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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Sandbagging A-Train and putting that picture of Heyman on before his segment will probably be more damaging.

Naw, he'll be fine either way. They don't fuckin have anyone else who can work on top.


Cena, Punk, Orton, Daniel Bryan, Del Rio....that's about it as far as full time guys who could credibly be world champ for a significant amount of time (more then a 1 or 2 month lame duck transitional run) at the moment.


Jericho is leaving, Brock, Rock, HHH & Taker are part time. Rey they're pissed at and he's suspended. Other guys who have been world champ like Henry, Show, Miz, Swagger, Kane etc... are pretty cold right now in terms of being main event lvl guys and would take some significant effort to build back up. Other guys like Ziggler who could work on that lvl will require a lot of work to get thear too.


Until all that changes, Punk is safe in his spot and would have to fuck up a hell of a lot more then that before they punish or demote him to any major degree.

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JBL won the title at the Great American Bash on June 27. He did the goosestep at a Munich house show on June 5.

You're right, my mistake. I don't think it was the impetus for him getting the belt though.


Subsequently, I was looking at some of the PPV shows from 04, and SummerSlam 04 was such a downer of a card. Only two faces won their matches, Cena and Edge, and Edge wasn't very over at that point in time (and would start a heel turn soon after). The show led off with two heel victories, Dudleys beating Mysterio, London and Kidman in a 6 man, and Kane beating Matt Hardy who was fighting for Lita's honor, and ended with four straight heel victories. Angle beating Eddie after screwing him all summer as the SD GM, HHH beating a retarded person, Undertaker DQd against JBL in an awful match, and the still heel and not ready for the world title Randy Orton beating Chris Benoit in the main event. What a terrible show.

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Boy, is ROH cashing in on their former stars. First they release a Joe vs. Punk DVD, featuring their three title matches, their 2003 singles, and their 2005 Straight Shootin' interview. Start tomorrow, Punk vs. Danielson will be available to download on their website.


It's smart for them to get some mileage out of their former roster members who went on to bigger and better things, but you'd think they'd put the same amount of effort and energy into creating a genuine buzz for ROH and getting some new fans.

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Boy, is ROH cashing in on their former stars. First they release a Joe vs. Punk DVD, featuring their three title matches, their 2003 singles, and their 2005 Straight Shootin' interview. Start tomorrow, Punk vs. Danielson will be available to download on their website.


It's smart for them to get some mileage out of their former roster members who went on to bigger and better things, but you'd think they'd put the same amount of effort and energy into creating a genuine buzz for ROH and getting some new fans.

In theory it's a good way to introduce fans to the product. Somebody buys it for Punk, thinks ROH is cool, seeks out more of it.


Are ROH DVDs still sold in Best Buy, FYE etc. or is it strictly online?

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The one good thing about the SBGI buyout of ROH on the consumer end is that the decision to unload the back catalog DVDs has led to them finally putting together compilations like this and Summer of Punk. Maybe we'll see ROH vs CZW eventually?

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Finally, and probably the worst of all, a troll on Twitter ruffled Punk's feathers by saying gay people should not be allowed to get married at that they (gay people) "made him sick." Punk responded by telling the person to "kill himself." Punk later issued multiple apologies over the matter because it blew up pretty big & even was reported by some people in the UK because apparently the troll is a 14-year-old kid from the UK.

Well, telling hin to kill himself is a bit strong, but...


Fuck the kid.



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The one good thing about the SBGI buyout of ROH on the consumer end is that the decision to unload the back catalog DVDs has led to them finally putting together compilations like this and Summer of Punk. Maybe we'll see ROH vs CZW eventually?

Bix have you read about how much ROH butchered the Summer of Punk DVD?

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Finally, and probably the worst of all, a troll on Twitter ruffled Punk's feathers by saying gay people should not be allowed to get married at that they (gay people) "made him sick." Punk responded by telling the person to "kill himself." Punk later issued multiple apologies over the matter because it blew up pretty big & even was reported by some people in the UK because apparently the troll is a 14-year-old kid from the UK.

Well, telling hin to kill himself is a bit strong, but...


