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WWE TV, May 16th - May 22nd


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That Nattie/Charlotte stuff would have died a terrible death in any other city. Natalie was terrible (as usual) on the mic and I am not sure why she/WWE haven't realized that Nattie works better in soundbytes.


Glad to see The Clockwork Orange House of Fun match make it to WWE and with an added budget. Should be fun. I don't believe the rules were really explained, but I believe this is just going to be a weapons match inside the steel cage. No escape rules applied. Hopefully all goes well on Sunday and I will be able to go to bed on time. If these two shit the bed in this new gimmick, I might have to stay up and listen to PTBN reaction show.*


Shane/Stephanie being in the backdrop of almost everything is pretty annoying, but WWE is going to WWE. I really hope (as other have mentioned in the other thread) that this DOESN'T lead to any more Shane or Stephanie matches. If HHH really wants to work SummerSlam, he has Styles, Rollins, Wyatt, and tons of others to choose from before the conversation should even get to Shane. Stephanie running a proxy war angle with Charlotte will only turn Charlotte face and she is terrible as a face. There are certain people who should be a heel for life and thus far from what I have seen from Charlotte, she is one of those people.






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I for one look forward to HHH vs. Shane. Both of them are in the running for best ever parody of a wrestling match with HHH vs. Sting and Shane vs. Taker so put the two of them together and there will assuredly be magic.

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i want that primo/epico team to succeed but the current direction of their gimmick might not help.

I'm not really sure who they are going to feud with either. I don't think they immediately put them in with New Day, Enzo & Cass are busy with the Dudleys and the only other face team I can think off the top of my head is Truth/Goldust and they're just starting their feud with Breeze/Fandango.


I'd like to see them do well though because Primo is REALLY good, way better in the ring than the usual suspects people cry about not being used like Zach Ryder or the recently departed Sandow.

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The Primo/Epico Puerto Rico tourism gimmick is a real head-scratcher to be sure, but I liked what I saw of them in the ring against the two local jamokes. Naming their finisher "The Shining Star" is silly as hell though. It should have been called "Welcome to Paradise" or something like that if their gimmick is going to be that they consider the ring to be Puerto Rico too and their opponents are unwelcome invaders (WTF?).

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The Shining Star gimmick, to me, is just another prime exmaple of the milking of the xenophobic cow. They don't know what to do with them, just let them be proud of their country and, just because t's not America, people eventually will start to hate them.


I think they're doing a fine job of rebuilding Rusev into a monster again.


And lastly, I'm asking myself if there's something big planned for Raw 1200 next weekand they don#t want to overshadow Cena's return with it. I think it would have been the ideal return scenrio.

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I'm really liking the booking of the Reigns/Styles program. The umbrella story telling with bringing in the Usos and the Club has a real Crockett and Dusty feel to it. I even think the 6 mans can mean something on ppv. You can even work the Wyatt's into the feud. They've really booked something that has layers to it.

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The Shining Star gimmick, to me, is just another prime exmaple of the milking of the xenophobic cow. They don't know what to do with them, just let them be proud of their country and, just because t's not America, people eventually will start to hate them.

Puerto Rico isn't a foreign country.

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Jobbers are good. They should have them on every week.


How can anyone cheer for Natalya? Even by women of WWE standards she comes across as such an awful person. Annoying as hell. Wooden actress as well. Useless on the mic. Serviceable in the ring, but that sure isn't the reason she's hung around so long. I know they're holding off Charlotte vs Sasha until one of them gets injured but the division is heading south in the meantime.

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How can anyone cheer for Natalya? Even by women of WWE standards she comes across as such an awful person. Annoying as hell. Wooden actress as well. Useless on the mic. Serviceable in the ring, but that sure isn't the reason she's hung around so long. I know they're holding off Charlotte vs Sasha until one of them gets injured but the division is heading south in the meantime.


She's the funniest and most relatable woman on Total Divas.

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The Shining Star gimmick, to me, is just another prime exmaple of the milking of the xenophobic cow. They don't know what to do with them, just let them be proud of their country and, just because t's not America, people eventually will start to hate them.

Puerto Rico isn't a foreign country.


Sorry, my bad.

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The Shining Star gimmick, to me, is just another prime exmaple of the milking of the xenophobic cow. They don't know what to do with them, just let them be proud of their country and, just because t's not America, people eventually will start to hate them.


Puerto Rico isn't a foreign country.

Sorry, my bad.

Don't feel bad. A surprising number of Americans do not know that Puerto Rico is part of the US as well.

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Apparently Cody Rhodes is gone from WWE after asking for his release. I'm sure the lies of "he should have been a main eventer!" are already flooding twitter, Wreddit and all the other awful places of the internet.

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I would honestly be surprised if Goldust left because there's no reason for him to. I think it's more likely that Cody's wife (Eden) leaves with him.


I always respected his decision to remain Stardust after his Dad's death though. He didn't want to "take advantage" of getting some kind of rushed push just because Dusty had died.

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How can anyone cheer for Natalya? Even by women of WWE standards she comes across as such an awful person. Annoying as hell. Wooden actress as well. Useless on the mic. Serviceable in the ring, but that sure isn't the reason she's hung around so long. I know they're holding off Charlotte vs Sasha until one of them gets injured but the division is heading south in the meantime.


She's the funniest and most relatable woman on Total Divas.


really? shes one of the worst "characters" on the show

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I don't know about main eventing, but he showed a tremendous speaking ability when not having to deal with WWE writing and deserved a better fate than a gimmick combining the worst of his brother and Santino Marella.

Stardust was HIS idea. And he specifically wanted to stay in it after Dusty died and they approached him about becoming plain ol' Cody again.

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I actually enjoyed his Stardust gimmick. I thought it was a lot of fun, and never understood where all the clamour for a return to 'Cody Rhodes' was coming from.


I'll be sad to see him go, and I genuniely thought he was shaping up to be a lifer like Taker; what with his wife and his brother being employed there and NXT briefly becoming the Dusty Rhodes memorial show.


Edit: Also, who is David Amell? Wrestling journalists are some of the biggest hacks in the world, I tell you.

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