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Hogan's running on nostalgia fumes now. I like that new black Hulkamania shirt. He needs to wear that, dye the stubble black, and air guitar his way out to "Voodoo Child.". Or something from Metallica, since, you know, he's practically a member and all.

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  On 4/1/2014 at 9:29 PM, SteveJRogers said:


  On 4/1/2014 at 3:35 PM, Loss said:

Yes, Batista was hilarious. Everything else has been really odd. Daniel Bryan doesn't really seem comfortable with this level of stardom, which is endearing in a way.

Is it as bad as Punk's "What the fuck am I DOING here!?" attitude at 28?



Punk seemed annoyed. Bryan seems more embarrassed because he doesn't think he's at the same level as the other people on the stage as a star.

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I think the announcers or other wrestlers calling him Hulk is different from promoting a match with him as "Hulk Hogan." Still, I feel like he should have gone back to Real American the night he came back out in red and yellow.

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  On 4/1/2014 at 11:50 PM, Johnny Sorrow said:

I'm watching the press conference at the Hard Rock and I never thought my two loves would come together, but there behind Josh is a big picture of Jerry Garcia. Jerry on a wrestling show, never thought it'd happen. :)

Would have been cooler if it was Mick as Dude Love or Jimmy Valiant as opposed to someone like Josh Matthews though.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 12:13 AM, shoe said:

Is it me or does Dolph Ziggler remind anyone of Wayne Arnold from the Wonder years played by Jason Hervey?


This made me think how cool it would be if the WWE Network could "retcon/blue screen replace" the Jason Hervey/Paul E. Dangerously feud from WCW with Ziggler as Hervey. I'm thinking Weezer "Buddy Holly" video style.


Also, that thought was really OT, so, to get things back on track, I've got Sheamus winning the battle royal. Who you got?

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realize Hulk is Hulk, but he looks so out of place since returning because he's too over the top and too married to his 80s gimmick.


Yeah, he does look a bit strange in "The Reality EraTM" as HHH keeps trying to shill it as. Which is strange, because Hogan has spent a lot of the last decade making shitty reality television shows.

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I don't know if Piper is scripted. I thnk he is just old and out of touch.


Also, I think it depends on the writer. I wish we had more of an idea who worked on what feud in the current era. I used to listen to Lagana's old oldpodcasts and the current Court Bauer podcast because they will tell you who had what ideas and worked on what programs but those were usually between 2004-2008

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I love Piper. As whacked as he is he seems to have made a pretty normal life for himself outside of wrestling, which is no small feat when you look at his contemporaries. That said, there's rarely even glimmers of what made Piper great in his promos now. They'd be better off doing "In the Bunkhouse" with Dusty Rhodes segments. Now there's a dude who can still talk.

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Piper had that fantastic segment with Jericho to set up Wrestlemania back in '09, but outside of that, it is a little disappointing, yeah. I think for that one though, Jericho coached him exactly on what he wanted him to say and kept him on a short leash. So maybe that's what is needed to get something out of him.

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I doubt they can script Piper. He's...not all there, and while that's been clear for a long time, it's becoming more obvious. In the past week he's done a WWE video where he said Andre used to talk about how he was proud of Big Show and tweeted Renee Young talking about what a tough lady wrestler she is.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 5:39 PM, The Chief said:

There was also a very good Piper promo from around the time Cena was forced to join the Nexus about the importance of the WWE Championship.


It was OK, but it falls under the annoying category of mentioning old names on the mic to get something over. It's something which has plagued the IC title promos over the last few years when the likes of Cody Rhodes and commentators feel the need to name drop Steambaot, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels etc as a means to putting regard into something.

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