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Your Most Hated World Title Reign in History


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So, for this weeks podcast, we'll be discussing the Most Hated World Title Reigns in History, and want your input on what is your most despised run anybody had as a World Champion in any promotion, ever, and of course why?

A key point here is we are looking to discuss the title runs themselves, NOT simply a guy becoming champion who you don't feel was worthy (Vince McMahon for example).

As always we'll be reading the best contributions on the show and crediting you accordingly - so what is the World Title reign you personally hated more than any other, and what about it pissed you off so much?


EDIT - The show discussing your Most Hated World Title Reigns Ever is now online and available to listen to at the following link: http://squaredcirclegazette.podbean.com/mf/web/fumvra/SCGRadio58-TheMostHatedWorldTitleReignsEver.mp3

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I'm a bit hazy on the time period, but when Rey Mysterio Jr. won the title, only to then lost non-title matches to Mark Henry and some other people.


Now, I feel like Mysterio Jr. getting caught out by bigger men and getting beaten isn't a bad idea, as it feels legitimate in some ways. However, a bad time to run that type of storyline/presentation of a character when you've just given him the World Title.


Hate is probably a strong word, but it was definitely baffling.

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JBL's was pretty bad. The matches with Undertaker, Booker T, Kurt Angle & Big show in a triple threat, and then Big Show again just stunk. In fact he was the least talented wrestler in all his championship matches by a large margin. I can't believe it lasted so long, SmackDown was entertaining at the time; I enjoyed the rise of John Cena, Rey & Eddie, Angle was doing some good stuff but JBL just got more dull by the week and killed my interest dead. Really took a long time for the title to recover in image for me.

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yea the run of HHH followed by JBL was what turned off this attitude era fan and his brother


also going to get justin credible out of the way. there should be a thread for "jump the shark" moments for particular generations of fans, by promotion - he seems like the most obvious one for ECW.

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Diesel's run in 95 drove me to care about sports & movies cause I also hated Hogan's 95. I just felt like Diesel was being shoved down my throat & I didn't really feel him until he lost the title & did that really cool tweeter angle where it felt like the freshest thing in wrestling. Why couldn't that guy be the champ? However I guess not even prime Stone Cold would have been able to make me care for King Mabel & Sycho Sid as challengers.

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Hogan in 1999.

Which time? Because that shit happened TWICE in one year.


Goldberg's title reigns were all pretty poorly handled. The US title got vacated when he won the world belt (which was done with NO buildup). And once he was world champion, WCW had absolutely no idea what to do with him; he kept squashing guys, but now he was squashing them in title defenses. The likes of Scott Putski and Al Green can now accurately claim to have challenged for the world title on Nitro thanks to this bullshit.

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The first one from the infamous Fingerpoke. The company felt fresh with a babyface champion and Hogan's BS gone. Felt like such a huge step back going back to him with the same old crap. Honestly, I don't remember much from Hogan's second 1999 run. Was that during the return of the red and yellow?

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JBL's was pretty bad. The matches with Undertaker, Booker T, Kurt Angle & Big show in a triple threat, and then Big Show again just stunk. In fact he was the least talented wrestler in all his championship matches by a large margin. I can't believe it lasted so long, SmackDown was entertaining at the time; I enjoyed the rise of John Cena, Rey & Eddie, Angle was doing some good stuff but JBL just got more dull by the week and killed my interest dead. Really took a long time for the title to recover in image for me.

Completely disagree.


He was a great promo and had some really good matches, even outside the Eddie series. The Big Show matches were fun. We had a long Honky Tonk reign along with him continually cheat his way to keeping the title.


Also we fought a rubber godzilla in Tokyo.

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I think JBL's run is much more fun in hindsight (with our current appreciation for bumbling heels that stooge their asses off) than it was at the time. Back then, most of the IWC seemed to really despise that particular reign. Especially since it came out of more nowhere than any RKO; one month he's the same old Acolyte that we'd seen for the past five years, the next month he's suddenly doing a Rush-Limbaugh-meets-JR-Ewing gimmick. And then he's immediately handed a world title feud on a silver platter without having done practically anything to earn it or establish himself as being on that level. And then he beats Dream Workrate King #2 for the belt which all the fans had been so shocked and ecstatic to see get put on Eddy in the first place. And then he holds the belt for-fucking-ever (when we were already sick of long heel reigns, with Hunter's stupidly superdominant tenure as champion so fresh in our minds) and also mostly has a bunch of mediocre matches with the likes of Taker, Booker, Angle, and other guys whom he simply does not mesh with on a stylistic level.


Honestly, I don't remember much from Hogan's second 1999 run. Was that during the return of the red and yellow?

Eventually, but it started when he was still Hollywood. In a deja-vu-soaked rerun of what happened the previous year, Savage won the belt at a PPV and then Hogan promptly swooped in to beat Randy the very next day on Nitro. Then somehow he ended up in a feud with Sid and a freshly-turned-heel Nash, and that's when the red and yellow made its return.
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Yeah, and they also thought this was the Hogan that was cool and over enough to turn Sting heel, which leads to that hilarious moment at Fall Brawl when Sting killed Hogan with a baseball bat, and the commentators swore bloody murder about how he could do this to the great Hulk Hogan (who had terrorised the company for most of the last three years), while 95% of the crowd cheered vigorously and thought "should have done that two years ago Stinger".

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JBL's title win is quite possibly the most baffling thing I can ever remember watching as a youth. Was literally out of nowhere. I can't think of another instance like it in wrestling history. March he's a wily old vet hand, with less cred than an IDK Hardcore Holly (for similarly recent at the time old stalwart title challengers) and then April he's a completely new (in the ring, out of the ring he'd always kinda been JBL) character and World Champion. Was more confused than enraged, but by the time he dropped it to Cena I thought he earned it. It's no where near the "worst reign" in my head as JBL brought the wood every single time he was out there for those 10-11 months. Plus the Cena I quit match after that. But definitely could've been a contender given the auspicious beginning but through sheer attrition, doesn't qualify for me.

Only real answer here is HHH. Not even sure what the obvious answers outside of him are. Maybe Booker, maybe RVD but I don't think any of us are convinced. HHH beating Orton for the title felt finger poke of doom-ish (small scale) in a "oh this crap again." Liked it by the time Batista was whooping his ass every week but it certainly felt like forced medicine in the beginning.

Finger poke of Doom would count if I watched a second of WCW after that, but at 8 years old, I kind of saw the writing on the wall right then and there.

Won't cry any tears when Seth's is over, although it feels like a HHH 99 run, where this shaky reign will make it easier to buy him as a credible champ for the next go round. Nobody thought HHH looked out of place as champ in 2000

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I loved the JBL reign. Sure, I think everyone wanted a longer reign for Eddy, but it was what it was.


Surprised no one has mentioned David Arquette and Vince Russo in this thread? Too obvious? ;)


Great Khali?


Rob Van Dam certainly qualifies. Finally wins the big one, then gets busted for drugs (along with Sabu). Idiot! He pretty much pissed away his main event status for the rest of his career. Hard for me to have sympathy when someone is just that dumb. Am I being too judgmental? Maybe. But damn it was disappointing at the time.

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