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  On 6/12/2014 at 8:11 PM, The Chief said:

We can still get a sendoff. Sgt. Slaughter was released in 08 or 09, how many times have we seen him since?


Was Slaughter actually released via WWE.com? Wow, I don't remember that. I hope we do get a sendoff for Teddy then.

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I don't know what the deal with Bourne is. They trusted him enough to have him be the guy to work with and train Floyd Mayweather, they were really high on the guy at one point. And his "synthetic marijuana" suspensions seemed like bullshit. Either bullshit that they'd suspend a guy for that, or it was a bullshit cover for something harder. Then he had all bad problems with his ankle. I know he did one match in NXT but I don't know if he's fully recovered from the injury to where he could work a full WWE schedule. Everything surrounding Bourne news wise the last several years doesn't really paint a picture


Drew Mac was definitely underutilized. That guy has superstar potential if a smart booker would tap into it. Tall, athletic, great look, good in the ring, decent talker, charisma......it's amazing how WWE wasted him. I'd like to see him in ROH, debuted and pushed the right way he could be an epic top heel in that promotion. TNA is a dead end, and NJPW has their quota of gaijins at the moment


I liked Aksana. She oozed sex appeal, and I liked her character/acting in segments a lot better than some of the other divas. She wasn't good in the ring, but she definitely worked hard at it trying to get better. Compared to when she started in NXT where she was basically learning to run the ropes for the first time to now.....she improved a lot. There were those reckless/over enthusiastic spots though where she would injure her opponent which probably did her in


Teddy Long hadn't been on tv in a while and I assume this was just a mutual retirement sort of deal.


Yoshi hadn't been used in forever. They didn't even use him in NXT much. Talented guy who got over with WWE audiences when he was actually used and pushed on tv. Just another case of WWE having no idea how to push a Japanese wrestler.


Brodus - I liked Brodus, but what else could they do with him at this point?

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I would imagine her shoot kneedropping Naomi, breaking her oribital bone, and changing plans for both WM and probably Total Divas did in Aksana.


I'll never understand what prompted her to do that either. I get she was having a brainfart, but what makes you think "shit, I forgot the spot, lemme make up for it by dropping my knee right on her goddamn face".

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  On 6/12/2014 at 9:23 PM, sek69 said:

I would imagine her shoot kneedropping Naomi, breaking her oribital bone, and changing plans for both WM and probably Total Divas did in Aksana.


I'll never understand what prompted her to do that either. I get she was having a brainfart, but what makes you think "shit, I forgot the spot, lemme make up for it by dropping my knee right on her goddamn face".


It's what happens when you put under-trained people in the ring, and expect them to work a fast paced 3 minute match on tv. I don't really blame Aksana for that. They had a screwed up spot and Naomi was on the mat and Aksana was supposed to be in a control segment, so she defaulted to a ground strike to maintain control. Naomi, equally inexperienced, didn't see it coming, and rolled right into it in the worst way. They were both inexperienced and it wasn't either of their fault that it happened, it was WWE's fault for putting them in that situation

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  On 6/12/2014 at 8:47 PM, cm funk said:

I don't know what the deal with Bourne is. They trusted him enough to have him be the guy to work with and train Floyd Mayweather, they were really high on the guy at one point. And his "synthetic marijuana" suspensions seemed like bullshit. Either bullshit that they'd suspend a guy for that, or it was a bullshit cover for something harder. Then he had all bad problems with his ankle. I know he did one match in NXT but I don't know if he's fully recovered from the injury to where he could work a full WWE schedule. Everything surrounding Bourne news wise the last several years doesn't really paint a picture


Bourne got a lot of heat for his reaction to his first Wellness Policy suspension, as he complained about double standards when R-Truth wasn't suspended immediately like he was, and was blamed for that story leaking to the wrestling media by Triple H. He also went a bit crazy on Twitter at that time. Given that synthetic marijuana is more dangerous than the real stuff, I don't think it's bullshit to suspend a guy for smoking it.

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  On 6/12/2014 at 9:03 PM, Bierschwale said:


  On 6/12/2014 at 8:47 PM, cm funk said:


And his "synthetic marijuana" suspensions seemed like bullshit.

