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Paige and all that

Ricky Jackson

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  On 3/20/2017 at 1:44 PM, stro said:

Two reasons it didn't work.


1. He was garbage and should never have been hired in the first place


2. The whole Takeover show was tailor made for his gimmick to debut, and instead they held off, removed his match from the next set of tapings, then he got hurt, then ended up debuting a full year+ after he started the gimmick on house shows and got that "he's being misused" stimulus plan online, only to debut and be completely unimpressive in every way with some of the worst gear this side of Doc Gallows.

Callahan/Crowe is absolute garbage, and it's refreshing to see that viewpoint expressed by someone else too. Most of the internet treats him like this amazing talent. I sure as hell didn't see any evidence of that in NXT. He reminded me of Jericho taking the worst excesses of his early heel midcard character and ramping it up x100 with horrible mugging, bad facials, etc. (and I liked and still like Jericho, but nothing about his character was subtle back then).


The real reason Paige isn't getting fired is because she's currently out with an injured neck. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. If she gets her shit together instead of constantly self-sabotaging her plum WWE dream job and overall career (and I don't mean the sex tape), all of this - including the tape - will be long forgotten by the time she's healthy and ready to come back.

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  On 3/20/2017 at 4:00 PM, C.S. said:


  On 3/20/2017 at 1:44 PM, stro said:

Two reasons it didn't work.


1. He was garbage and should never have been hired in the first place


2. The whole Takeover show was tailor made for his gimmick to debut, and instead they held off, removed his match from the next set of tapings, then he got hurt, then ended up debuting a full year+ after he started the gimmick on house shows and got that "he's being misused" stimulus plan online, only to debut and be completely unimpressive in every way with some of the worst gear this side of Doc Gallows.

Callahan/Crowe is absolute garbage, and it's refreshing to see that viewpoint expressed by someone else too. Most of the internet treats him like this amazing talent. I sure as hell didn't see any evidence of that in NXT. He reminded me of Jericho taking the worst excesses of his early heel midcard character and ramping it up x100 with horrible mugging, bad facials, etc. (and I liked and still like Jericho, but nothing about his character was subtle back then).


The real reason Paige isn't getting fired is because she's currently out with an injured neck. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. If she gets her shit together instead of constantly self-sabotaging her plum WWE dream job and overall career (and I don't mean the sex tape), all of this - including the tape - will be long forgotten by the time she's healthy and ready to come back.


He was garbage on the indies, too. How about we keep CZW guys out of WWE.

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  On 3/20/2017 at 4:00 PM, C.S. said:

Callahan/Crowe is absolute garbage, and it's refreshing to see that viewpoint expressed by someone else too.


I dunno about absolute garbage, but he sure didn't impress me in Lucha Underground and having him being paired with both Ivelisse and Catrina, the two best women character on the show, didn't sit well with me. Jury's still out, but I was not very interested in what I saw thus far.

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  On 3/20/2017 at 2:10 PM, gingears said:


  On 3/20/2017 at 1:29 PM, El-P said:

Interesting that Meltz is going about how WWE can't really bring back Hogan now because of this.


I guess in his mind : Paige > sextape > Hogan > "niggas ain't shit"


If you add the idea of the New Day working a segment with Hogan at Mania. Awkward stuff incoming. Well, if this keeps this shit from happening (Hogan + New Day at Mania), that's the one good thing coming out of this fiasco.

That's not really what he said. What he said was WWE can't fire Paige for performing in a sex tape and then bring back Hulk Hogan who also performed in a sex tape.
Unless you're doing the conspiracy thing, Hogan didn't perform in a sex tape. He was secretly recorded having sex.
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  On 3/20/2017 at 4:00 PM, C.S. said:

The real reason Paige isn't getting fired is because she's currently out with an injured neck. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. If she gets her shit together instead of constantly self-sabotaging her plum WWE dream job and overall career (and I don't mean the sex tape), all of this - including the tape - will be long forgotten by the time she's healthy and ready to come back.

Which reminds me: It never came out why they fired Andrew Martin when he was recovering from neck surgery, did it?

