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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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On the AWA set we get to hear Manny Fernandez call Fujinami a zipperhead. It really was a different era in wrestling and society. I'm not advocating hate speech but things have really got too PC over time. People say dumb stuff that you don't have to agree with it but it is their right.

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Is there enough Florida footage to make a set? Enough Southeastern/Continental? OR will these be tossed into the random Other 80s Territories? Those are the two that I think, just due to longevity and a few key players enough footage might exist for.

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Out of interest, would you care if someone burned the US flag? Would it rile you up etc?

It pisses me off, absolutely. It's a disgraceful act. Any American who doesn't get angry when they see images of the flag being burned by mobs in Pakistan, Iraq etc......I don't know, it pisses me off to my core, and I don't consider myself any more patriotic than the next guy


When people are protesting in America I say turn the flag upside down. You want to burn the flag? Fuck you, move along.

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Has David Crockett ever done a shoot interview?

Crockett I would really like to hear talk wrestling. He was the only family member who did not want to sell out to Ted Turner in 88. He wanted instead to stick to the Carolinas and drop the big money players except for Flair.
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The Angle/Cena feud was when Cena really started getting booed out of the building every night. Despite the WWE's comically heavy-handed attempts to turn the crowd against Angle (having him insult the troops, giving him Daivari as a manager, censoring the "you suck" chants), he was still getting cheered over Cena. Eventually, they just gave up and turned Angle face. The poinf of the promo where Angle said he didn't like black people and wanted to make Jesus tap out was that people would still cheer him no matter what he said or did.

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The entire Punk/ Cena/ Show Bryan match and all the storyline stuff that goes with it was fucking great on RAW tonight. It's some really well done old school Pro Wrestling. So was the YRJ/ Ziggler/ Miz stuff, come to think of it. I loved Sandow vs Christian, and the feud between Sandow and Brodus is also a pretty classic old school mid-card gimmick guys program. I thought the contract signing was well done,

Ok, I just watched the HBK "over selling/ worst thing ever/ yada yada yada. thing and I'm not getting the outrage and scorn. I'm pretty sure that if a monster broke my arm I'd react even worse. He's supposed to be a retired and broken down guy. I'd say his reactions were more close to normal than "business exposing". If anything, HHH was the shitty actor in all this.

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