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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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I really wish they would put Fire Pro Wrestling World on sale on Steam. I don't want to pay $30 for that.


They significantly dropped the price right after they announced the first round of DLC and before it came out of "Early Access." Then once it became a "finished game" it went up too it's current and regular price. This was all before they announced the New Japan partnership.



Im having problems adding custom theme music and I followed the instructions.



So far as I can tell, all you have to do is drop an MP3 into the BGM folder under Steam/SteamApps/Common/FireProWrestlingWorld and it should be available for you to choose under the "Skill" category for whichever wrestler you are trying to assign it too.

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After watching all the NWA On Demand footage on Jose Lothario, I think he legit has the best worked punches I've ever seen anyone throw. Really beautiful varied punching offense.


I loved how he could control the space in the ring, especially in the later footage we had. He was sort of like a gravitational force that drew the heel towards him to pop the crowd with the punch.

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I dig Twitter and luckily I don't care/follow any of the wrestling Twitter drama and bs, so I have no idea who most of those associated with "Wrestling Twitter" are.


I saw some dude mentioned on reddit that body shamed Nia Jax and I had no idea who the dude was and then later found out it was a grown ass neckbeard who reviewed toys on YouTube and I was immediately remembered why I don't follow any of that "Wrestling Twitter."

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All right Lawler-Ellsworth was awesome. Now at 68 obviously this wasn't Cena-Styles in terms of moves. But this packed Maryland crowd loved Ellsworth, Lawler was 88 Sportatorium vs Kerry Von Erich form on the mic, and it's so much fun. Lawler at 68 making a run for my #2 GOAT behind Negro Casas.



Heel Lawler vs fans is always my favorite Lawler.



Now I want to see Lawler vs Negro.

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After viewing the TJ Marconi thing...wait, y'all know this is a work, right? When you have some schmuck yelling about "entertaining people" after a pseudo-Russo worked shoot that turns right back into a predictable work...


Wrestling Twitter needs to die. Marconi is a rare breed on the indies because he throws believable offense and knows you're going to get hurt sometimes.

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Any chance they could port Fire Pro World to Switch.



There weren't any plans other than Steam and the PS4 version that seems to have backing from New Japan, but the Steam version has been apparently well beyond their expectations so there's a greater than zero chance it could go to the Switch, Especially since indie games have found a real home there.

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For reference, same clip?



Moves on display: slap, spinebuster, slap, Dominator. The camera angle on the Dominator is tight, but the guy taking it does a full rotation and lands on his knees.


His head comes close to hitting the mat but doesn't, as the move is supposed to look. Almost like it's a WORK and Ethan Page is either angling for a match or is just lousy at his job.

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For reference, same clip?



Moves on display: slap, spinebuster, slap, Dominator. The camera angle on the Dominator is tight, but the guy taking it does a full rotation and lands on his knees.


His head comes close to hitting the mat but doesn't, as the move is supposed to look. Almost like it's a WORK and Ethan Page is either angling for a match or is just lousy at his job.

I don't really think anyone needs to point out this is a work. It's pretty obvious it is...

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Still astounded so many people thought the Asuka-Banks spot was a botch. Even mainstream websites reposted the video saying it was a botch, or asking what they were going for. It was so clear as day: Asuka simply countered Banks' tope with a kick.


Anyways, that was a great spot in a great match.

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Any chance they could port Fire Pro World to Switch.



There weren't any plans other than Steam and the PS4 version that seems to have backing from New Japan, but the Steam version has been apparently well beyond their expectations so there's a greater than zero chance it could go to the Switch, Especially since indie games have found a real home there.


That is what I am hoping for.

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