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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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A couple of warnings here.


- This isnt Wrestling at all


- It is about a former Miss World from Ireland


But the level of carny here in this is too much:




Cheating a super non-competitive charity run of all things. She was running for The Irish Society For The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals too.

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After yesterday's drama on F4W about that brocksmash guy. Where does he rank in the all time douchebag/nut case tape trader stakes?

You might care to elaborate on that since you're probably the only guy here who is real into the F4W board.
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After yesterday's drama on F4W about that brocksmash guy. Where does he rank in the all time douchebag/nut case tape trader stakes?

You might care to elaborate on that since you're probably the only guy here who is real into the F4W board.


Some guy is selling bootleg Puro and gets pissed when people upload it for free. People call him out on it and he gets bitchy. Alan defends the guy and people get pissed at that. Thread is closed. At least that's what I got out of it?

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So I'm currently engaged in a borderline-ridiculous debate with Richard Sullivan on WC and I need a question answered...did Johnny Ace have any actual booking power in All-Japan at all? Did he have any before the promotion started decaying around 1996 (also coincidentally when he first started winning the major tag titles)? I know about his supposed affair with Mrs. Baba, but the claim put forth is that Ace was actually laying out six-man tag finishing sequences, even in ones that he wasn't being involved in.


The claim is so risible on the surface that I feel it's barely worth discussing, but I wouldn't mind some hard facts at my disposal which I don't actually have.

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After yesterday's drama on F4W about that brocksmash guy. Where does he rank in the all time douchebag/nut case tape trader stakes?

You might care to elaborate on that since you're probably the only guy here who is real into the F4W board.


Some guy is selling bootleg Puro and gets pissed when people upload it for free. People call him out on it and he gets bitchy. Alan defends the guy and people get pissed at that. Thread is closed. At least that's what I got out of it?


That is hilarious. Well more mildly irritating and makes me grateful I no longer need to interact with people like that to enjoy wrestling.
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After yesterday's drama on F4W about that brocksmash guy. Where does he rank in the all time douchebag/nut case tape trader stakes?

You might care to elaborate on that since you're probably the only guy here who is real into the F4W board.


Some guy is selling bootleg Puro and gets pissed when people upload it for free. People call him out on it and he gets bitchy. Alan defends the guy and people get pissed at that. Thread is closed. At least that's what I got out of it?


I don't know the details of THIS situation, however I do remember a guy posting some puro stuff on the Matches folder on DVDVR and asking people to pay $1 to view it on his private youtube account. Most of the posts were bitching about it and refusing to pay, but the guy made a good point. SOMEONE has to buy the Puro DVD and rip it. Shouldn't he at least have the chance to try and recoup costs of the DVD? If not, why the fuck should he share it with anyone instead of just keeping it to himself?
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SOMEONE has to buy the Puro DVD and rip it. Shouldn't he at least have the chance to try and recoup costs of the DVD?

I skimmed the Brocksmash threads over at the F4W board and no one really had much of a problem with that.


The Key points that pissed ppl off was that he was a complete arrogant dickhead about it, talked down to ppl, thought he was above being criticised, threatened to have ppls post deleted, had an offensive racist tagline on his website and he was charging way more then any other puro dvd seller to boot.


Then Alan came along and defended the guy with the attitude of "be nice to him because no one else will upload puro"

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Have just learned that the playwright Samuel Beckett used to drive Andre the Giant to school. That has got to be the weirdest and most unlikely wrestling connection I've ever heard.

You know what, I've heard that one before, and it's just an amazing story when you think about it. I mean, Beckett and a young Andre in a truck.

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Shouldn't he at least have the chance to try and recoup costs of the DVD?

No, not unless he plans on cutting the rightful owners in on a piece of the the sells.



If not, why the fuck should he share it with anyone instead of just keeping it to himself?

He shouldn't and isn't. He is selling copies of the DVD. He is being given the same consideration, he gave the wrestling promotion.
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Shouldn't he at least have the chance to try and recoup costs of the DVD?

No, not unless he plans on cutting the rightful owners in on a piece of the the sells.



If not, why the fuck should he share it with anyone instead of just keeping it to himself?

He shouldn't and isn't. He is selling copies of the DVD. He is being given the same consideration, he gave the wrestling promotion.


I couldn't care less if that dude decides to stop uploading obscure puro DVDs because I have never and will never download them. However, if someone was uploading some awesome shit that I want to see and don't have, like some old territory stuff that's hard to come by, I would easily throw a buck or two their way to keep having access to it that I otherwise would not have. It's all about accessibility and whether the person you are paying is the only person you're going to be able to get the footage from.(Or at least get the footage from without paying a lot more than you want to spend, especially when we're talking about having to import obscure japanese indy DVDs)
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Browsing the 15 greatest families in WWE history article on their website and came across this.


Posted Image


1. When the heck did the Rock team with his dad?


2. How long have they been blurring out Hebner's face? Really random amusing thing to do, didn't figure they'd hold the grudge to that degree.

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Shouldn't he at least have the chance to try and recoup costs of the DVD?

No, not unless he plans on cutting the rightful owners in on a piece of the the sells.



