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It will be interesting to see what the cards look like come August. Bray Wyatt is going over everyone right now. Reigns is going to get the big push sooner rather than later. Bryan is the most over guy on the roster. Cesaro looks to be in line for some sort of post-WrestleMania push. On the other side, they have Cena, Batista, Brock, Triple H, ect. all of whom (theoretically) have at least something to offer in terms of putting guys over and elevating them. Overall, WWE is in a far better position to create new stars than they have been in some time. Whether they follow through and execute correctly remains to be seen, but the potential is there.

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The WWE doesn't care what a smark with a bookshelf full of Ring Of Honor bootlegs thinks. They care about marrying their company to Marvel Studios when Dave Bautista stars in "Guardians of the Galaxy" this August. They care about 7-year-olds and the uninitiated.


Then why did they turn Batista heel a month into his run and position Daniel Bryan as the top face of the company during Mania season?


People are really dramatic.

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Have to admit that I'm pleasantly surprised that they are listening to the crowd since the Rumble. I was thinking at this point in his life Vince didn't give a shit anymore and would just do what he wanted. I'd have to think people are getting in his ear

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Whoa, how was Kane vs Daniel Bryan that good? Kane sells his ass off for Bryan and sort of channels his inner workrate. Really good match worth seeing.

Bryan goes over again. Anyway else think they should be pointing out that Bryan is hanging with and sometimes beating the big guys? I guess they want it to speak for itself but with the way WWE usually presents its product the announcers should be hammering this home instead of focusing on the losses

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Main Event going live every week is definitely a good thing. I hope they start running some self-contained feuds on it.


As for this show, I, too, thought Kane/Bryan was really good and if there was a PPV between now and Mania, it would have been a great fit on there. Kane always works really hard with Bryan and I thought all the hope spots were cut off in really neat ways. I really liked Road Dogg's promo and it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if he stuck around as a manager for someone.

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The WWE doesn't care what a smark with a bookshelf full of Ring Of Honor bootlegs thinks. They care about marrying their company to Marvel Studios when Dave Bautista stars in "Guardians of the Galaxy" this August. They care about 7-year-olds and the uninitiated.


Then why did they turn Batista heel a month into his run and position Daniel Bryan as the top face of the company during Mania season?


People are really dramatic.



Wouldn't it be funny if the movie flops because of the chain of events that have been set off since his return

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Is his part big enough to actually infiltrate the masses? Plus, if it is a good comic book film, people will go to see it.

He'll probably be billed in the top 5 or 6 in the movie. He is one of The Guardians of the Galaxy.

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with all the recent talk does anyone think that "Bryan doesn't sell merchandise so we can't push him" was a line fed to Dave by the company before the Rumble? I tend to think not and that it was legit and they really had no intention to push him but I guess it could be up for debate now

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Is his part big enough to actually infiltrate the masses? Plus, if it is a good comic book film, people will go to see it.

He'll probably be billed in the top 5 or 6 in the movie. He is one of The Guardians of the Galaxy.



Here's a serious question then, since the movie opens in August, is there a way they can turn him around by then? Not necessarily at Mania, but at least a month or two before it opens?

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Here's a serious question then, since the movie opens in August, is there a way they can turn him around by then? Not necessarily at Mania, but at least a month or two before it opens?


Easily - part of the hate simply stems from the fact that the logical conclusion to the Daniel Bryan storyline was him winning the Royal Rumble and going on to get his huge moment at Wrestlemania. When it became clear Batista was coming from nowhere to take that spot, they turned on him, and then also things bulldozed from the 'new faces vs established star' thing that is also happening amongst the crowds.


Batista has enough personality and charisma to turn it round. Once he starts playing up the 'cool heel' thing he did during his last run, and they put him against a lukewarm face like Sheamus, he will get good reactions again.

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I would like to point out that Dave has gone from "They aren't changing the main event" to "It's a possibility". That leads me to believe he knows something but was possibly asked not to give away their plans. Add that they changed their lineup somewhere last week to "Batista vs Randy Orton vs ??" and it makes me think we are going to end the show with Bryan with the gold.

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He also said on today's podcast that Bryan will be the most pushed guy (along with Cena, obviously) after Wrestlemania. Apparently have been sending stuff with business partners and those 2 guys are gonna be the main focus for a while.


I really don't see D-Bry going past Extreme Rules without the title.

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I don't see it at this point. Getting HHH to lace up his boots for Bryan at Mania is being presented as a huge deal in itself. The feud feels much bigger than the world title picture. I can't see HHH losing in a midcard match at Mania as a stepping stone for Bryan's triumph later that night. Could be wrong though. Unless they hold the HHH/Bryan match of until Exteme Rules as his first defence which isn't a bad idea.

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