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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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2 hours ago, joeg said:

I think refunding tickets is holding yourself accountable, they could be taking a bath on that depending upon how many people request refunds. The show only drew 3,000. With the cost of the venue, international flights for talent from overseas, talent costs, etc. The show might be barely breaking even anyways but giving refunds could be a huge loss. 

And as for the two wrestlers in question, are they ever getting booked again after this sort of backlash? I would assume not. 

So there will be some sort of financial consequences but no boycotts, no main stream media coverage. 

Also I am now more confused. What is a cuck or a SJW? I thought i was pretty up to date with my insults and slurs. Obviously not.

I guarantee he will get booked again. All of those indies using his ring will continue to use him and no one will say a thing. Why? Because he's not big enough or important enough to fuel the outrage machine that is social media. Ultimately most of the people complaining don't care. It's just a chance to dogpile on someone popular or it's a chance to ax grind with Omega.

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24 minutes ago, 9 Corpses Hang in the Mist said:

What do you have against men having the strongest boners possible?

I think people using a soy-based viagra just to get it hard while saying soy eaters are getting feminized is ridiculously ironic.


Now that I think about it, if Titus had the proper mic skills, Titus Worldwide would be a perfect WWE version of InfoWars. Noam Dar would be the perfect PJW. Who knew that wrestling would provide us such an interesting insight into the mind of grifters who abuse of their impressionable fanbase who don't know any better serious jornalists who aren't afraid to tell the truth.

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2 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

I think people using a soy-based viagra just to get it hard while saying soy eaters are getting feminized is ridiculously ironic.

Sure, but the soy viagra is all about making your junk MORE powerful.  Whereas your average soy boy would probably call that rape culture.


2 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

 grifters who abuse of their impressionable fanbase who don't know any better

*cough* Bernie Sanders *cough*

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2 minutes ago, KawadaSmile said:

Much like the Old Day segment or the nWo by 1999, this has jumped the shark

Absolutely. Part of me thinks 9 Corpses is Shodate or Stro returned with a new gimmick. And fucking with those trolls got old pretty quickly too. 

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2 hours ago, joeg said:

Absolutely. Part of me thinks 9 Corpses is Shodate or Stro returned with a new gimmick. And fucking with those trolls got old pretty quickly too. 

I simply referred to the fans who get upset or offended at shit like Kenny's current situation or what happened to Elgin as 'soys' and it was the rest of you who lost your minds over it.  I simply went along with the ride.  Not my fault so many of you are this thin-skinned. :D

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I responded to insults to me.  Take yourself for example: I never called you any names or insulted you in anyway, but you decided to unleash a hell storm of projection on me about cuck porn and hating women.  I will admit I inadvertently derailed this thread (which I apologize) with my 'soy' comments which weren't directed at anyone here until they started directing insults towards me.

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Between the time I checked the board in the morning and when I checked it this evening you had insulted multiple people's political beliefs and questioned their sexuality. So either you were trolling for attention or you are a total asshole. 

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2 hours ago, Herodes said:

We somehow went from defending 7 Star CrossFit Kenny employing pedos (and a bizzare conflation with Jerry Lawler because someone resents Memphis wrestling) to a wannabe academic agent using Infowars insults.

See?  More saltiness. lol


2 hours ago, joeg said:

Between the time I checked the board in the morning and when I checked it this evening you had insulted multiple people's political beliefs and questioned their sexuality. So either you were trolling for attention or you are a total asshole. 

I suggest you work on your reading comprehension then because I never said anything about anyone's sexuality.  Jesus Christ, if you're gonna keep whining about me at least be honest.

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4 hours ago, Herodes said:

We somehow went from defending 7 Star CrossFit Kenny employing pedos (and a bizzare conflation with Jerry Lawler because someone resents Memphis wrestling) to a wannabe academic agent using Infowars insults.

How is the Lawler comparison bizarre? The only difference that's been brought up is that Rance got convicted and paid his debt to society while Lawler somehow got away with it despite even his biggest fans agreeing that he did it. 

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6 hours ago, Herodes said:

We somehow went from defending 7 Star CrossFit Kenny employing pedos (and a bizzare conflation with Jerry Lawler because someone resents Memphis wrestling)

1 - I did not defend Kenny Omega for "employing pedos" (which is a really stupid thing to say; I already made the point about difference between pedophilia and sex with underage under constraint, but actual meaning of words aren't important when you just want to make an impression). I said it was a mistake and that he acted on it with several apologies and refund offers. Those are the facts. Which are not a big story compared to, for instance :

2 - Jerry Lawler, who is a very creepy guy whose chances of not having had sexual relationships with underage is pretty slim. He most probably got away with rape accusations because of who he was in Memphis. To me it is an interesting comparison in term of how he is viewed by the moral outrage crowd of pro-wrestling.

3 - Back when I was going through territories footage years ago, I mentioned time and time again that Memphis was the most fun to me (more than Mid South, more than AWA, more than Crockett). More because of Lance than Lawler, but whatever. This is neither here nor there though (and the fact one would think I'm mentioning Lawler in this case because I "resent Memphis wrestling" really should get the fuck out of the bubble and think twice before writing stupid stuff, honestly.). Lawler is a case of a guy who's infamous for liking young girls, and there's at least one occurence of him being accused of rape, with charged dropped in the most convenient way imaginable (the excellent work Bix did on this a few weeks ago only exposed more shady stuff about his story). I was making a broader comment about the whole thing. 

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Sammath is fucking awesome. Also, Alex Jones knows how to cut a promo, PJW to a lesser extent. If I were in charge of a wrestling school I would tell students to study their material.

Shitting on Kenny Omega for booking criminals is lame. Talk about him being a lousy booker. If he had booked Dan Maff vs. Trauma II, now that's a woman beater vs. statutory rapist matchup I'd have actually liked to see. EDIT: Also who on earth would object to someone booking Jerry Lawler vs. Steve Austin?

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14 hours ago, joeg said:

No, 18 of your first 22 posts included insults towards people who have been here for years.  That's what trolls do.  Either you are trolling or you are just an enormous asshole. 

He listens to shitty black metal. Both are true (sorry, "TRVE"). 

ANYWAYYYYYYYYY...am I alone in thinking that the popular arm wrench out of a collar and elbow was called the "full-arm dragon twist" instead of "full-arm drag and twist"? Is it actually a "drag and screw" leg whip and we've all been writing it wrong for years?

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