Fuck the kid.





Yesterday I nearly posted "CM Punk shouldn't had to apologize. Fuck gay basher trolls, 14 years old or kid or not. But he should have told him to suck cock instead.", then thought I would get hell for it. Damn, I'm still politically correct.;)

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Finally, and probably the worst of all, a troll on Twitter ruffled Punk's feathers by saying gay people should not be allowed to get married at that they (gay people) "made him sick." Punk responded by telling the person to "kill himself." Punk later issued multiple apologies over the matter because it blew up pretty big & even was reported by some people in the UK because apparently the troll is a 14-year-old kid from the UK.

Well, telling hin to kill himself is a bit strong, but...


Fuck the kid.





Yesterday I nearly posted "CM Punk shouldn't had to apologize. Fuck gay basher trolls, 14 years old or kid or not. But he should have told him to suck cock instead.", then thought I would get hell for it. Damn, I'm still politically correct.;)



The "I hope one day you will have the courage to come out yourself" line one is a fairly handy, a lot less confrontational and potentially true comeback for someone in Punk's position.

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RAW is moving to a 90 minute tape delay in July. Content issues or are they about to tape another show? Cruiserweight show that was supposed to be on the network?

They're starting the live TV shoot earlier, but is it confirmed that RAW's going to tape delay? They're probably just going to tape another TV show before RAW.

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I really think airing Raw live each week during a monopoly is a massive waste of money and resources. It would force them to do more long-term planning if they just did one Raw taping between each PPV, plus they could probably run more house shows because they could re-route the entire travel schedule.

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I really think airing Raw live each week during a monopoly is a massive waste of money and resources. It would force them to do more long-term planning if they just did one Raw taping between each PPV, plus they could probably run more house shows because they could re-route the entire travel schedule.

Or maybe... instead of more house shows, give the guys more time off to rest their bodies and keep their sanity? Just a wild idea, I know...

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I really think airing Raw live each week during a monopoly is a massive waste of money and resources. It would force them to do more long-term planning if they just did one Raw taping between each PPV, plus they could probably run more house shows because they could re-route the entire travel schedule.

The live RAW events are the biggest gates they have, bigger than house shows. I think USA picks up a lot of the production costs, although I'm not sure how much.

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What WWE does for a live production every week is insane. Seriously, it makes my head spin thinking about how much goes into each show. And unlike staples like American Idol, they're going to a different venue every week. We mostly debate the booking, but there's a ton of stuff that has to go right that we almost never talk about.

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It doesn't get talked about because WWE has TV production down to a science since the mid 80s at least. You rarely see any errors happen even on live shows, unlike booking which seems to have head-scratchers on an almost weekly basis. Of course when there is an error, it tends to be a big one like Taker nearly getting barbequed on live PPV, but in all WWE doesn't really get enough credit for how much of a smooth running machine their production crew is.

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I can only think of two production errors offhand on WWE TV in over ten years. A RAW episode where they displayed an on screen graphic for a match that "hadn't been booked" yet. And a couple of years ago when they accidentally gave away Melina's return by playing her music and titantron video too early.

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Bix have you read about how much ROH butchered the Summer of Punk DVD?

I'm not Bix, obviously, but I haven't heard a thing about the Summer of Punk DVD other than the fact that ROH released one. Do tell, Rovert, how bad is it?


Yeah, what happened here?
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From the most recent F4W:


The 2012 Champion Carnival finals -- which fans across the world were treated to live on the Internet --turned out to be yet another great show from the All Japan promotion, which is having an incredible year both in the ring and creatively. In the final, longtime AJPW stalwart Taiyo Kea downed Suwama in a repeat of the 2006 final. The match was a battle from the get-go with both guys wrestling extremely hard. In the last few minutes Korakuen Hall was going crazy as Kea hit Suwama with a series of big moves from All Japan's past including a Tiger Driver '91, a Western Lariat and a Backdrop Driver. Suwama refused to stay down until finally Kea hit the TKO for the huge win. Earlier in the show Suwama advanced by beating Akebono, and Kea went through following an upset win over Yuji Nagata.

This sounds awful.

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