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Loss is right. Reigns is the one being positioned as the #1 guy. He should be doing the main events. Bryan-Kane could take the middle hour spot.


No, he's wrong. D-Bry v. Kane was a gimmick match blowing off a big time feud. It deserved to go in the main slot



Of course I think it should be in the main event slot, but after the way he was treated at the Rumble, it makes no sense.



This. IF you watched the Rumble, Bryan was not shown to be a main eventer. He was shown to be the equivalent of Tyson Kidd.



I thought that was extremely odd Bryan going out so quick by Bray.


The way they were building to the Rumble I figured hey Bryan loses to Bray before the Rumble is so they can build up to this feud after Bryan takes the belt at Mania so you have something planned. Seems like a wasted opportunity.

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So I guess a lot of people think they are teasing putting Bryan in the title match on Raw. Lolztrolling. It's one big troll


I could see them booking Bryan vs. Reigns for the number one contendership at Fast Lane to tie up the loose end of Bryan never being given a World title shot after being stripped of the title by the Authority with Bryan coming up short yet again. Why not milk the trolling for a few more weeks?


I would imagine it's something like this. IF you accept that Bryan isn't getting the push (which I don't but whatever), then this would make sense in a lot of ways. Bryan would probably make Reigns look better than anyone else on the roster could. Reigns also desperately needs another PPV singles match before WM if they are really going through with this. The dude has ONE ppv singles match. It's fucking absurd.



Don't know where this comes from, but in today's CSS rumor roundup "Randall Ortman" claims that "Triple H's big announcement for Raw next week is expected to be something along the lines of a multi-man match for the Fast Lane event involving the likes of Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan, and others. It will set up the WrestleMania direction for all the top names who don't already have that."


Presuming that the WrestleMania title shot is on the line (otherwise, what's the point?), either WWE are hedging their bets or are going to dangle another carrot in front of their hardcore fans before yanking it away again.

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So I guess a lot of people think they are teasing putting Bryan in the title match on Raw. Lolztrolling. It's one big troll


I could see them booking Bryan vs. Reigns for the number one contendership at Fast Lane to tie up the loose end of Bryan never being given a World title shot after being stripped of the title by the Authority with Bryan coming up short yet again. Why not milk the trolling for a few more weeks?


I would imagine it's something like this. IF you accept that Bryan isn't getting the push (which I don't but whatever), then this would make sense in a lot of ways. Bryan would probably make Reigns look better than anyone else on the roster could. Reigns also desperately needs another PPV singles match before WM if they are really going through with this. The dude has ONE ppv singles match. It's fucking absurd.



Don't know where this comes from, but in today's CSS rumor roundup "Randall Ortman" claims that "Triple H's big announcement for Raw next week is expected to be something along the lines of a multi-man match for the Fast Lane event involving the likes of Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan, and others. It will set up the WrestleMania direction for all the top names who don't already have that."


Presuming that the WrestleMania title shot is on the line (otherwise, what's the point?), either WWE are hedging their bets or are going to dangle another carrot in front of their hardcore fans before yanking it away again.



So we got rid of Elimination Chamber in February and we're replacing it with another multi-man match with the top guys?

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"We here at the WWE don't like being told what to do."


That, in the middle of a total meta/babyface promo, was amazing. Fear the epic trolling on Raw. It's sad that at this point, trolling audiences has became the new way of getting "heel heat".



This is what happens when all you can do is jerk around your audience in the worst possible way because you can't lay out meaningful feuds and angles since no one is allowed to get over...

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The thing I don't understand is how are they gonna put Reigns title shot on the line considering he won it fairly and decidedly. The Rumble was booked so no one had any reason to bitch about being eliminated (besides just not being good enough), so after the boos the heel authority figure is just gonna retcon it and give fan favorites another chance?? Nah, I don't see it.



This wont happen either but I hope it's a tournament for the next n°1 contender. And have the finals happen at Mania.

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the last PPV main event I remember with a load of top guys in at once with no gimmick was back in 2007 with Cena, Lashley, Orton, Booker and some other guys and it was a really fun main event. I wouldn't mind seeing that with Bryan, Reigns, Ambrose, Show and Ziggler, for instance.

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The thing I don't understand is how are they gonna put Reigns title shot on the line considering he won it fairly and decidedly. The Rumble was booked so no one had any reason to bitch about being eliminated (besides just not being good enough), so after the boos the heel authority figure is just gonna retcon it and give fan favorites another chance?? Nah, I don't see it.



This wont happen either but I hope it's a tournament for the next n°1 contender. And have the finals happen at Mania.

well Bryan never lost the title. It wouldn't be difficult at all to sell people the idea that he's at least entitled to a number 1 contender's match to settle this "controversy", especially when you consider people want Bryan anyway so there's really nothing to sell. It's not like people are going to be crying 'injustice' over this if it were to happen.

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The thing I don't understand is how are they gonna put Reigns title shot on the line considering he won it fairly and decidedly. The Rumble was booked so no one had any reason to bitch about being eliminated (besides just not being good enough), so after the boos the heel authority figure is just gonna retcon it and give fan favorites another chance?? Nah, I don't see it.



