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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Again that guy was a major douche to the more peaceful, kindly posters on the F4W board. So many posts had to be edited over a number of weeks due to his combative responses to other posters even over trivial things or questions. He went off above initially all because someone asked about watching downloads on an Apple and posted a tip for those who do.


Also he was on one hand throwing a fit about the possibility of people stealing his pirated wares all while part of the supplier-customer software he suggested his customers to use was a cracked version of it. No perspective, no self awareness.

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This is not a problem here, as we have a lot of historians and just posters that have seen such a ridiculous amount of footage that it's borderline insane (which is why I love this forum) but I wish there was a way to convey to others how great and underrated a lot of older wrestlers really were.


I guess I'm just not good enough with words. I also don't think I'm qualified to be the one making the statements in the first place.


Seeing Edge go into the Hall of Fame made me think about it. Seeing people make lists of the top wrestlers makes me think about it. Really, I think about it on almost a daily basis. Outside of WWF (now WWE) it's like the majority of "wrestling fans" don't know anything else exists. Especially now that WCW is dead. WWE is wrestling. Like...all of it.


King Kong Bundy was great. I have no problem saying that. I love Adrian Adonis too. And Bam Bam Bigelow. That's just an example of some names that are never mentioned or recognized for anything but Edge in some circles is in the conversation for one of the greatest of all-time in some circles? And it's like a lot of wrestling fans, especially newer fans, that started watching during the John Cena era, will never know how great guys like Santana, Steamboat, Snuka, Sammartino or Savage really were and that's just names that begin with the letter S off the top of my head.


It's just really irksome. I much prefer trying to educate myself on the bigger body of work of some guys from the past than trying to follow along weekly with the John Cena show. I consider myself pretty ignorant toward professional wrestling and I have been watching for about twenty-five years now. There is just SO much shit that I have still not seen...


I lack self-control is what it is. Instead of posting on forums where I disagree with so many people, I should just not post hardly at all in places where I can learn something, like here and just read instead. I'm a glutton for punishment!

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After watching Chikara's High Noon,


how is RoH owned by a media company, has a tv deal of some sort, more money and a bigger fanbase and Chikara's product consistently looks better and has better production values? How can a rinky dink little company owned by a single man have a product that looks more big league than a company that has a money mark behind them?

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After watching Chikara's High Noon,


how is RoH owned by a media company, has a tv deal of some sort, more money and a bigger fanbase and Chikara's product consistently looks better and has better production values? How can a rinky dink little company owned by a single man have a product that looks more big league than a company that has a money mark behind them?

Honestly, I think Quack is just better at attention to detail than any other promoter outside of Vince.

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I've been away for three weeks and breezed through the topics I missed and all I have to say is that a part of me hopes the Punk/Bryan feud ends with a beard vs beard match.


Seriously though, their feud seems fun (the promo segment right now with them, Kane and AJ is plain nutty) and I plan on watching their ppv match tomorrow.

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Didn't see it, but I'm happy his major-league botch won't be the last thing people who watch will remember him by.

Me too. I think the video game had a huge amount to do with him getting a good reaction, so the timing was good. Hopefully he gets into the HOF next year off of this, and they get Race to put him in.


Honestly, I wish there was a role for him, but I just don't buy him as a bodyguard (except for MAYBE in the Corporation Bossman role). I guess he could be the world's most awesome haystacks calhoun.


Actually, the only role that I can REALLY buy is the Angelo Poffo/Larry Hennig role for his kid.


And hey! Jesse White is absolutely the #4 guy I was looking for. He's the perfect guy to round out the anti-flair legacy coalition.

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This is not a problem here, as we have a lot of historians and just posters that have seen such a ridiculous amount of footage that it's borderline insane (which is why I love this forum) but I wish there was a way to convey to others how great and underrated a lot of older wrestlers really were.


I guess I'm just not good enough with words. I also don't think I'm qualified to be the one making the statements in the first place.


Seeing Edge go into the Hall of Fame made me think about it. Seeing people make lists of the top wrestlers makes me think about it. Really, I think about it on almost a daily basis. Outside of WWF (now WWE) it's like the majority of "wrestling fans" don't know anything else exists. Especially now that WCW is dead. WWE is wrestling. Like...all of it.


King Kong Bundy was great. I have no problem saying that. I love Adrian Adonis too. And Bam Bam Bigelow. That's just an example of some names that are never mentioned or recognized for anything but Edge in some circles is in the conversation for one of the greatest of all-time in some circles? And it's like a lot of wrestling fans, especially newer fans, that started watching during the John Cena era, will never know how great guys like Santana, Steamboat, Snuka, Sammartino or Savage really were and that's just names that begin with the letter S off the top of my head.


