006/2007. Doing programs and segments with Batista, Vince, Foley, Flair, DX and the top heel in the Divas division. They clearly thought she was going to be a huge star

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Watching the PPVs on the Network in order has been my project for a few months now. I'm nearing the end of 1998, and one sad side effect is the downer every time Owen Hart makes an appearance. I love Owen, but there's this odd sense of counting down the appearances until his death that I can't shake, and that really sucks.


I know what you mean, am watching old Raw's from 1998 and get the same thing. It should be noted that on more than a few of these shows, Owen really looks like he doesn't give a flying fuck.



By about mid-1998 I think he turned it around and was probably the best performer in the WWF who the company didn't care about. He was the only guy who ever got how to work with Shamrock and get him over. He made an extremely green Edge look like he belonged in the ring with anyone, etc. Not sure what happened, but at a certain point he did start to care again, which makes what was coming for him even more tragic.


seems strange eight years later but it's fascinating how hard WWE was pushing Melina back in 2006/2007. Doing programs and segments with Batista, Vince, Foley, Flair, DX and the top heel in the Divas division. They clearly thought she was going to be a huge star


As someone who wasn't really watching around that time I can say I had the same impression the few times I saw her. Her entrance, and natural athleticism should have taken her much farther than they did.

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the george steele stuff doesn't surprise me in the least. from what i had seen, he was definitely one of those guys who uses too many big words in awkward spots to try and sound smart, and so many of those types seem to fall on the tea party or libertarian side of things.

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I have decided that no has figured out the real reason that the internet killed wrestling. It's none of the usual reasons, it's because a pro wrestling event used to be the only place you could go to rant, rave, cuss, scream and act like a lunatic in front of everyone and have it be generally accepted. Now you don't have to leave home.

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Flair/ Savage and Hart/ Lawler were both better and drew money.


Hart-Lawler was good in '93, but by '95 they were into the "kiss my foot match" territory and Bret feuding with Lawler's dentist. Flair-Savage seems like a solid pick thought, especially up against Axl/Ian and the rest of a weak field.


I've been watching all the Raws in order on the Network, and there's nothing that better encapsulates 1995 WWF like watching Waylon Mercy make his debut squashing a young jobber named Jeff Hardy.



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Hart-Lawler was good in '93, but by '95 they were into the "kiss my foot match" territory and Bret feuding with Lawler's dentist. Flair-Savage seems like a solid pick thought, especially up against Axl/Ian and the rest of a weak field.



The Flair/Savage feud is credited with WCW's House Show business taking off in 1995. I don't recall many specifics other than Flair beating up Savage's father at Slamboree that year.

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