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  On 5/15/2018 at 7:46 PM, Alucard said:

There's still plenty of ways they could go about it, could see a double DQ/no contest type deal... just don't figure Nia's big WM moment will lead to just Ronda running her over two months into her reign. Maybe Alexa wins MITB and cashes in Rollins style?

Yes! Loved that and Alexa as champ again. Ronda beating Alexa for the title will be more epic anyways. On the other hand, Braun winning was so boring and not needed. Could've been a real boost for anyone else in the match, a shame.

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Circled back to watch AJ-Nak and what a weird night for people to bag on Shinsuke. That was an excellent match with an excellent performance by him. I agree his overall WWE run has been disappointing, but he was on his game here, from the strikes to the selling to the character.

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So they had a raw guy win the mitb, this to me means one of a few probable options:


1. Braun cashes in on Brock and wins which seems a bit dumb as to end what will likely be a 500+ day run via screwyness.


2. Braun cashes in on Roman after he beats Brock like they did with Bryan 5 or so years ago. But Roman is not over like Bryan and the people will likely cheer the hell out of it.


3. They do a repeat of wm 31 and Braun cashes in mid match but this time Roman fights the intruder off and wins. But did they just do that on this show with Alexa cashing in mid match?

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  On 6/18/2018 at 8:17 AM, Richeyedwards said:

So they had a raw guy win the mitb, this to me means one of a few probable options:

1. Braun cashes in on Brock and wins which seems a bit dumb as to end what will likely be a 500+ day run via screwyness.

2. Braun cashes in on Roman after he beats Brock like they did with Bryan 5 or so years ago. But Roman is not over like Bryan and the people will likely cheer the hell out of it.

3. They do a repeat of wm 31 and Braun cashes in mid match but this time Roman fights the intruder off and wins. But did they just do that on this show with Alexa cashing in mid match?

Nah, hes just going to use it to challenge Brock to a match. Doesnt need to be as complicated as those options.
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  On 6/18/2018 at 1:30 AM, Mad Dog said:

I fucking hate this company.

Move along then.


Strange to see the backlash on Alexa. She was always the golden girl, that's been obvious since she showed up in NXT. She's a stronger character than any of the other Raw women, a feud with Rousey should be fun (if its competently booked.) and have a clear heel/face dynamic. She's perfectly good in the ring, puts things together better than Bayley for example. Moon and Riot have been on the roster all of ten minutes and will get their moments.


And Rousey . . Wow. How long has she been in training for, a year maybe? She's already the best worker on the women's roster by a fair distance. It's crazy. Jaxx also put in a good performance, hope she continues to build on her heel work.


I skipped AJ/Nak but the rest of the PPV was tremendous.

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The issue with Alexa is that she's been involved in the women's title scene for two straight fucking years, being in PPV matches for her respective brand title since December of 2016. 16 straight title matches, and in the first one where she wasn't directly involved, she wins it anyway.

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I've said it some time ago. Braun should come out on Raw and demand Brock right then and there. Obviously that's not possible, so he should just go mental all the time until Brock decides to move his ass to a show. Fits Braun perfectly, makes Brock look even worse and uses MITB not in a screwy way, but rather as a means to get a chance.

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  On 6/18/2018 at 3:49 PM, Mad Dog said:

Alexa is worse than Roman honestly. For all of my issues with Roman, he at least loses matches and doesn't just ruin people like Alexa does.


But if you're actually trying to push someone, this is how you do it. They go out and win. That's why Alexa's more over than Roman.

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The issue with Alexa is she's pushed relentlessly yet is one of the worst wrestlers in the division who kills every babyface she feuds with by not taking any of their offense. She won't even take a big boot without there being a foot of space between her and her opponent, it looks awful. She wrestles like Bruiser Brody yet is 5ft 0.


I don't know what match people were watching if you thought she was any good last night. She didn't take a single bump, even Lana did more in that match. Her one job was to be on cue for a very simple and spot for the finish yet she still inexplicably screwed that up and made Becky look terrible standing with the briefcase in her hand for several seconds waiting for Alexa to stop her.

