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Matches that happened too early or too late

Mr. Lacelle

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I was watching some Mid South tv on the network & a match popped up between a young Buddy Landell & Ted Dibiase & I thought how awesome that match would have been in 86 as opposed to 82. Which in turn made me think of some other matches that just happened at the wrong time in each other's career. Savage vs Austin happening in 95 when Austin was an afterthought & Savage was on auto pilot kinda stinks. Bret vs Misawa happening four years later would have been grand.

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Misawa vs Bret is an interesting one. I'm not even sure how a match between both of them would've worked at their peaks but it would've been very interesting to see.


Bryan Danielson vs Hiroshi Tanahashi (too early)

Bryan Danielson vs Jerry Lawler (too late)

Eddie Guerrero vs Terry Funk (too early, though it was still pretty damn good)

Vader vs Hashimoto (see above)

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You could add Bret vs anyone in WCW as too late, really. Sadly, the problem in the Sting/Bret matches wasn't even Bret. Sting had been around Nash too long, was....cloudy....in the head, lazy as fuck for basically all of 1998 outside of one or two matches.

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I'm surprised no one mentioned Hogan vs. Flair. I thought that would be in the first post. Even in the WWF in '91-'92, it felt a few years too late - never mind WCW in '94, where the bloom was really off the rose.

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Flair-Michaels in 1991 was likely too early for Michaels, while Flair-Michaels in 2008 was clearly too late for Flair. In theory there might have been a sweet spot between, but the matches they had in 2003 were disappointing, so it may just be they didn't click or contrast right.

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Flair-Michaels in 1991 was likely too early for Michaels, while Flair-Michaels in 2008 was clearly too late for Flair. In theory there might have been a sweet spot between, but the matches they had in 2003 were disappointing, so it may just be they didn't click or contrast right.


Flair sucked by 2003 and Michaels, well, the less said about his vaunted "great" comeback the better, so it's still a matter of too late to me. In 1995 I guess it would have been the best time considering their career, although I doubt it would have got as great as the Jarrett match.

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AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio.


This happened for the odd 5* promotion in the UK at the beginning of 2016, just before AJ came to the WWE. While I still love Rey, and have quite enjoyed some of his Lucha Underground matches (where I guess there's probably some heavy editing work going on) I think we can agree that a few years earlier this match would've been tremendous.

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