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Ridiculous quotes from WO.com columnists


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Bryan going off on a big rant about how certain Spanish channels & other stations aren't part of basic cable only for Meltzer to point out in every case that they were and then Bryan continuing to argue about it until he looked it up and found out he was wrong was quite the moment on the recent radio show.


As was Meltzer insisting anyone who buys the Cena Sucks shirt from WWE is a giant geek who has no clue what he's talking about.


"If you can't realize you are full of shit, Bryan, I really don't know what else to say."

Who/whear's that quote from?

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"If you can't realize you are full of shit, Bryan, I really don't know what else to say."

Who/whear's that quote from?


It's paraphrasing Bryan in a lot of his arguments: "If you can't realize [insert stupid unsupportable point here], I really don't know what else to say."

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I don't know if anyone else has heard about it/mentioned it elsewhere, but the annual Bryan and Vinnie Christmas show was quite a thing. Nearly two hours in, both are hammered (considering Bryan's size it probably only took 2 beers) and he says to Vinnie "ask me anything you want, and I'll answer truthfully". Vinnie blurts out "Is she shaved?" referring to Bryan's wife, and Bryan seemed to pause for a moment before mentioning he spends a lot on laser treatments.


There seems to be some debate on how intoxicated they really were; and clearly Bryan didn't edit anything out when it was uploaded, so there may be some working going on. Still, Mrs. Bryan's vag was not something I was expecting to be a topic of discussion. If it wasn't "part of the show" I have a feeling the jiu-jitsu classes they teach may have been pretty awkward.

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Nobody could have predicted that the fans wouldn't immediately take to a guy who has been booked like a chump for the past year, is constantly buried by the lead announcer, and who fluked his way to the world title. And the national championship game isn't much of an excuse. The game was a snoozefest whose ratings were down like 15% from the previous year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From Todd's RAW report for this week:


Punk vs. Ziggler has had an actual prolonged build. Granted, that build had little to do with Punk and Ziggler. Ziggler has won by nothing but fluke and they’ve done nothing to make anyone think Ziggler is a real threat to Punk or the title. The whole build was for Laurinaitis screwing Punk and Punk finally beating up Laurinaitis. Then, in the final segment of the go home show for the Rumble, Punk does just that and gives Laurinaitis the GTS. They literally gave away the biggest hook for the PPV in the final segment building the show.


Usually, when I’m critiquing booking this dumb, I’m kind of annoyed. This time, I’m just amused. That’s so stupid it’s hilarious. It’s like the show isn’t even being booked to sell PPVs but rather is some sort of meta parody of incompetent booking. So Bravo, WWE. In an era where your storytelling is so atrocious that we’ve all come to expect the worst, you managed to genuinely surprise. Lay out the heel fans have been waiting six months to get his as the last thing you do before the show fans are supposed to pay to see him laid out? Sure! Why not?


Yeah, because when Vince finally ate a Stunner they totally waited for a PPV to do it.



Oh, wait....

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Yeah, it's not a big deal. The intrigue is whether Lauranitis is going to be pissed enough to screw over Punk despite the job review hanging over his head for the next day. They tried to end the go-home show with a big segment to give them momentum. Maybe they could have approached it differently, but seriously, settle down. It reminds me of everyone going nuts because Cena and Rock touched before Mania, and they did OK.

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I have a problem with the style of show recapping we see from the likes of Todd Martin and Bryan Alvarez. They always seem like they're in a rush to point out everything they see that's wrong and how they would have done it differently, basically trying to point out how much smarter they are than WWE creative, that they never take the time to try to explain why WWE chose to do it differently than one might have expected. Granted, some weeks it's probably for no better reason than, "We wanted to end the show with a pop and didn't know how to do it any better," but still, there is no real analysis in their writing, just "WWE IS SO STUPID!"

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They shifted the heat from "he's obviously going to screw Punk, how can Punk survive with his title" to "will he or won't he screw Punk, because he might be sacrificing his job"


I thought the match/angle came out of the night with more juice than it had going in, and get real, nobody was buying the ROYAL RUMBLE to see John Lauranitus get his comeuppance

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Holy shit @ that Lance book title. I would almost be willing to believe a Canadian (and especially Lance) wouldn't know the significance of that, but NO ONE involved with publishing noticed?

Enlighten me please. I have no idea what Storm Front means, although with the reactions above I'm kinda guessing.


(btw, Todd Martin is the one who did the proofreading, so blame him I guess).

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