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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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It would be too strong say Regal has a problem with people saying it but he has been pointing out that Marty Jones and Mark Rocco innovated the Junior Heavyweight style not Dynamite Kid and Tiger Mask whenever it gets brought up. He did it on the podcast and a number of times on Twitter - even correcting Lance Storm on it. Seems to be a real pet peeve.

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He has a point. Rocco and Jones 70s matches are massively ahead of their time.

That's the tweet I was referring to:




He really seems to put those two meeting on a pedestal as an evolutionary moment in the Wrestling.


Rather obviously he watches and rewatches a lot of Wrestling.

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I actually thought you guys had a catastrophic server failure victimize you with the weird errors that last 4 (?) days or so, but today it is spitting out ye olde IPS Driver errors again, which, in a sense, is actually promising. It probably means the whole forum didn't get eaten and the whole thing lost. Which would suck.

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Guest Nell Santucci

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Wow, I leave the country for vacation and this happens? Biggest news of the year!


I suspect this will be HHH's front office look. I also suspect his last match will be at next year's Wrestlemania.

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Guest Nell Santucci

We should all try to remember where we were when HHH cut off his ponytail. We can tell our grandchildren about it.

You read his mind. Is Triple H going to pull an Undertaker at the Survivor Series? LOL. . .division of labor is very important.

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The site has always been working. It's just the board that's been down for what seems like forever now. Wish someone that likely knows what is up *cough* Phil Schneider *cough* would give some kinda update.

I don't know much more then you guys. Servers need to be switched, and Rippa is on it.


Dean posted on Facebook that it would be back up next week.

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Going to Night of the Champions tonight in person. I haven't been to a wrestling show since 2005. I don't even watch WWE TV. I'll catch most of the PPV's on delay but that's usually it for my WWE viewing. Don't even know the card outside of Punk/Cena (which should be interesting as far as a crowd perspective). So I'm going in blind for the most party but hopefully it's a good show. My seats are pretty good too.

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