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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I'd doubt it. Independent contractor cases are very fact-dependent and it's in an entirely different industry.



The basis of any independent contractor case is if the company in question tells the worker where and when to work and limits them from working for other parties, then they are an employee and not independent. WWE gets away with what they do because no one wants to be the Curt Flood of wrestling and end unfair labor practice at the cost of getting blackballed.

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Does anyone else think it's strange that wrestling sites refer to Awesome/Amazing Kong as "Kharma" in stories/interview recaps? She was in WWE a few weeks, never had a singles match, was largely a flash in the pan. Say what you want about TNA, but her body of work there was considerably larger. She probably had several PPV matches there that lasted longer than all her WWE appearances combined. And it possibly does her a disservice for promoting her indy work/shows since she can't use the "Kharma" name for matches. If a recap said "Interview with Amazing Kong", would people really not know who that is?


This would be similar to doing a story about Madusa and calling her "Alundra Blayze". Or calling 2 Cold Scorpio "Flash Funk".

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But doesn't the audience of wrestling news sites, for the most part, have awareness of other promotions? Awesome Kong was a draw (of sorts) when TNA was probably at it's popularity "peak". To bring a more modern example, I don't see sites promoting Chris Harris interviews as "Interview with Braden Walker".

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But doesn't the audience of wrestling news sites, for the most part, have awareness of other promotions? Awesome Kong was a draw (of sorts) when TNA was probably at it's popularity "peak". To bring a more modern example, I don't see sites promoting Chris Harris interviews as "Interview with Braden Walker".

You'd be surprised how many fans of news sites don't actually know more than the bare minimum about other promotions than WWE. Over on Reddit, their pro wrestling subreddits has tens of thousands of subscribers, and it's 98% WWE-related posts. Places like here, DVDVR, or even the F4W board are the exception, not the rule.


The difference between Kong and Harris is that Kharma had a storyline, was pushed, and was a focus of shows enough that people would actually remember her WWE run. That totally eclipses whatever drawing power she had in TNA, because well, it's TNA. Braden Walker was little more than a jobber for a few months.

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And maybe she likes a cool name like Kharma more than the name of a famous ape.


This is more about what newsites/podcasts refer to her as rather than her personal preference. She goes by Amazing Kong currently on the indies. She can't use Kharma or Awesome Kong on shows. Even if her WWE run was more notable, it ended up a total bust (from her doing) and is just a small blip on her career. Let's pretend she makes the WON HoF ballot (and yes, I know she is well below the standard), is she going to be on as "Kharma", a ring name she never had a singles match with and maybe 10 minutes total of WWE airtime? Or would she be called Kong, a name she has used a vast majority of her career in several notable promotions?

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Kharma would drive more website clicks than Awesome Kong. As simple as that.



I love that the ultimate bad ass fighting chick Ronda Rousey goes out in public wearing glasses like my Aunt Mildred used to wear when I was a kid. Ronda's probably don't have the neat faux pearl chain my aunt's had though.


Or the lady that does Payroll in your office.

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Kharma would drive more website clicks than Awesome Kong. As simple as that.


Not sure about that, the way it is spelled (rather than the traditional "karma") will trip people up. I think the goodwill on that name is going to run out soon. She hasn't been on WWE TV in over 3 years. If 5 years from now, she never goes back to WWE, are websites going still going to call her that? A wrestler's very short lived name who didn't even work a regular match under it. Really, I feel it does her a disservice in making money at conventions/the indy scene when she is constantly referred to as the WWE name that she can't use. And it's not like there isn't some value in Amazing Kong, she's used it for awhile and it's not a clunky WWE-to-indies name change like "Monster BC" or "U-Gene".

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I despise the Garvin/Hayes Freebirds. (currently seen on Halloween Havoc 89)


Where were Gordy and Roberts in late 1989, anyway?


Okay, wiki tells me that the team broke up in 1987. But it suggests Hayes and Gordy reformed. And MVC didn't start until 1990. So what happened with Terry and Michael?

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Gordy was practically (or literally) a full-time Japan worker at that point.


Roberts was just old and frankly not of much use anymore. In fact, he had to be talked out of retirement by Gary Hart for the Von Erichs angle, years earlier. Keep in mind that he had a full career as a fake Valentine and then half of the original Hollywood Blonds all before becoming a 'bird. He did very briefly show up again in 1990 as part of the Freebirds/Southern Boys feud, but WCW wouldn't even let him work a 6-man tag, and he had to be a cornerman.

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One of those early shows, Jimmy Garvin comes back (with all of his hair chopped off) & wrestles for the "injured" Michael Hayes against Johnny B. Badd. The feud between Badd & Hayes was over who had the better knockout punch or something. Anyway, I don't remember who wins the match (it doesn't really matter) but post match Garvin hits Badd with the 9-1-1, which was the "Stone Cold" Stunner years before I ever saw the Stunner. Which was kinda cool to me. :-)

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Gordy was practically (or literally) a full-time Japan worker at that point.


Roberts was just old and frankly not of much use anymore. In fact, he had to be talked out of retirement by Gary Hart for the Von Erichs angle, years earlier. Keep in mind that he had a full career as a fake Valentine and then half of the original Hollywood Blonds all before becoming a 'bird. He did very briefly show up again in 1990 as part of the Freebirds/Southern Boys feud, but WCW wouldn't even let him work a 6-man tag, and he had to be a cornerman.

That's good stuff to know, thanks. I had no idea he was so much older and out of it, though truth be told I'm not his biggest fan. I was really more interested in Terry, and I didn't realize he was already gone to Japan that early.
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One of those early shows, Jimmy Garvin comes back (with all of his hair chopped off) & wrestles for the "injured" Michael Hayes against Johnny B. Badd. The feud between Badd & Hayes was over who had the better knockout punch or something. Anyway, I don't remember who wins the match (it doesn't really matter) but post match Garvin hits Badd with the 9-1-1, which was the "Stone Cold" Stunner years before I ever saw the Stunner. Which was kinda cool to me. :-)

Not early. SuperBrawl IV, in 1994. Garvin looks like an airline pilot, because he is, just to put the topper on the "Why the hell is any of this happening on pay per view?" feeling.

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That's pretty early! That's twenty years ago & pre-Hogan. Admittedly, it's not early days of the company though. Poor choice of words on my part.


Still, it is insane to me to think of 1994 as being twenty years ago. Man, where does the time go!?

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