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I'm not really surprised Stephanie had to be cajoled into a diplomatic response. She's a great heel, but sometimes a genuine nasty streak comes out on TV. Her promos when Heyman first returned and that Dusty/HHH promo come to mind.



Heyman thing is obvious but I think she had residual anger against Dusty because apparently he was difficult to deal with during his brief run on the creative team. Dusty even mentioned this during his HOF speech

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Either she's drunk or not actually reading the tweets she's supposed to be answering and copy/pasted the wrong response.

I took that to mean that credits would take up screen time now dedicated to on-air content, i.e. "We give you more Superstars in action instead of names against a black background."


That doesn't imply I think it is a good answer. :-)

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The funny thing is if that is what she meant it would make her come off worse, as if the people making the show aren't worth sacrificing the .05 seconds it takes to tack credits on at the end (most shows either run them at an unreadable speed). Hell, USA does that double box thing on most shows where the end credits of the previous show and the title of the next one run side by side.

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It is a shame it fizzled out, especially since Rey is such a popular character and one of the only pure babyfaces they have left - imagine the rub if a heel retired him or forced him out of the company at Wrestlemania. Could have been a fantastic spot for Seth Rollins and they would have had a great match. Even a swansong against Daniel Bryan would have given them both something to do and guaranteed a show stealer.


Seth Rollins retiring Rey Mysterio and cashing in Money In The Bank in the same night would have made him a star.

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Real sports used to show credits on their telecasts but quit doing it years ago

WCW did too!



My first contact with names like Craig Leathers, and realising Eric Bischoff was more than a B Level announcer. Also the credits on Worldwide in 1993 confirmed David Crockett was still working for WCW.

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