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If they can suspend guys for wellness violations while they are about to put the title on their highest paid guy who works the least dates, and is exempt from drug tests even though he has failed them in real sports, they can justify any double standard they want. Especially for someone of Hogan's stature.

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  On 3/20/2017 at 1:48 AM, Loss said:


  On 3/19/2017 at 8:20 PM, Zoo Enthusiast said:


  On 3/19/2017 at 7:10 PM, hammerva said:

The worse part of this lately is the whole belt thing. Some of the stuff is kind of funny but seriously do we think that Paige is such a sleazy depraved person that


A. She would allow Maddox to that to the real title

B. She would allow that to actually happen and then not do any cleaning to the title when she poses with kids


And if you think that she is, how about putting that black light on that bed you let you kids sleep in once in a while.


The great thing would be if they went through the trouble of buying a replica belt strictly for the purpose of blowing loads on it.

This actually got a real out loud laugh from me. So LOL, but for real. I keep going back to it and laughing. Well done.

Thank you, brother.
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  On 3/20/2017 at 12:49 PM, stro said:


  On 3/20/2017 at 12:44 AM, Jamal7306 said:


  On 3/19/2017 at 6:50 PM, stro said:

Lol, okay you keep doing you, breh. Maybe think your analogies through a bit more once in a while. I don't know why you can never give a straight answer to questions, but can we get back to laughing about Brad Maddox sitting there like Arnold in T1 pulling back then realizing how crucial the close up of Xavier's balls were to the piece? His dedication to a quality production should be commended.

You from thecoli man?





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  On 3/19/2017 at 3:35 PM, Grimmas said:

I really dislike this, you are a celebrity and your private stuff was stolen and now it's public, and it's your fault.

It sounds a lot like blaming a rape victim for wearing a skirt.


People are allowed to make sex tapes without them being stolen. There is no justification for stealing someone's private stuff and making it public. (Unless we are talking about something like a politician doing private things that hurt the people who elect him or other unique situations of course).


This is more like leaving a $100 sitting on your car seat and leaving the door unlocked.

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Booker T Has chimed in




My thing is this; it’s not about the content that was on the phone that got hacked and posted—then again it is because we have to talk about it from both perspectives. I have to tell you, I got hacked a few years back and they got to my Twitter, they got to my YouTube account, to my Square account, and actually tried to get into my bank account with my email. They hijacked my AOL account so if I didn’t have my original paperwork from 100 years ago, I wouldn’t have gotten it back. I’m lucky my wife keeps all that information. Lucky I didn’t have some compromising photos on my computer or something, they otherwise would have been out there. This turned my life upside down for about 9-10 days where everything was frozen. I had money from my Square account for about 6 months so I couldn’t get it. It totally just ripped my life apart. They put my home address, phone number, social security number all online, as well as a lot of racist comments. It was just totally out there, so stuff like this can happen in this day and age. We think that our privacy is protected, but these days it is a little bit different. Back in the day, they went into your mailbox and stole your mail, that is a federal crime. You can go to prison for that for many years. How can you track someone stealing your emails if you don’t know who they are? They can change like a chameleon; how can you actually fix that not happening to you again? It’s strange.

What’s even more strange to me is the thought of young people nowadays. To put themselves out there like that and something like this happening, it can totally change the landscape of one’s life. Just think about wanting a job as a teacher now, or something like that and work with kids, and the first things when you are looking for employment these days is to go on your social media, go online and check your profile and see exactly what you have done in the past. For me, everyone knows I have a record, which has follows me until the end of time. Something like this is going to follow Paige for the end of time. Right now, I don’t know if the photos have been authenticated or not, but I know she put a post on it on Twitter and apologized for it and what not, but the thing is, these young people have to think about what they do before they actually do it, because like I said, this is going to follow—not just follow her, but affect her right now with what she is doing.

