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Summerslam 2014


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Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns
- This made Reigns looks so bad and I blame Orton. His slow headlock offense is not what the crowd wants to see. Plus, I don’t buy Orton as a main player anymore. I can accept Reigns the Superhero injured because Kane and Orton and Rollins all took him out. Looking like a pussy against Orton just hurts his mystique. Decent ending to a pretty good match but God Randy Orton needs to go away NOW!



I thought the ending (last 4 or 5 minutes) was laid out well in a way that benefited Reigns. Agreed that the beginning and body wasn't the sort of thing Reigns should be doing at this stage, but that was inevitable when they paired him with Orton.

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I don't see how it made Reigns look bad. He's a barely established singles wrestler who just beat one of the company's longest standing stars clean on a big stage. The end of the match was pretty good, actually, especially Orton's powerslam counter to the spear.


It makes him look bad because they are supposed to be building him up as the next Superman. He just got out wrestled early on. There was no natural dominance from Reigns early with a natural transition that lead to Orton taking over. He just took over and made me fall asleep.

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I've defended Orton before, but he sleepwalked through that match; headlocks and standing around galore. Couple of hot moments from killer counters from Orton (powerslam on the spear, jumping RKO), but this made both guys look bad.


EDIT: And while this was 75% on Orton, Reigns didn't exactly light up the arena either.

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are you kidding me will? Orton is the only reason that match got any heat at all.


The mathc had no heat early on because he killed the crowd with his lame offense. There was no shine!!! No reason for the crowd to care about Reigns early on. He looked like a bitch.



I thought they did the table spot way too late

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I don't see how it made Reigns look bad. He's a barely established singles wrestler who just beat one of the company's longest standing stars clean on a big stage. The end of the match was pretty good, actually, especially Orton's powerslam counter to the spear.


It makes him look bad because they are supposed to be building him up as the next Superman. He just got out wrestled early on. There was no natural dominance from Reigns early with a natural transition that lead to Orton taking over. He just took over and made me fall asleep.



I agree that the early part of the match was poorly laid out. I just feel like people are overreacting. This result shouldn't hurt Reigns. What might hurt him is an inability to work compelling 15-20-minute singles matches.

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