It's just really irksome. I much prefer trying to educate myself on the bigger body of work of some guys from the past than trying to follow along weekly with the John Cena show. I consider myself pretty ignorant toward professional wrestling and I have been watching for about twenty-five years now. There is just SO much shit that I have still not seen...


I lack self-control is what it is. Instead of posting on forums where I disagree with so many people, I should just not post hardly at all in places where I can learn something, like here and just read instead. I'm a glutton for punishment!

My personal hall of fame would have unconventional choices like Sabu, Bigelow, One Man Gang, and Tajiri. They'd never be voted into something like the Observer HOF, but they were some of the most entertaining characters to me personally.


Everybody is entitled to like whatever they like. There's generally a consensus reached about these things, but it doesn't really matter if you disagree. I think Great Khali is a good worker, but I won't argue with anyone who says he isn't.

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I'm a fan of One Man Gang as well. :-) I actually get some shit from my friends for a few of my favorites but it's all in good fun.


I like The Great Khali because to me I always think it is what Frankenstein's Monster would look like if he were a wrestler. The dude can not even walk, he lumbers. He should come out with bolts in his neck!

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I'm a fan of One Man Gang as well. :-) I actually get some shit from my friends for a few of my favorites but it's all in good fun.


I like The Great Khali because to me I always think it is what Frankenstein's Monster would look like if he were a wrestler. The dude can not even walk, he lumbers. He should come out with bolts in his neck!


He's old here but I got a laugh out of it when it happened originally.

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Apparently someone at WWE finally found out about the @CrankyVince twitter account and got it suspended. The fake WWE Creative account also got suspended but came back when they changed their name to better reflect they were a parody account.


However the person* behind the CrankyVince account also has @PremiumVince, which he's started using as the main account.





(*pretty sure it's Seth Mates, since he accidentally sent a CrankyVince tweet from his own account once)

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Episode 41 – Remembering Sensational Sherri (February 8, 1958 – June 15, 2007)

featuring Bill Apter, Candi Divine, Marianne Ryan, Lexie Fyfe & “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase


Five years ago today, the wrestling world became a little less Sensational as Sherri Martel passed away at the altogether too young age of 49 years old. On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of her passing, we decided to try and pay tribute to this most memorable of performers by gathering together some of her friends and colleagues to share their experiences and memories. On this very special podcast you’ll hear legendary wrestling journalist Bill Apter, who knew Sherri throughout her entire professional career; friend and rival (and multiple time former AWA Women’s Champion) Candi Divine; non-wrestler friend, confidante and travelling companion Marianne Ryan; veteran wrestler Lexie Fyfe and one of Sherri’s most famous managerial charges, Ted DiBiase – a Hall of Famer in his own right, and the man who inducted Sherri into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2006. A big thanks to all our guests and those people who helped make the show possible. You know who you are.



Haven't listened yet but obviously a lot of work went into this and I general like this podcast series.

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Additional detail about GaijinPuro from a pissed off former subscriber:


To get their Roku Box service for Elite customers you have to let the GaijinPuro/WrestlingBay/RUDOS guys have remote access to your PC so they can 'install' the necessary software. Also, someone mentioned them now wanting to install spyware for GaijinPuro customers so they can track what you're doing with their files, but I wouldn't know about that as I'm banned :P

How Big Brother

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I'm happy for Naylor that he's living the dream. But man did he look small in that skit. That's not going to him any favours.

The exact opposite is true.


I am sure this came up before somewhere. Anyway I agree 100%. Nothing looks worse than a manager or interviewer towering over a wrestler. IF Rob goes in that direction at least he wont have to bend knees and/or spread his legs apart to look shorter like Matt Striker. He will also benefit from the roster trending shorter. Also his facials are definitely there to do the whole intimidated by the heel thing.

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THQ shuts up the nonbelievers


"We are extremely pleased with our relationship with the WWE, and have an exclusive license for the brand through 2017. Our recent videogame cover reveal for WWE '13 on Monday Night Raw airing May 28, as well as WWE Superstar Sheamus' recent appearance at E3 showcase examples of how well we are working collaboratively with the WWE."

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I'm happy for Naylor that he's living the dream. But man did he look small in that skit. That's not going to him any favours.

The exact opposite is true.


I am sure this came up before somewhere. Anyway I agree 100%. Nothing looks worse than a manager or interviewer towering over a wrestler. IF Rob goes in that direction at least he wont have to bend knees and/or spread his legs apart to look shorter like Matt Striker. He will also benefit from the roster trending shorter. Also his facials are definitely there to do the whole intimidated by the heel thing.


Yeah that makes sense. I completley overlooked that aspect.


Onwards and upwards for Rob!

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