If not, why the fuck should he share it with anyone instead of just keeping it to himself?

He shouldn't and isn't. He is selling copies of the DVD. He is being given the same consideration, he gave the wrestling promotion.


I couldn't care less if that dude decides to stop uploading obscure puro DVDs because I have never and will never download them. However, if someone was uploading some awesome shit that I want to see and don't have, like some old territory stuff that's hard to come by, I would easily throw a buck or two their way to keep having access to it that I otherwise would not have. It's all about accessibility and whether the person you are paying is the only person you're going to be able to get the footage from.(Or at least get the footage from without paying a lot more than you want to spend, especially when we're talking about having to import obscure japanese indy DVDs)


If he doesn't do it, some other nerd will. What does he want, a fucking trophy? I am grateful to guys that upload old stuff, but that is about it. I'm not going to kiss their ass or blow them.


I say this as someone who uploads more than my fair share and that includes ripping DVDs not many had access to. But I am not expecting a parade because of it. I do it because I want to share stuff I enjoy. If I wanted to pay money for it, I would hunt down the person who owns it.

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If he doesn't do it, some other nerd will. What does he want, a fucking trophy?

The post from Brocksmash that started the whole mess


Please do not encourage people to rip our material, thats not cool, keep that stuff to yourself, your defeating the purpose of our business model entirely saying things like that, im not trying to be rude but see it from my vantage point, you can see why we switched to DVD releasing, so showing others a simple way to make even shitty rips is not acceptable, i would appreciate it if you edited your comment out accordingly or i need to ask alan to do it for us, it might be considered censorship.. but its fair censorship in this situation ok bud. thanks in advance for editing it. and otherwise your listed help is perfectly fine, just refrain from the ripping comments entirely ok.

listen guys, im sorry that you feel inclined to chime in and be obnoxious, my request was perfectly reasonable, and if you don't think it was please don't follow or post in this thread any further, ill have your posts cleaned, im not going to tolerate this stuff, were the only supply of this kind in the world, and when you treat us like our simple requests are unreasonable, you just further push us away, and you limit further whats available to the masses, dont ruin it for everyone because your personally rude and selfish and prefer rips and don't care if we can afford to pay the massive puro bills we have to provide the media to everyone.

there's no point in continuing this line of questioning, so you can chime in further with rude remarks about how what were doing "isn't legal" and so on and so forth, when you clearly want rips which you would have no problem grabbing without paying for, so your line of logic isn't wanted or needed. and i'm not being rude or evading anything here, i just see where your going with it and lets save everyone the time and hassle of sorting through your useless messages about how requesting they don't post information on how to rip our material is some how unreasonable.. we have the right to refuse business, and we can ban customers who decide to release something, he didn't say he was releasing it either, i merely asked him not to share his ripping techniques in places where we shill our Titles. simple request, im sure he will see it and be fine with it, where your just trying to find an opportunity to be rude and obnoxious which is lets be honest.. not wanted or needed. don't waste time responding as this will be cleaned.


I will not waste my time any further arguing with people in our thread for mentioning posts and helping customers or answering legit questions about our services we offer, that's why this thread exists not so you can start flame wars or cause problems ok thanks.

"who the hell do i think i am?"


well to be specific i'm someone who cleared shilling media here with the moderator, and i'm someone who also read clearly a few pages ago in this very same thread, that alan said this type of behavior wont be tolerated here, were using this thread for 1 purpose, and that isn't so you can bad mouth us without provocation or having experienced our services just to start a problem with us, waste of time.


"i don't like your attitude brock"


i could care less if you like me or my attitude you prompted this argument with your comment, you knew very well where that was leading, you werent asking without the intention of creating an arugement about what we do not being legit and so on, and if you would like to wait 2 months for things to come out be our guest, we never expected everyone to buy from us, but intelligent people will realize were the best option, the fastest option, the cleanest sources, and best results. no amount of bashing us without every trying our services will change that, so please.. please... spare me the time it takes to read your follow ups, its not worth it man.

if you guys want to get updates come to our website, or follow twitter, im not going to waste my time here anymore because pricks like these make it unbearable when no ones talking to them they STILL come in and talk to you, imagine if you did this in public, you just butted into a conversation at your grocery store or hardware store, you would be looked at as a lunatic, its no different here, no one was talking to you guys and you just HAD to fucking say something, its insane, so im out, you know where to find us those interested in our product.

Last thing I'll say.


My wife is Vietnamese.


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Ideally, in return for uploading you enjoy the fruits of what other people uploaded. Anything else and the whole system just doesn't work.

Exactly that is all I ever hope for. That I do someone a solid by posting an old match, I find something I want. Its a pretty sweet set up for everybody, except the few who thinks it should be just a little sweeter for them.



My wife is Vietnamese.

That is a head scratcher.
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Ok that guy seems like a total douche, however my general point still remains. If a dude decides he's gonna go buy every piece of Mid-South footage that is out there and put it up on XWT-Classics and asks for a $1 or $2 to help cover the costs of buying all the DVDs, I'd pay it. Because "some other nerd" isn't going to do it.

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