"Synthetic" marijuana is basically bath salts. It's a legitimate reason to keep someone off of the active roster.

Um, unless there is a difference between fake weed in the US and New Zealand, you don't know what you're talking about.

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  On 6/12/2014 at 4:00 PM, Fantastic said:


  On 6/12/2014 at 3:58 PM, C.S. said:

Add referee Mark Harris (who?) to the list.


With you on this.


Why do they bother announcing the departures of referees, especially now that they seldom mention them by their names on TV?


Referees are people too ya heartless jerk.

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Vince is getting so out of touch creatively that I think it's time to hand over the reigns to Hunter and Steph. I mean you get the sense that he has no idea why Bryan is so over and it's reflected in the segments he is putting together for him. I don't even think Hunter and Stephanie understand completely why he is over but much more than Vince. I don't know I'm getting Verne Gagne circa 1986 vibes here

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  On 6/13/2014 at 2:37 PM, Strummer said:

Vince is getting so out of touch creatively that I think it's time to hand over the reigns to Hunter and Steph. I mean you get the sense that he has no idea why Bryan is so over and it's reflected in the segments he is putting together for him. I don't even think Hunter and Stephanie understand completely why he is over but much more than Vince. I don't know I'm getting Verne Gagne circa 1986 vibes here

I agree about Vince. Regarding Bryan I think HHH and Steph understand exactly why he's over since their contributions to the build-up and execution of WM 30 were masterful. It might have taken them a little too long to "get it" but by the time of around Elimination Chamber their performances were pitch perfect and really helped put the whole thing over the top.


Vince is just fucking awful now though. I mean the difference in quality between the HHH-run NXT and the Vince-run WWE is so incredibly obvious at this point.

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They've almost always given Bryan a lot of material. I mean, he went from fired/"fired" to carrying Team WWE in the SummerSlam match against the Nexus his first night back.


It just always feels like that it's about to slip away at any given moment, but you can say that about almost anyone on the roster who's being recognized for having gotten over. That's where it feels like Vince and his toadies are the ones dropping the ball.

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Just watched NXT takeover. What a show! In terms of the all round package it's the best wwe event I've seen in donkeys years.


Zayne vs Breeze had some silliness but it was the one of the better indy style matches you'll see. Breeze is another unspectacular wrestler with a cutesy gimmick that the Raw team will have no clue how to utilise but he's great in this setting. Zayne always seems to tread a fine line with his selling, between Ricky Morton brilliant/distractingly goofy. I guess that's better than just being Adrian Neville. The finish had the kind of creative touch you won't see on the main shows.


The tag was fun and would have been great if Kalisto was given more time to shine. It's the first time I've seen him, his comeback spots were nice but I'm surprised they didn't use this opportunity to show off his flying offence. El Local's hot tag was almost a disaster. I actually quite like Acension especially the entrance. Can somebody explain what the YAH YAH thing is about?


The women's match blew me away. The match itself was good but it was the all round presentation - the back story and the competitive Flair/Hart rivalry, the high stakes, the tournament, the tension brewing between Tyson and Nattie etc, all tied together and explained brilliantly - that made it one of the best things they've put together all year. Charlotte could be massive star if WWE gave a shit about women. This is the best I've seen Natalya look and her selling was good. Hated that odd figure four spot though. Flair was great on the outside and was a vital third wheel in the match. The post match was one of them lovely moments that warms the cockles. Charlotte's finisher is fucking awful.


Rusev squashing the hell out of that Mojo idiot was a genuine mark out moment :D.


The main was okay but suffered from following two hot matches. It might have worked better as a 8-10 minute sprint rather than a slow building classic. I LOVED Kid being a patronising prick and patting Neville on the head after a mat exchange. I don't rate Neville at all and I'm don't see what he can bring as a singles guy. Fun finish.

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  On 6/13/2014 at 3:57 PM, Badlittlekitten said:

The main was okay but suffered from following two hot matches.