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My problem with Alexa is that she isnt good enough to carry a good singles match with anyone. And thats a big problem when the only womens singles matches that get time to be memorable are the matches involving the champ. Plus Ronda selling for Alexas offence is going to be a riot. She genuinely looked like she was struggling to life the briefcase to swing at Nia with any force last night.


Same problem on SD with Carmella. Good character again but the matches suck and it means the quality of womens matches are held hostage by the two of them because the likes of Sasha and Becky and Ember and so on arent given the platform to provide the in ring quality.

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I'd argue that Carmella is better off as champ for the moment because she goes full hog with the heel character and can actually bump.


Her match against Charlotte, for instance, wasn't dragged down because of her - she was 100% committed to her role and was the saving grace, but Flair just can't be a good face, and when she's losing she doesn't give a fuck, it seems.


Alexa has had good matches, but when you don't have any alternatives to her, it kind of becomes stale, no matter how good of a character she is - although sometimes, maybe because some fans find her attractive or because she is indeed a good actress, she gets the sympathy of the crowd and it kinda hurts things.

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  On 6/18/2018 at 1:54 PM, KawadaSmile said:

The issue with Alexa is that she's been involved in the women's title scene for two straight fucking years, being in PPV matches for her respective brand title since December of 2016. 16 straight title matches, and in the first one where she wasn't directly involved, she wins it anyway.


And she's also simply not a very good wrestler.

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From Charles Robinson on Twitter:


For as great a town that Chicago is for wrestling (one of the best ever), it is really disappointing that they can be so disrespectful when guys like @JinderMahal and @WWERomanReigns are busting there butts and giving us a great match.
8:34 PM - 17 Jun 2018 from Rosemont, IL




Two thoughts:


1. While I partly agree with him, because Roman and Jinder did bust their asses and exceed expectations, this was a match no one asked for or wanted to see. What did WWE expect in Chicago of all places?


2. Their, not there.

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I love the fact guys "in da business" are actually acting like marks and think they are in some sort of legit stuff. Newsflash : pro-wrestling was, is, and will always be about presenting a product that people want to see. No one wants to see Roman Reigns vs Jinder Mahal. Therefore, their time in the ring is useless. It doesn't matter one bit if they "bust their ass". No one wants to see it. Why should the audience respect a performance they have made clear they don't want to see at all ? But we've reached the point where people "in da biz" are getting confused and themselves talk about "great matches" as a point to justify the fact the audience should care. Wait, did I miss something ? Are they also snowflakes throwers now ?


Respect has jackshit to do with an audience enjoying a pro-wrestling show. It has everything to do with "Who is over ? What does the people pay for ?". No one paid for this. They have all the right in the world to shit on something they don't want. It was always the same. The only difference is that in the past, when something wasn't getting over, the promotion would register and drop it and look for what was getting over. Now they have become so full of themselves, of their own delusion of grandeur that they believe the audience is there to chant "This is awesome" at their ass whatever they present. They can cherish their sweet monopoly and overblown TV deal, really...


Roman Reigns will go down has the greatest beach ball drawing card ever though. That's something.

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I grew up as a fan loving ECW and I remember Paul Heyman always saying that all he could ask for from an audience was passion. If a crowd loves something, passionately display that love. And if an audience hates something, passionately display that hate. Just show that you care. That to me is Chicago last night. And come on, it was a 4.5 hour show and they were perfectly respectful and pretty damn hot for 4.25 hours, they just had one match where they wanted to send some feedback to the office about what they want out of the product.

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Plus, don't ask for respect when you don't respect your audience to begin with. WWE has showcased time and time again that they don't give a fuck about their audience. But they've reached that point where they don't have to because their audience doesn't really matter anymore, they are a global corporation that is flooding with money thanks to the capitalistic insanity that is going on.

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  On 6/18/2018 at 6:02 PM, Sean Liska said:

And come on, it was a 4.5 hour show and they were perfectly respectful and pretty damn hot for 4.25 hours, they just had one match where they wanted to send some feedback to the office about what they want out of the product.

Yeah, I guess they weren't pleased with Lashley/Zayn.

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