This wont happen either but I hope it's a tournament for the next n°1 contender. And have the finals happen at Mania.

well Bryan never lost the title. It wouldn't be difficult at all to sell people the idea that he's at least entitled to a number 1 contender's match to settle this "controversy", especially when you consider people want Bryan anyway so there's really nothing to sell. It's not like people are going to be crying 'injustice' over this if it were to happen.


There is no "controversy" though. Bryan was entered into the Rumble and was thrown out easily and fairly in a few minutes.

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The thing I don't understand is how are they gonna put Reigns title shot on the line considering he won it fairly and decidedly. The Rumble was booked so no one had any reason to bitch about being eliminated (besides just not being good enough), so after the boos the heel authority figure is just gonna retcon it and give fan favorites another chance?? Nah, I don't see it.



This wont happen either but I hope it's a tournament for the next n°1 contender. And have the finals happen at Mania.

well Bryan never lost the title. It wouldn't be difficult at all to sell people the idea that he's at least entitled to a number 1 contender's match to settle this "controversy", especially when you consider people want Bryan anyway so there's really nothing to sell. It's not like people are going to be crying 'injustice' over this if it were to happen.


There is no "controversy" though. Bryan was entered into the Rumble and was thrown out easily and fairly in a few minutes.


he also never lost the title though. why should he have to win the royal rumble to get a shot at *his* title? It's fucking pro wrestling. All they need to do to manufacture controversy is say there's controversy.

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He didn't need to "lose" the title because he got hurt & was stripped of the belt for not being able to defend it. Sure, he should get a rematch for his belt but you don't have him beat the guy that won the Rumble just to get to the title match. That fucks the winner of the Rumble and makes winning the Rumble look worse.


WWE have really booked themselves into a corner here...

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Didn't even thought about this but reading people on other boards throwing out the idea that Trips might announce another brand split.


That's interesting but I'm not sure how that eases the anger from fans or fixes the "controversy" from the Rumble. Unless he just announces the creation of another title exclusive to SD! or some shit like that :lol:

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I'm intrigued about this announcement...


The coolest thing ever would be making The Rock wrestle Roman Reigns at Fast Lane with Reigns' spot in the title match at Mania on the line. That would be great, everybody would shit over the match and cheer The Rock, Reigns wouldn't get over despite winning, and he'd get booed out of the building. But then... What if they use that match to turn Reigns, align him with Heyman?


That probably doesn't make sense unless Lesnar turns his back on Heyman and goes full blown face.

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It's funny but this, to me, feels far more precarious in the long run than just going forward with Reigns or turning him heel. We don't know what it is yet but when you start screwing with the basic logic of the universe you're presenting, you get further into death of WCW territory than just trying to push a guy and having to turn him heel because the crowd doesn't take it.

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I wonder if Rock would even agree to involvement with Reigns in any creative from here forward unless he was a heel.


Yeah, he'd have to be a face. They couldn't possibly turn Rock heel given the enormous draw he is, and the fact that the fans simply love him these days, regardless of what he does, (nobody booed him in his feud with Cena, despite there being an audible minority of pro-Cena fans, it seems like they cheered for Rock as well!) not to mention the Reigns rejection, it would be like Hogan/Rock all over again, with the crowd rejecting Reigns and Rock being forced to portray the babyface despite being in the heel role. I don't doubt Rock could do do the heel thing, he's shown that he's very capable of working both roles with equal enthusiasm in the past, but it's a different time now.


It's funny but this, to me, feels far more precarious in the long run than just going forward with Reigns or turning him heel. We don't know what it is yet but when you start screwing with the basic logic of the universe you're presenting, you get further into death of WCW territory than just trying to push a guy and having to turn him heel because the crowd doesn't take it.


It's an organic process. People aren't accepting Reigns as heir-apparent to the top babyface role. There is nothing to be gained from forcing something that people aren't buying, therefore the only logical decision is to turn him heel and profit from that.

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I was referring to Reigns as "he" there being the heel. Rock endorsing Reigns backfired in such a big way that I don't think we'll see it happen again.


Yeah, I got that, I was just throwing out the idea that even if Rock wanted to be the heel, nobody would buy it.


I still think we're looking at Rock/Brock II at 32 if Brock re-signs with WWE. That means Brock will probably remain as an "official" heel, which somewhat complicates the process of Reigns turning. Realistically, they should get the title of Brock prior to Mania, but that's also complicated.

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I gave Johnny Sorrow a hard time about the booking of the Rumble on the reaction show but if this was the Daniel Bryan show instead of the Roman Reigns coronation, every single piece of criticism we had would have made sense. I hate that Kane and Big Show were in until the end. However, if DB is the guy facing them down, the history could have carried the day. DB beat Big Show for his first world title run and was his "buddy" and Kane was his ex tag partner. If Rusev did the sneak attack thing, you have a perfect heel set up for Bryan post-Mania (with awesome matches to boot). If Rock comes out and endorses Daniel Bryan... they are still cheering in Philly.

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Seriously, fuck Big Show and Kane. I'm more angry about the fact that they took so much prominence in the Rumble than the result itself. Big Show hasn't been relevant or worthy of a main event position since 2011. Kane? Considerably earlier, his run in 2010 bombed, both are incredibly stale, haven't really evolved (Kane has had a great opportunity as "Corporate Kane", but he's still clinging onto his permanent gimmick as "the monster" which is harming any evolution) and have more meaningless turns between them than the entire WWE roster.

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