Is that it, or is it just that Adrian Neville simply isn't that great. I'm genuinely asking and wondering. I don't claim to be an expert - I've only seen maybe 2-3 matches at most - but his match at NXT Arrival wasn't as hot as what proceeded it either. I don't think it's a valid excuse to blame the prior matches though - especially not when it's happened twice already. I'm personally much higher on Sami Zayn.

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Neville doesn't have a character. He's "The Man Who Gravity Forgot" and is pushed as just this amazing best P4P wrestler type......and he isn't. Aside from some cool crowd popping offense.....why is he a babyface? Why should I be cheering for him? There's nothing of substance to get behind. Due to the way he works he almost has to be a face....but seems like he'd be better as a heel.


I liked his tag team with Oliver Grey much more than I've liked his singles run. I feel like his future, if he's going to make it in WWE, will be in a tag team. As a singles I can't see it unless WWE develops a WCW style cruiser division for the undercard.....but when is that going to happen?


Not to go off on a tangent, but WWE never putting together a strong cruiser division and pushing it has baffled me for years. They're supposedly interested in tapping into the ever growing latino demographic (as they should be) yet the product shows no signs of it. In all the years since Eddie died they've pushed Rey, Del Rio, Sin Cara and Vickie Guerrero. And they have Puerto Ricans cosplaying Matadores with a mini bull mascot. That's it. WCW proved that luchadores who are under hoods and don't speak English can get over with American crowds. With the dire 3 hour long RAWs that the crowds and audiences end up dead for the bulk of hours 2 and 3.....wouldn't it help if you could throw out some crowd popping cruiser stuff? It helped WCW a ton during the days of 3 hour Nitros. And they've already got some of the talent needed to do it. Tyson Kidd, Neville, throw Kofi in there to reinvent him, Justin Gabriel, KENTA. I think Generico has upper mid-card potential but you could start him off in a cruiser division to establish him with the audience. And, sign some luchadores and you've got a pretty good cruiser division. But they won't do it, because Vince and Kevin Dunn don't like it and they'll point to their half-hearted attempts in the past as proof that it doesn't work on the big stage of WWE.

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The problem with starting a full-fledged cruiser division is that the guys at the top of the card have downsized so much. The most recent world champ is billed at 210. Last year's MITB card had, by my count, eight guys in title or briefcase matches who could qualify at 225 or under.

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I think WCW forever ruined the label "cruiserweight". It's now something people see as little guys who can't hang with the real stars. Unless they plan on pushing them as something nearly equal instead of as a separate midcard division, I have no interest in seeing it.

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  On 6/13/2014 at 11:13 PM, Loss said:

I think WCW forever ruined the label "cruiserweight". It's now something people see as little guys who can't hang with the real stars.


How ironic. Bischoff went with the term "cruiserweight" because precisely the same thing had happened with "light heavyweight" and "junior heavyweight," at least in the U.S.

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I always thought Sullivan did a tremendous job of booking the cruiserweights & treating them like their own separate division. It felt like a different breed or different class of fighter in the early days. And Kevin at least had them crossover into the "big" division by winning the US and TV titles on several occasions. It happened with everyone from Eddie and Dean to Ultimo, Jericho, and Alex freaking Wunderkind Wright.

It didn't get sideways for me until about '99 or so. Then it sort of shifted to what Charles is talking about (in my eyes, anyway). And WWE went above and beyond, taking it to that next level and just outright treating the "cruiserweights" like jobbers.


I might be alone in this, but I always thought the X-Division was promoted & pushed pretty damn well in TNA's early stages. That whole post weekly PPV but pre-Spike deal... where were they airing? Something with Fox? TNN? Hell, I don't remember. But then. 2004-2006 or so.

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It'd have to be a division of guys all 200 or under, focusing on the under. Something that was outwardly distinct. I really don't want to directly compare MMA and wrestling, but I'm pretty sure that Georges St-Pierre and B.J. Penn and Matt Hughes and Anderson Silva and I could go on... were popular fighters. That's without even dipping into the lightest divisions.

There's no real reason that you can't do a division that's based on guys around 165-180 aside from some garbage reason that amounts to "Listen, we only keep lighter guys around so we can get Big Show or Kane back over as heels by having them do a run-in and chokeslam them in the middle of their matches.".

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