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Not gonna attempt to do a big list as I'm sure stomperspc is gonna deliver a good one. But if I could add a couple of suggestions that may not be the most heralded heralded matches but they are entertaining as hell.


Team Uppercut vs Masters of 1000 holds - King Of Trios 2009 (Chikara)

I recommended this one in the Johnny Saint thread as one of the matches worth checking out for Saint in his comeback stint from the past several years.

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96. Daniel Bryan © vs. The Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship (WWE Smackdown January 10, 2012)

On this note, I'd suggest watching all of Bryan's January matches as a series, as it's really a great unfolding story of him chickenshitting his way out of matches with the biggest giants in the land.


Bryan vs Big Show - Smackdown 3rd January

Bryan vs Big Show (No DQ) - Smackdown 10th January

Bryan vs Mark Henry (Lumberjack Match) - Smackdown 17th January

Bryan vs Show vs Henry (Cage Match) - Royal Rumble 2010

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Just want to echo the appreciation for stomper putting together such a comprehensive overview of Bryan's career. Between this, Loss's work for Flair and others on Billy Robinson, etc. we'll have tremendous references when looking to examine certain wrestlers and look back at with regret in a couple years when realizing just how much great stuff we didn't get to!

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Fantastic list. I would just add the Eddie Kingston match from Chikara in 2010, a 2011 Superstars match against Regal and the gauntlet against the Wyatts in 2013 that had a really great portion vs Harper.



That was a pretty damn good match it's from "We must eat Michigan's brain".


There's also a nice match against Regal when they were training in Memphis


And man, I can't stress enough the 16 Carat Gold stuff.

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I haven't seen enough of Bryan right before he joined WWE, but I wonder if he wasn't better in 2008 than he was in 2013-14. The reason I say that is not that he had more room to breathe or anything, but instead that he might have cut out an element of his selling when he started to move towards the top of the card in order to seem more credible as a main eventer. I do think there has been pretty big flaws in his selling over the last year, year and a half, and I don't think that showed up in his older work. Anyone with me on this?

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Yeah, I don't think that's crazy. His selling has been fine in his longer WWE singles matches. But he's built plenty of performances around crazy bursts of offense and little more.


He might have been better in '07 and '08, when he would actually build whole sections and themes of matches around selling.

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I haven't seen enough of Bryan right before he joined WWE, but I wonder if he wasn't better in 2008 than he was in 2013-14. The reason I say that is not that he had more room to breathe or anything, but instead that he might have cut out an element of his selling when he started to move towards the top of the card in order to seem more credible as a main eventer. I do think there has been pretty big flaws in his selling over the last year, year and a half, and I don't think that showed up in his older work. Anyone with me on this?

I'd love for you to go into some detail about this and provide examples, because I've never really agreed with this argument, or to be honest even seen it.


What are the "big flaws" in Bryan's selling? Do they go beyond the simple fact that he now makes big hot tags/babyface comebacks? Because I can't think of a single match in the last 18 months or whatever where I've thought "fuck Bryan just stopped selling" or "hmm Bryan just blew off that X work". Can't think of a single example of what is apparently a recurring problem. So I'm interested to hear what you're seeing exactly and where you're seeing it.

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I'm prioritizing Bryan's pre-wwe work right now but I'll double back and hit some of his WWE run in the next two years (it seems like so long ago that he wrestled). I could probably find my own complaints on the board if I search hard enough though.


EDIT: A quick search shows that I did note it during the EC this year.

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As someone who loves wrestling but hasn't watched nearly as much as most on this board that list is amazing. Even though I have seen a ton of Indy and WWE Daniel, there are some stuff there I haven't.


If those sorts of things keep popping up for other wresters (with links!!) this project will be a treasure trove of must see wrestling. Well done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh... so Bryan vs. Nigel from 2/08 came up under "recommended" on YouTube and I decided to watch it... I didn't think much of it as a match and Bryan's performance wasn't particularly good either. The lay-out was confusing as hell (token nothing matwork to start, a rapid escalation leading to Nigel walking out, a pretty terrible "fiery" minute of Bryan's offence on the re-start (read: a few chops) leading into Nigel controlling that was targeting the arm one minute, being a cunt the next, the taped-up leg of Bryan's came into it for one spot, his eye played up every so often but nothing other than Nigel as heel was consistent); Bryan's selling was terrible, going from a limp body letting Nigel do whatever do him during his control (not to mention many instances of noticeable calling and readying himself for spots), to a pretty poor job of being fired up and not selling much of anything (crowd dive as a hope spot!), and a sudden two-minutes near the end where his arm's suddenly limp after one submission with poor facials therein... and whilst the "noble Bryan won't attack the head but Nigel will exploit the eye" is fine with a lower guy (if very antiquated), it made supposed-top-face Bryan just look naïve as hell. I remember not being too high on their matches at the time (I thought the Liverpool match was the best), certainly relevant to most, but I never expected I'd be this down on it...

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I'm not sure I thought any of the Nigel vs Danielson ROH matches were even above average, nonetheless good. Fell into the trap of going 10-15 minutes too long each time (and 40 minutes too long in the case of the 60 minute draw). Not an impressive series for Danielson resume wise.

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I'm not sure I thought any of the Nigel vs Danielson ROH matches were even above average, nonetheless good. Fell into the trap of going 10-15 minutes too long each time (and 40 minutes too long in the case of the 60 minute draw). Not an impressive series for Danielson resume wise.


I really loved their June '07 one back in the day. I recall that being their tightest match, though I probably haven't watched it in 3-4 years.

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I thought their match from Philly/Driven was their best and a 2007 MOTYC. Totally different from the other ones and probably the best ROH 'epic' style match. That's when Bryan was incorporating more Jiu Jitsu/MMA offense so the mat sections in that match were something else. I thought they built to the finish very well. I'll rewatch it and give a more descript review but I could see that one being up most peoples' alley.

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