One of the biggest compliments one of my friend’s, Scott Armstrong, told me, ‘Book, one thing about you over these years in this business, one thing about you is that you never have lost focus. You always stayed focus to what the task at hand is. You always focused on business and did your job.’ Somebody like Scott Armstrong telling me that is huge because he’s a guy who has made mistakes and lost focus, so for him to get back on track and stay focused and realize that I did something right, and these young people need to know that these days there are cameras everywhere. Everybody is looking to create a story, everybody is looking for a comeup on your downfall. Neither one of them had any dealings with putting that video out I’m sure, but everybody that was in that video is going to affect each one of those people for the rest of their life. One thing you have to understand as a celebrity is that when you put yourself out there, you are going to be scrutinized when you are going out there and making a lot of money, when you are a so-called Superstar, so called Famous. Wen you are famous where people go out there and see your movie, buying action figures, they are the ones that are paying the checks, they are the ones who deserve to be scrutinized and asked the question why. Why is my young one having to see this? That is your private life and I respect your private life, but don’t make me be part of your private life. That is when it becomes a discrepancy, that is when it becomes a problem. When you put yourself in a position where something can happen, trust me, 9 times out of 10 something will happen. I go back to Mike Tyson to what, 1995 to that beauty queen. Did Mike Tyson do something wrong? I don’t know, but if you are in a hotel room at 2am something can go wrong, and if something goes wrong, you have to know that you put yourself in that position for something to happen. That’s the thing; don’t put yourself in a position for something like this to happen to you because it can be the downfall and the detriment to your life
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Booker T doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that should ever "chime in" on anything, really.


Reminds me of the Dave Chappelle comedy segment where he was talking about how TRL on MTV after 9-11 was asking Ja Rule about his opinion. Like, who the fuck cares what Ja Rule has to say? :D

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Booker was clumsy in making his point but I understood it to mean that regardless of what happened in that hotel room, Tyson brought the trouble onto himself by not protecting himself. The analogy was bad but his point remains generally correct. Celebrities cannot conduct themselves with the assumption of the same anonymity that we all enjoy in our lives as nonfamous people.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 11:50 PM, Slasher said:

Booker was clumsy in making his point but I understood it to mean that regardless of what happened in that hotel room, Tyson brought the trouble onto himself by not protecting himself. The analogy was bad but his point remains generally correct. Celebrities cannot conduct themselves with the assumption of the same anonymity that we all enjoy in our lives as nonfamous people.

A lot of athletes have always given Tyson the benefit of the doubt on that incident, I have to assume because being in a situation like that where they'd get accused of something is probably a fear a lot of them have or have experienced. One one hand, being from Indiana I know Greg Garrison (lead prosecutor) on the case and he's a huge piece of shit that definitely doesn't seem above getting an innocent man of color convicted. On the other hand, the evidence sure doesn't seem like Tyson was an innocent man. I guess it's similar to the other side where people are still convinced OJ did it despite not being convinced.

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Bump time:


By Mike Johnson on 2017-07-10 12:46:00
A reader who was traveling into Orlando yesterday afternoon emailed PWInsider to inform us that he had seen Global Force Champion Alberto El Patron being detained by police in the airport.
In seeking to confirm whether that story was correct, PWInsider.com reached out to the Orlando Police Department and was given the following statement:
"There was an incident at Orlando International Airport at about 3 p.m. Sunday involving Jose Rodriguez (DOB 5/25/1977) The reported incident was a domestic violence battery, and it is still under investigation. No arrests have been made as of this time, but the case remains open. That is all the information we have for release at this time."
On social media the day before, Patron's fiancee, WWE star Paige posted a photo of herself with members of Patron's family on social media at Universal Studios in Orlando.
Patron missed an advertised independent booking yesterday in Texas.
Paige tweeted in response:

"WE got the cops involved. I'm crying cuz I found out bad fam news & a lady tries take a pic. She gets angry throws a drink on @PrideOfMexico"
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Paige went on Twitter and basically told people to leave her alone. While she is mostly talking about social media people, seems like she is saying that to her family and friends as well. Not like we are the only ones telling her he is a pyscho.


Oh well if she wants it that way. Let's just hope that Paige's family does to Del Rio before Alberto goes crazy for the last time

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